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Hitman47101 and DeadPool2099

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  1. DeadPool2099
    • premium
    • 2,400 kudos
    The reason why this gun uses pistol animations in 3rd person - player's hand clipped right in the middle if magazine, and imo, it is better to use one-handed anims than look on that terrible clipping all of the time
    It is screenshot from early developement, to show how it looked
    Also, i think that Bethesda and Obsidian used pistol idles for their SMGs because of the same reason - there simply haven't correct 3rd person idles
  2. ArcadiusCasari
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When aiming down sights there is no zoom. Every vanilla gun has a small fov change while aiming, so this gun feels obviously modded when I think it should feel vanilla.
  3. Testosteroil
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I would like to humbly request 2 handed animations for 3rd person even if the hand clips through the mag. I will personally endorse this mod if you upload a 2 handed file. Thank you.
    1. Winterworld19
      • member
      • 46 kudos
      I'm adding the 3rd person anims along with adding tactical reload anims for both 1st and 3rd person for this SMG, along with other fixes and addons, too. However, it was originally an fixes and addon animation patch plan to release it, but lately where I've made some bug fixes, along with adding few optics. This result would be come an overhaul mod for this SMG. Because of that I did message to this original mod author of my changes and discuss to mod author with some suggestions of how it would release the final version on nexus mod page in the future.
    2. Helloilmi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Need the 3rd person anims ASAP
  4. Dreadmorg
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The gun has some sort of opening on top that i would like closed but there seems no way to do so. Kinda ugly with that opened opening. Uninstalled till its fixed or removed.
    1. R34Junkie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's a dust cover.... Gun won't fire with it closed, that's how you cock the bolt back for it to be able to actually shoot
    2. Ambersol13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah that's how the gun is in real life
  5. zengzicong
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This gun is awesome, but when ever I aim, the gun comes up way too high and covers my screen. Anyone know how to fix this?
    1. Zarandok501
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      There's the zoomfix patch for it in the Requirements section. Its .esp must be right below the weapon's.
    2. xTheFreakerx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      where? I don't see it
  6. Ishmane
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod! only issue I've been having is the green dot progressively dropping down in the sight. I have to put gun away and bring back out every few minutes to realign the sight. any fix?
  7. bugaga02
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Needs an increase in firerate like 2 or 3 times
  8. kmutos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Favorite cannon and the most authentic SMG in the game!
  9. NaliSeed
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    I can confirm the bug which causes both the favorites slot and entering 3rd person to be completely disabled, and then work after a while for I don't know what reasons. I've over a hundred hours put into my current playthrough, and only after installing this mod this issue started to happen; twice it's happened, and both times while using this weapon.
    Also, movement speed in PA is increased while holding this weapon. 
  10. Notsatan1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Now we killin"!
  11. charlietrulesmor
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I need a mod that uses this to replace the base game smg not the pipe guns :(
    1. ArcadiusCasari
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this exists now!