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LockedStickyNOTE!!: Please update again if you already did earlier today, I left a script in by accident that messed up the LL (I know right, when has it ever not been messed up?).
They should be quite rare now, like "3 P90s out of 60 or so raider vets"-type rare. Have fun.
Probably the last update in the absence of anything game-breaking. Follow the update procedure as always. XB1 version up today. Check beth net.
The gun is still stupidly common or Im just incredibly lucky. I got 3 of them just by doing save Preston & Co quest in Concord. One was on that dead guy by Sanctuary bridge and 2 were dropped by raiders attacking museum. Download history shows I installed your mod on April 13th so presumably I have your rarity patch.
Other then that it is an awesome gun, thank you for sharing it.
Edit: I played some more and so far like every 5th raider has this gun. I think Ill remove the P90NPC.esp and hope it doesn't break my save too much. -
Watch out Enyap! Constructive criticism is removed here, even if it is respectful!
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LockedSticky"If it's sense, it ain't common."
-some old guy -
LockedStickyIf I had time to rewrite the LL integration script, I would love to update this mod, I've changed a few of the animations so it plays better. Maybe I'll get to it after I get some stuff released.
I'm trying to make this gun use 5.7 ammo through FO4Edit with the Munitions mod but it keeps giving me an error. is there a way to fix this? my other modded weapons have no issue using ammo from the Munitions mod so I am stumped.
Great mod overall.
I found the walking headbob was annoying in powerarmor. I use headbob disabler for vanilla weapons, and I decided to try replacing the walking and run anims from
..\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\actors\powerarmor\_1stPerson\Animations\submachinegun
..\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\actors\powerarmor\_1stPerson\Animations\P90
and now there is no annoying headbob... I took a bit of trial and error to figure out which weapon animations looked good with this gun (a lot of the ones I tried caused weapon parts to float around in weird ways), but I found submachinegun looks fine.
Just figured I'd post this for anyone else who hates headbobbing -
God this gun is fun. Seriously, it's my favourite gun I've used in Fallout 4. Perfect for the avenging mumma bear
How do you cope with the ridiculous damage? Nothing should kill a mirelurk queen on survival with one mag.
jesus christ, you can use FO4 edit to edit the dmg yourself, why do so many ppl complain about the damage of the gun when its so simple to edit and took you like 1 min to do so
I love this mod too, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite gun. That honor goes, without question, to TactaGhoul's Pancor Jackhammer mod. The model is perfect, the sound is perfect, everything about it is just amazing. The P90 is USUALLY in my inventory, the Jackhammer ALWAYS is.
I'm close to lvl 90 and have had this mod installed since almost the beginning but haven't found this gun anywhere yet....
The gun looks like it's chromed. It's so shiny! Also way overpowered. How is this the most downloaded P90 mod?
What are the alternatives? P90 was in fallout 2 and people want it. Who wants to download the COD one?
Overpowered can be fixed - in like 10 seconds. Everyone should learn how to do this themselves it's so easy.
Remember two things:
a) This game is 10 years old - and this mod has been available for over 8 of those years.
b) You will have the most concurrent users in the couple of years of a games release - it goes downhill after that.
In other words, it would be nearly impossible for a weapon to get released today that would surpass the total downloads of even mods released a week after the game was released if they were quality at the time they were released.
I appreciate the hard work the mod author has done. The models and animations look great.
However, the weapon is grossly overpowered by default, with the per-shot damage of a .50 cal Hunting Rifle, the range of a sniper rifle, and is also automatic. The additional ammo options that had incendiary also overpower this. I have personally edited the base damage from 48 down to 18 and taken the base min/max range from 256 to 128. Many mod users may not be comfortable using FO4Edit however.
Also, a patch to use AWKCR for compatibility with Valadicil's sorting would be nice.-
Hey, how do you lower the damage? Is it some complex procress in f04 edit? Or do you know of any videos/links that explain this? Really want to use this weapon but its just too OP
+justin7601 Open FO4Edit, deselect all esp's except p90. Once its finished loading expand the p90.esp tree, expand weapon tree and click on the p90 entry. Scroll down the record header list until you get to the base damage entry. Now double click on the value correlated with it and change it to something more suitable for yourself. Save and exit.
I changed the ammo from .45 to 5mm through FO4Edit too, as 5mm makes more sense given the p90 shoots a 5.7mm cartridge IRL - if you do this too just be sure to change the levelled list entry from SMG to 5mm. -
Or if you're lazy, just download my re-chamber :
Or if you're lazy and low on room in your load order, you can install zachtan's mod and then just copy the edited records over into the original P90 esp, and then uninstall it, like I did.
@ibanix and @buchananjesse
Your suggested fix and instructions with FO4 Edit work like a charm. The mod has a damage mod in-game, but I expect enemies won't use them. Didn't feel like getting randomly melted.
of all the mods that got broken by the update, this is the one that annoys me most
please update this as soona s you can
Hey, it looks like you or one of the Fallout 4 P90 Mod creators, mightve had the P90 Animations stolen for starfield, could be wrong but it looks like a 1-1 copy except the end. Have any of you guys given Bethesda authorization or agree it looks similar/possibly stolen.
bro. the mod was made in 2017.
he means that bethesda used the animation this guy made, not that he stole the anim from bethesda. though i don't think they stole it anyway -
Bethesda made a weapon in Starfield that uses a similar configuration to the P90, so of course the animations will be similar.
PSA: If you any kind of Scope (Anything that adds Zoom beyond 1.5x to your Sight) you need to get a Beating otherwise great Mod, love it, fits well with all the other modern tactical Weapons im using
what is the name of the legendary version ? im installing standalone version