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OG Grinskin

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  1. Spektra13
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Will this work with NAC-X? and Wet, if not is there one that you know of, like the idea of the two working together. 
  2. BBorn1122
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    still using this today, nice mod
    using PRC NAC and WET works nice together. WET is the best water mod.
  3. qwertypol012
    • supporter
    • 76 kudos
    I'm using NAC too so this brings my attention, but i'm still new at it and i don't know many things about it. What will happen if i don't use this patch?
    1. OGGrinskin91
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      basically the reflection and colour values for the water in NAC ore overwritten. So the water ends up looking too bright. But it keeps the nice wave values that WET applies.
    2. qwertypol012
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos

      But i'm also using Vivid Waters and it overwrites changes from this patch. Any chance to patch Vivid Waters?

      Edit: Nvm, i cancelled on using Vivid Waters
  4. ossumpossum
    • premium
    • 97 kudos
    Gonna see how this looks, I have vivid waters as well. My guess is nice.

    Yep, it does. Best looking water I've had yet.