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  1. Cherrynobyl
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This goes great with mods that let you play as a kid. Great work
  2. LynBreonna666
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Can I please have a pink one? Pretty pretty please?

    PS: with sugar on top
  3. camelot2525
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi i luv this female pip-girl :p it kool and cute my dad got me in to this game and i was try to look for some mods for a girl and i luv it but can't you make the boy on it a girl to if you can
    1. LynBreonna666
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      That's a different mod for UI. Just search for vault girl.
  4. hexagonsoldier
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Any chance you could make an alternate version using the colors from the Pretty Pipboy mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17738/? while keeping the stickers from your mod? That purple is just too much...
  5. Naruuna039
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Best pip-boy (girl) ever !
  6. Purplynne
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Lovin it!!
  7. SalesKital
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I'd like for the current version to remain available when you add new ones so we have options of what degree of stickers and stuff to have on it. I like the way it looks now ^.^
  8. Taedus
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    I would have downloaded if it wasn't purple with a skull and anime characters on it. Or maybe not...because this was for your wife.
  9. meyer10101
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    I lol'd and I hope your wife did too.
    1. Nekoyoubi
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      She did... then promptly proceeded to squeegasm all over the wastelands.
  10. SupremeShogun
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I am all for changing the pip-boy image to pip girl in computer display screens as well. Which what I was hoping for. Nice color. Good luck.
    1. Nekoyoubi
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      I would absolutely love to do this. Sadly, I am no artist and probably would get stuck on the first animation frame of the first perk. From what I've seen, there are only a very few that have female counterparts (e.g. Black Widow, Aquagirl, Party Girl, Action Girl), and those are already active if you're playing as a female. If anyone else comes along with a re-work though, I would love to see it as well, and will certainly bundle if allowed.
    2. Guitardrumr
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      There will be one coming, though I'm not sure how long it'll be. Check out the Vault Girl mod for FO3 and NV (fair warning, it had NSFW options, as it's based on Shadman's Vault Meat character)
    3. kerrigan1603
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      maybe you can ask this person permission to there art files & can you make a plain version without the color & just says pip girl
    4. Nekoyoubi
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Do you mean to keep the green of the default? If so, then most likely not, no. I didn't start with the base Pip-Boy, so getting it back to the green would not be much of an option in its current state. Making more versions that are not the overt, wet cotton-candy purple is certainly an option, and based other feedback here (e.g. red sequins), I've already planned to do so. I just don't think it will be based on the default green.

      As for the NV mod, I don't know what I would be asking them for, as there's no way that NV mod covers all the situations where the vault boy is visible on the Pip-Boy. Or did you just mean for more stickers?

      Sorry if I've misunderstood what you were saying.
    5. kerrigan1603
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      damit this is what i always second guess myself, i apologize for not being clearer, what i mean is to have a plain looking pip girl with pip girl above & giving you the mod page so you can ask them permission to use the artfiles to have a vault girl icon equivalent for every vault boy icon, i know it wont cover it all but you got to start somewhere, i can ask them more information if you like or do you want to do it yourself
    6. Nekoyoubi
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      I'm working on the sequins now (not turning out so well to be honest), and I may redo the main texture (the current one), but I can't guarantee that one. I have a pretty decent workflow now, so it may not be that big of a deal.

      If the pip-boy replacement mod comes along that you and Guitardrumr are talking about, I will make as many different Pip-Girl skins as I can come up with as I think the pairing would be excellent. I'm not going to ask them for their images or anything, though, no. I have no interest in writing that mod, so even having a place to start does me no good. I really hope they get it that mod going for FO4, though. Best of luck to them!