About this mod

2023 update
Fully compatible with Next-Gen Update
Vivid Fallout textures combined in one ba2

Permissions and credits

Hey folks!
Finally I found the time to combine much of my stuff to an All in One.
currently included: 
Vivid Fallout - Landscapes 
Vivid Fallout - Rocks 
Vivid Fallout - Trees 
Vivid Fallout - Roads and Bridges

What the benefits are?

Firstly you don't have to install all my mods independently anymore.

Secondly and even more important, the ba2 archive runs a lot smoother
than loose files, especially regarding loading times!

Vivid Fallout is an overhaul of all landscape grounds, but also trees, rocks, roads, bridges and other concrete stuff.

In many cases I just sharpened the games original textures somewhat, made new normal maps and enhanced shadowing.
However, the result looks quite good and...

the textures are less V-Ram heavy than the original ones!

If you don't like the added puddles just install my optional 'puddle remover' and they are gone.
Just keep the mod tracked if you want to stay up to date
