About this mod
Adds Armorsmith Extended functionality to armor items, enables dynamic sorting for proper inventory icons + optional Valdacil's Item Sorting integration
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Weapons, armor and ammo added by Tales from the Commonwealth will now:
- have proper inventory icons for DEF_UI users
- allow full Armorsmith Extended modifications, including linings etc.
- have slots for Legendary Modification, if you use it
The Valdacil's Item Sorting version does all of the above, as well as:
- tagging all keys, notes, holotapes, ammo etc. for sorting
NOTE: I fully admit to not knowing squat about ammunition calibers. If you think I've given a gun an incorrect icon, I probably have, so please let me know!
Load this after Tales from the Commonwealth, AWKCR and Armorsmith Extended
Do whatever you want with my patch, as long as your mod stays on Nexus and isn't being sold. Credit appreciated but not required.
A big shoutout to rayhne, who had done a VIS patch for an older version of Tales from the Commonwealth. While it didn't cover everything in the newest version, it nevertheless saved me a ton of time. If you use the VIS version, please consider dropping an endorsement and kudos that way.
Tales of the Commonwealth is by kristakahashi
Armorsmith Extended is by Gambit77
AWKCR is by valdacil
Valdacil's Item Sorting is by valdacil