i wish this was a Transfer settlement ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22442/?) instead of a save game but ,back when this save was made , TS didn't exist. I'm sure the mod author will fix this if they come back to nexus that is..
Sorry but there is no excuse for not adding the mods you used with proper links...
Since you publish something on a public site its your obligation to post those links as well...so that the mod authors of those mods are properly credited.
You're absolutely right, we will fix that immediately. Thank you very much for contacting us about the issue. We apologize for our mistake and can assure you it won't happen again. -The White Collar Players
Since you publish something on a public site its your obligation to post those links as well...so that the mod authors of those mods are properly credited.
-The White Collar Players