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Muriel Kai

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About this mod

One set of combat armor and matching jetpack that comes with many options. Choose between 12+ colors of paint, 2 types of leather trim, 12+ different decals, light/medium/heavy/concealed appearance, and many other upgrades and options, all integrated into the crafting/perk system. Get ready to level your armor smithing and science!

Permissions and credits

I found that lots of people have put out sets of combat armor, even versions with jetpacks and wanted to try my hand at it while sharpening my relatively mediocre modding skills. So here it is, one set of combat armor and matching jetpack that comes with many options. Choose between 12+ colors of paint, 2 types of leather trim, 12+ different decals, light/medium/heavy/concealed appearance, and many other upgrades and options, all integrated into the crafting/perk system. Get ready to level your armor smith and science!

If you like this mod then ENDORSE it!

Note: The Armorsmith Extended version is recommended because I added the stealth option to the bodysuit as seen in the image below.
Also, the armor and jetpack use separate esp's and are completely independent of one another so feel free to just disable the plugin you don't want.

This is a sister mod to Jetpacks FAO but a lot more effort went into making this mod, you will understand when you see all the upgrade and customization options in game. So much more work went into this that I plan on going back and doing another update to JFAO. Almost all of the textures are 4K but I will release a "performance" version, sooner rather than later, should anyone have issues. Primarily, SF Combat Armor and Jetpack is a combat armor and jetpack mod but I figured since all the work went into making the combat armor itself I should add a bodysuit that matches. I suspect people will use the armor with the under garments of their choice but I did spend a lot of time matching the colors of the leather on the combat armor straps, bodysuit, and pipboy cuff. Several options for gloss/sheen are also available in the installer. Make sure to match the gloss choice of your Pipboy with the gloss of your armor during installation.
You will find all of the armor at either the chemistry workbench under ARMOR or the Armorsmith Extended workbench under COMBAT ARMOR.

Features of SF Combat Armor and Jetpack

- More than 12 different colors of combat armor with matching jetpacks.

- Full customization for armor size (as in the Concealed Armor mod).

- Full customization for jetpack size.

- Several choices for level of gloss and trim included in the installer.

- Two choices for leather color.

- Patch for Combat Helmet Illumination (go download it now).

- Jetpack is fully upgradeable and (like CROSS Jetpack) includes sprinter, standard, and advanced versions.

- Flame color for the jetpack can be changed at the armor bench (blue, green, and red).

- Over 12 different decal choices, some old and some new. Not gonna lie, I suck at choosing decals so I gave the menu choices generic names (decal 00, decal 01), this way players can use decals from any other combat armor mod they find, such as the ones from Custom Combat Armor or Custom Combat Paint and Decal Replacers. Just set up the folder structure to look like this "Data\Textures\Special Forces Armor\Decals" and rename the decal textures you want to use,, etc (up through

- Matching Pipboy replacer that even includes chrome! See screenshots. No, it doesn't make toast...

- Complete integration with the crafting and perk system for better immersion.

- Uses the base game meshes so it will automatically adjust if CBBE is installed.

- Many more options available in game.

Recommended Mods

Combat Armor Illumination
Nano Masks FAO
Concealed Armors
CROSS Jetpack
Jetpacks Unlimited
Armorsmith Extended
Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair
Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Garage (WIPAG)
Legendary Modification
Full Dialogue Interface
True Storms - Wasteland Edition
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer
Navi - Brand New Power Armor
Proto Vault Suit

My Other Mods


- Leyr for his Brotherhood of Steel textures, now made open source.
- Niero for the CROSS Jetpack script and assets.
- Vasstek for use of his pipboy textures as a base for the pipboy replacer.

Please note

As stated above, since this mod uses the base game meshes it will automatically utilize other armor replacer meshes, such as the ones included in the CBBE body replacer. If you have CBBE installed you may notice that the decals and camo textures for SF Combat Armor have minor imperfections. This is not due to my mod but rather to the mesh changes in bodyslide for the CBBE armor replacer. If you do not like these minor flaws you can go into your "Data/Meshes/Armor/CombatArmor" folder and remove all the meshes you find there (except for the m_helmet and f_helmet which Combat Armor Illumination uses). Also remove the meshes in the "Data/Meshes/Armor/KnightUnderArmor" folder if you use the SFCA bodysuit.

I have not had time to thoroughly play test this mod so please post any issues or bugs you may find immediately so I can correct them. And be aware that this mod uses the CROSS Jetpack animation changes and scripts so it will break the flames on other non-animated jetpacks unless they are patched. See my other mod page for patches to popular jetpack mods, Jetpacks FAO.


Version 1.2 Update - Two important things to mention for this update: Firstly, I improved the sizing/scale of camo on the chest piece plates and cleaned up the black ops color textures nearly to perfection. The second major change is the removal of all mod prefixes and suffixes from the armor and jetpack. Now, regardless of what mods you install, all of the armor, bodysuit, and jetpack items will stay together in your inventory. I also added a patch for Combat Leg Armor Variation and fixed the rain textures on the arms and pipboy so they match all of the other armor. All patches can now be found under the MISC files on the downloads page.

Please re-download all of your patches and pipboy replacer so that you have all of the updated versions (v1.2). And just to be safe un-equip all SF Combat Armor and Jetpack items before updating to the new versions.


Enable Fallout 4 modding by following this guide: Fallout 4 Mod Installation

I recommend using Nexus Mod manager for installation since the FAO series of mods and many of its optional patches now have installation scripts. Feel free, however, to manually them install by unzipping the  downloaded file(s) to a safe location and moving the contents of the "MAIN" folder into your Fallout 4 Data directory then select the various options from the "OPTIONAL" folder and merge those in the same directory. Activate the .esp file(s) in your in-game Fallout 4 Mods menu (or Nexus Mod Manager). Make sure to update Nexus Mod Manager to the latest version.

The Standalone (none AE) versions can go anywhere in your load order (I recommend using LOOT however) but the "AE Version" of the mods must go after Armorsmith Extended, but of course you knew that already. If you use Combat Helmet Illumination and/or NAVI - Brand New Power Armor and have any issues then try this load order:

BNPA_NAVIArmor - JFAO Animated Patch.esp=1
Jetpacks FAO- NAVI Pilot Suit Patch.esp=1
SpecialForces Armor.esp=1
SpecialForces Armor - C.H.I. Patch.esp=1
SpecialForces Jetpack.esp=1
SpecialForces Jetpack - N.A.V.I. Patch.esp=1


Remove any equipped armor or jetpacks from your character's inventory then save your game, exit, and uninstall the mod using NMM (or manually delete the files).

Known Issues

The frame rates can drop fairly low at the armor bench menu. I believe this is due to the mod menu loading the textures for the items GO mesh. When loading a bunch of 4K textures you are going to feel it, even on top end machines. If you experience any serious issues like crashing or freezing it may be due to using this mod in tandem with mods that severely stress your system. Be aware that mods that drastically raise settlement size or add items to the game like Immersive Vendors can often lead to in-direct memory crashes on some computers and even on X-Box or PS4.

I provided a "performance" version of the mod which changes almost all the textures to 2K and it is much more manageable at the armor bench but the bodysuit and chest piece remain 4K. Otherwise the reduction in visual quality would become noticeable. My suggestion to people who do not like the lower FPS at the armor bench would be to mod your gear and move on and not hang out there all day.