1. kapo961
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    Is this mod compatible With SimSettlements 2?
    1. acumulus
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  2. KeflaCourier
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    This mod makes playing on Very Hard mode FEEL like I'm being violently ruptured in my prostate by the fist of the Incredible Hulk, I could spray half of my mini-gun ammo into 1 Raider Sadist and he would lick his lips and smack on his fingers after eating my 500 bullets like its a full course meal Gordan Ramsey prepared himself. Every brawl I get into is like one ass whooping me and my companion just barely survive, this is the first time in Fallout 4 that the game hasn't been piss easy after obtaining power armor; and I'm loving every second of it. This absolute fustercluck, of nonsense filled raider camps in which 3 Raiders have obtained missile launchers and are simultaneously trying to rearrange my atoms from human flesh to a stain on the ground, while there's Juggernaut slamming my soft supple boy body right unto the radiation filled foliage. Insanely good mod, I would recommend to anyone looking for a good bit of Masochism 
    1. blueshellchaser49
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      This is my favorite comment on not just the nexus but of all time, keep up the great work you made me laugh a ton.
    2. mshor117
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      • 5 kudos
      pretty good s#*! huh
  3. DrVonBoogie
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    Is this mod incompatible with any other faction overhaul mods that we know of or can it be used with them as well?
  4. keeegaan
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    Bodies despawn after a minute or two, does anyone knows how to fix it or a mod that makes them take longer to despawn. 
    i play on xbox.
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    you have the cook marked but not explained in the summary

    unless the cook isn't part of this yet the cook was defended by raider war chiefs only
  6. replaythe1
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    I don't know if it's my load order, but this mod with Survival Options (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14650) causes cells to respawn faster than normal. Not just enemies but containers too. I have been getting an issue where the Raiders just next to the bridge between Red Rocket and Sanctuary would respawn every time I fast-travel. Even fast traveling from Red Rocket to Sanctuary would respawn the three raiders there and the duffel bag container would reset its items too. Is anyone else having this issue? I haven't touched the Survival Options Cell respawn settings at all, just left them as default.  
  7. pcoverconsole
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    I just want to give anyone a fair warning that if you want to try this on survival, please be prepared. Definitely sets the tone as "deadly" but just wanted to give everyone wanting to try this a fair warning. Love the mod!
  8. Hackerman1234
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    great mod, died as soon as I left the sanctuary xd
  9. JayDaAnkleBiter
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    i love this mod but i cant use it as it messed with my supermutant overhaul mod im so sad dude pleeeeeaaaasseee if its possible can you make it compatible with forced evoloution-super mutant addons
  10. Apocalypticon13
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    Ok, post next-gen update and I'm experiencing some lag here and there. I was wondering if this was the culprit or if it could be something else. I'm on a Series X. Anyone else having lag/stutter in their game?
    1. MutantBurger
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      Yeah same here. Having terrible lag when sprinting and in combat. Disabled it and game was much smoother. No idea what's causing it??
    2. Apocalypticon13
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      Did your game go haywire when disabling it, or was it actually ok? I'm paranoid about ditching mods mod game.