1. ReaperTai
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    Ok folks...there is now a patch in the optional files section for craftable vehicle parts.

    They can be crafted in the chem station if you are not getting them from blowing up cars.

  2. ReaperTai
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    It is best to drive the truck in 3rd person view. This allows for better movement as well as seeing where you are going.
    1st person view is intended for using the weapons and does not allow proper steering.
    Think of this like using a joystick to control the turret (1st person) or steering wheel to drive (3rd person).
    Using the mouse to steer in 3rd gives the most realistic feeling steering (less jerky). Sadly this is a limitation of the game since they never put in any real driving mechanics.
  3. BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
    • premium
    • 424 kudos
    So, as of version 1.00.5, the Jeeps got a bit of an overhaul...with a dash of experimentation.
    Now there are three jeeps, which all look the same but have some distinct functional differences.
    1) The first jeep is pretty much what we had before (can see some patch notes to check edits).
    2) The second jeep has a new setup to allow for 'Gaining speed on pressing forward'. It will start out slow and gain sped as you continue to drive forward. If you stop for more than a second, the next time you press forward it will start out slow and gain speed again (somehow I'm sure there's a better way tot say this, but hopefully you all get it).
    3) Yeah, so, the third jeep is kinda weird. It has the same function as #2 BUT also includes an experimental front-wheel turning deal. As you turn left or right, the front wheels will turn left or right. I FULLY ADMIT it's kinda weird, but as I said, it's "experimental'.

    This was done to kind of test the waters on these new functions, as the Jeep was always a huge Proff of Concept for many thing (example: wheel/tire suspension it has had for a while).

    ALSO, by the way, we're giving a big thanks to Hozsa for donating some time to redo the Jeep's textures and model.
    Also, also, Cancerous1 redid the wheel/tire textures and model.
    Both donations are very much appreciated and are quite fantastic. Good job to both.

    Thank you and have fun.
  4. alexandert
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hello. Its greate mod. Actually its probably the best and most immersive on site. Smol size, no frills, weapons, storage, customization, mini home in pod or crate.
    It have some bugs but they can be avoided:
    1. CTD when opening workshop category - travel to enother settlement walk back and forth a little and fast travel back - now scripts loaded and you can build trucks.
    2. Cab grates kill truck damage. No grate - 15 dmg, equip grate - 1 dmg. So dont equip grates.
  5. SnakeSlippers
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    After testing a bunch of different driving mods and fast travel mods this one might be the best. Love the whole house on wheels thing going on. I wish y'all would come back to polish this one up. Add different options and fix some things. 

    I want to strip stuff from this like automatically add the perks to myself so I can remove all worldspace edits like magazines and guards. And remove all hover and tread parts cause they crash the game for me.

    I managed to remove hover parts and merge crafting vehicle parts at the chem bench.
    Anyone know how to automatically add the perks or magazines to inventory so I can remove world edits.
  6. MadMakers
    • supporter
    • 52 kudos
    Hi how i can contact you ? i wanted help for a creature driveable mod
  7. jlg34x
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Was wondering if anyone knows if this is compatible with "Flyable Personal Vertibird"? 
    Can't get companions to get in Jeep and I'm not sure if its just that its unreliable or if its another mod clashing here.
  8. SKSNORK122
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There's an issue on console where when you're in first person driving the truck you cannot look around but your character and the gun move around without the camera following, seems to happen randomly out of the blue
  9. UnforgivenWar
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    There is a way to put the Pain Train perk on the Truck? i want to run people
  10. CharlieOnYourSix
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The truck doesnt have sound at all, any idea why is that or the mod is made that way? the apc has but not the truck sadly.
  11. soyhannibalsmith
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First of all, thank you for this wonderful mod and all the effort that has been put into it and in all the 'driveables'
    i played it on xbox one in my first fo4 games and i loved it
    I have seen that with respect to the rest of driving modifications it has become obsolete, although it really is one of the best ideas that have been made with the 'driveables'
    As the wheels did not turn I always used it with the thrusters and it seemed more beautiful and realistic, but recently I saw the mod of 'The SHCARCARST - Settlement Hover Cart' and I thought, 'it would be a godsend if the truck had that animation and collision like the thrusters of The SHCARCAST '. I don't know how much possibility there is of being able to do that, I would really pay to do a revision or a remake of the Trucks with new things.
    I have been curious about CK and Blender but I find it quite difficult, there are hardly any translations for my language it is quite frustrating, I hope I could make modifications like the ones all of you have done, without a doubt you have given infinitly more life to the game. Sincerely.

    My English may seem a bit strange but my dumb country did not invest in bilingual education, sorry xD
  12. rawkus1977
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Loving this mod, it would be great to steer in first person though, super cool view in FP on an UW monitor.
    What would be the best way to edit this myself?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
  13. Chuckstarr
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    In case anyone was browsing the comments to check if this is safe to install in 2021 - I can confirm that it is, at least for my 50+ hour ongoing playthrough with well over 300 mods. Sure there are bugs, but nothing big like crashes or corrupt saves. Just make sure to avoid any vertibird-related mods or major camera overhauls (FoV Slider is 100% compatible though) and you're good to go. I can't imagine playing FO4 without my little mobile crate home!