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  1. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    IF YOU CAME HERE FROM THE BETHESDA SITE, let me know which system you're using--especially if you have a question or request. Constructive criticism is fine. Rude comments and demands will be deleted, and the user possibly banned.

    VERSION 2.3
    Tweaked Sturges and Maxson, added Kellogg, Pickman, Mayor McDonough, Katy Pinn (from Vault 81), Skinny Malone, and Honest Dan. Removed Desdemona for now because my version wasn't quite up to my standards.

    VERSION 2.1
    De-grimed and refined some female faces, added Tina DeLuca, Desdemona, and Fahrenheit. Removed Mama Murphy until I can make a better version. Added Isabel Cruz as a separate file (since she requires Automatron).

    Version 1 started with Cait, Curie, Deacon, Preston, X6-88, MacCready, Piper, Magnolia, Elder Maxson.

    In version 2.0 I've added the rest of the Concord crew (Mama Murphy, the Longs, Sturges), Knight Rhys, Scribe Haylen, and the Abernathys, to those already covered in version 1.0.

    Also gave Cait just a little more muscle, but will probably add still more in the next build. (In the base game she loads in at the absolute skinniest and least muscular setting.)
  2. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Thanks to everyone who helped with our bureaucratic nightmare fixing our daughter's stateless status.
    We're mostly out of the woods now, just dealing with the crushing debt incurred in the process.
    More details on my blog at or my author site at .
  3. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    You can find my official authory-type page (which is badly in need of an update) at
    My blog is An Experimental Life--beware of radioactive ebola leopard
    My old comic (which I am slowly reposting) is Blue Crash Kit
  4. Smitty350
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Hello, is this mod still good in 2025?  And would it work with SS2?  It adds a metric ton of new NPCs but I don't think it alters any existing ones...
  5. S0ldier0fG0d96
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    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod compatible with subversion and the danse dilemma?
    1. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      I use The Danse Dilemma myself, so yes to that one. I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be compatible with Subversion, but you might want to check in FO4Edit to be safe.
  6. ninalyn
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I have no idea if you'll see this (I hope all is well after the typhoon!), but. I thought you might like to know.

    I recently managed to turn my game into a Jenga tower of code via poor modding practice (yes, I know, I know, I'll fess up), so I had to start back at zero and set a proper load order. I've been running one of my older files as a test file to make sure everything is in proper order this time, and just ran into Preston and went "what the hell did I do to my game???? Why does he look Like That holy shitballs?"

    . . . . and then realized this mod hasn't popped up in my "redownload this one now" load order yet.

    So, uh, I've been using this so long I forgot the characters didn't actually look like that. The editing is so seamless and looks so organic I thought it was vanilla until I saw vanilla without.

    All the kudos to you, sir.
    1. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Thanks!  :-)
  7. HPD99
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, drhamm. I was wondering if you're gonna add Desdemona & other NPCs soon. I have your mod installed & I'm loving it. From Piper to Glory, Cait to MacCready, they all look great. I also hope you're doing okay. I read the post about you moving to the Philippines & I hope you're safe & okay! 
    I'm on Xbox, btw. :)
    1. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Eventually, yeah. and thanks
  8. drhamm
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Mar 26, 2019 -WHY THE LENGTHY DELAYS?
    I know I promised regular updates, and I feel like I owe y'all an explanation for why they haven't been forthcoming. Some good news, some bad news, and some, "Welp, that's life" kind of stuff.

    For one thing, I MOVED TO THE PHILIPPINES in 2018 after a breakup, to make my disability income and (tiny) book royalties (You didn't know I was an author? Check or my Tumblrs at or stretch further, and in addition to spending time getting used to a new (and wonderful) country and making awesome new friends, the way I've been bouncing back and forth between Manila and Baguio, I haven't been able to count on reliable Internet on a regular basis.

    (The neighborhood I'm in for the next few months, for example, I have to rely on pocket wifi to connect unless I pay to go to a coworking hub or leech off of a neighbor who got in before they stopped adding new service here due to overload. Said pocket wifi is limited to 800 megs a day, and is slooooooowwwwwwwwww.)

    Also, since moving here, I've been through two typhoons, almost died from double pneumonia (during Ompong/Mangkhut) with secondary infections, and had a few other health issues due to my spine injury and delicate respiratory system. Oh, and a new girlfriend who just moved in with my nomadic ass a few months ago. AND after a few years out of the writing game because the deaths of my sons threw me for such a loop, I'm TRYING to get back into the swing to finish rewrites on some "Alex And" stories, and work on the promised Quiet World novel that readers first got a taste of with my story in Crimson Pact Vol. 2.

    So yeah, I've been a bit busy and distracted.

    TL;DR: Life for the past couple of years has been alternating between kicking my ass and doing distracting things to me with its tongue, but once I get settled in, I plan to keep my promise of more updates.
  9. Ionutro
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Any chance for the Far Harbor NPCs? The only normal looking one is The Mariner.
    1. MegaWaffle
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Seconded, if the author's still around. Everyone looks like they've been in the Fog a little too long.
    2. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      I've been kinda overwhelmed with life lately LOL. In the past year I've moved from the US to the Philippines, been through two typhoons, had pneumonia once and bronchitis twice, spent a lot of time researching my next couple of stories, and then my GF just moved over here from the states about two months ago to be with me. We've been mostly living in Airbnbs, but once we settle down in our own little apartment, I'll be back to modding again, I swear. I've also got a few more Commonwealth faces to do before I move on to Far Harbor.

      BTW, I focus on the vanilla named characters, but in the meantime, if you want to see the generic characters spiffed up and given names, I suggest the latest version of Thirdstorm's excellent Unique NPCs. (
  10. Highmazikeen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi im still pretty much a beginner with mods and i kinda understand load order and such but i have no DLCs and i just wanted to make sure it doesnt need DLCs and if this is compatible with craftable animation markers and cbbe - curvy aio. Very interested in this mod and im trying to overhaul my FO4 game on XB one just enough to make my npcs look more real and create more realistic feeling settlements with better looking and acting npcs. Also trying to get stronger enemies that can actually shoot and react strategically if you have any suggestions for an XB One mod that can do that i'd appreciate it. I thought this would be great if it works with cbbe because cbbe only changes the bodies of npcs. I appreciate any help you can give me thanks.
  11. mynameisdovakhiin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there. First of all, thanks for the mods! Yours are some of the best available for PS4 (the platform I use).

    I'm having a minor issue that I'm trying to get to the bottom of, specifically regarding the "piper is not cartoon" mod (the only two "not cartoon" mods I use are piper and Currie)

    So I originally downloaded this mod during an in progress game with piper as my follower so I never noticed this issue, but I've recently started a new character and found that piper's clothes are different. Instead of her iconic red jacket and press hat she's just wearing some clean prewar clothes. Like I say it's a rather minor issue but it's a little immersion breaking to see.
    Is it possible that this mod had something to do with it? The only other mod I have that's meant to change piper at all is one that only effects her affinity (makes it easier to gain and harder to lose).
    1. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Thanks for the kind words. But nope, this mod doesn't change anything about anyone's clothing, so I don't know what could be doing it.
  12. vwpage
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thanks. great mod. I want to endorse but the endorse button is inactive. greyed out. same for the vote button. anyway I think this is much better than some of the extreme makeovers out there. Hope your life goes better. There is a book out there by Aldous Huxley, called the Perennial Philosophy, that you might find interesting. Best of luck to you.
  13. ArtrociTeigh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having trouble getting this mod to work. I have used it in the past with Nexus Mod Manager, but did something to NMM that I cannot fix, so I've been downloading manually. I add the file to the Data folder but the changes do not show up in the game. I have the latest version of Fallout 4 via Steam (as of March 2018), and the Automaton DLC. Is there something I should be doing other than adding the file to the Data folder? That is where NMM had the file.
    1. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      You also have to enable it, either with NMM or the in-game mod manager. Just having the file in your data folder won't do anything if it isn't enabled.
    2. ArtrociTeigh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much, not sure how to do this - I'm brand new to the world of do-it-yourself modding lol - but I will look up a video or search forums to figure out how and hopefully it will work.
    3. drhamm
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      No problem. We were all newbies once, and I still ask my fair share of questions to those more experienced than I am. :-)