1. registrator2000
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    • 2,536 kudos

    Q: Will this remove player dialogue or make my player silent?

    A: No, it will not! XDI does not modify vanilla dialogue. Your player character will continue to be voiced.

    What XDI does do is enable mods to seamlessly add any number of new unvoiced player lines to be displayed in the dialogue menu. When selected, NPC responses play out without delay and without focusing the dialogue camera on the player. This might sound like exactly what you'd expect from a dialogue system - but can you believe that Bethesda has made this straightforward interaction nigh-impossible with the vanilla dialogue system?

    With XDI, modders won't have to fiddle with empty voice files, and you won't need to fight with the dialogue camera constantly switching to your voiceless player. Mod-added dialogue scenes will play out just like in earlier Bethesda games except with Fallout 4's new cinematic camera system.

    Q: What will XDI do if I don't have any mod that adds new dialogue yet?

    A: For vanilla dialogue, XDI will:

    • - Show full text for vanilla dialogue options.
    • - Change the menu to a list-based format instead of a four-option dialogue wheel.
    • - Optionally show dialogue cues like a Question icon beside options that don't advance the conversation, and a Door icon beside options that end the conversation. Dialogue cues are automatically generated at runtime from game data.

    Q: I have some other mods that add dialogue to the game. Will I need patches for them?

    A: No patches are needed! XDI retrieves full dialogue lines directly from the game and is automatically compatible with mods that add dialogue or modify existing lines. However, an exception to this is if the mod has itself tried to 'work-around' FO4's dialogue limitations by putting their entire dialogue line in the 'short prompt' section and leaving the actual full dialogue section empty. XDI correctly retrieves the full-text of the dialogue, but in this case no dialogue is present there and you may see empty dialogue options. In these cases, a patch is required.

    Q: How do dialogue cues work?

    A: Dialogue cues are automatically generated based on whether a dialogue option:
    - Loops to itself (for the Question icon)
    - Ends the conversation (for the Door icon)
    - Opens a vendor's trade menu
    - Opens an inventory menu

    Be aware that XDI can't always detect whether a conversation will loop to itself. If an option makes two or more transitions before looping they won't be automatically detected. Scenes that break up player dialogue and NPC dialogue into separate actions also won't be automatically recognized.

    Modders can always explicitly add dialogue cues and other icons to dialogue options.

    If you don't want to see dialogue cues, you can turn them off in the MCM options.
  2. FalloutNerdNation
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Just a heads up for anyone having trouble not having this mod work.  If you happen to have vault girl interface/hud mods in your load order, they maybe the culprit.  They have loose files that will negate the mod ENTIRELY.  Ive found two options:
    1.  Pick either or
    2. Patch: Vault Girl Mod Alpha Extended Dialog Interface (XDI) Patch-Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35278?tab=files

    Works like a charm!
  3. Clyde1948
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    You were correct to report me for abusive language concerning your Mod. I apologize for doing so. I was just so upset over not being able to play Fallout 4 anymore that I lost my better judgement, and again I apologize. It is after all just a game. I'm sure that after I reinstall it everything will be fine. Still, that is no excuse for me to be abusive towards you or anyone else. 

    What I should have done was step back, take a deep breath, and do something else. Everyone has a choice in what he (that would be me) or she does. Unfortunately I was upset (not a valid reason to be abusive to anyone) and made a bad choice. 

    Thank you for correcting me. Please have good day and be well.   
  4. Aralil
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    For those getting the following error

    F4SE Status: OK
    XDI Status: FAIL
    XDI is not running. Make sure that 
    XDI.dll is in your Data\F4SE\Plugins

    Check your plugins.txt file. For whatever reason, when i checked mine XDI.esm was not activated. I just stuck an * in front of it and bam everything worked fine. So something is removing the * but I am no where near smart enough to figure that one out. It took me about 30-45 mins of scouring google before i found something on reedit where someone was talking about how to activate mods manually.

    Hope this helps someone.
    1. Qwinntex
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      This was my error message as well, but in my case it was running the older version (1.3.6) on the newest version of the game.  I tend not to download things that say "beta", so I hadn't upgraded.  Replacing with the 1.4.0 version resolved this.   In case anyone else is running into a similar issue, and the above solution doesn't work, make sure your version matches the game version.  Next gen update v 1.10.984 seems to need XDI 1.4.0 (or possibly later if another version comes out) (and of course F4SE 0.7.2)
    2. Snowbird8044
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you Qwinntex. That worked for me!
  5. Andreelet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The mod doesn't work when I talk to a companion, but it does with other NPCs
    1. thecthuloser
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have this issue, too.
  6. dalessandro426
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know why XDI isn't working for my controller? Currently there's no option to scroll and the only way that I've gotten it to work is the ABXY buttons but with RED installed, it would be unusable. Is there an option I have to hit to edit the mod? Is there a separate plugin or something I'm missing? Please help me, it would be greatly appreciated
    1. gunnerspazz
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, I was having the same issue but spotted under the installation steps it says: 

      "When installing XDI, make sure there is no DialogueMenu.swf file in your Data\Interface folder. This file is provided in XDI's BA2 archive. Any loose interface file in that folder will take priority and override XDI's file." 

      Maybe try that, hope this helps! 
  7. corbinraine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you make a vr port
  8. Wolfmaster3278
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm using the Life in the Ruins mod list and when I try to add this mod, I get 
    F4SE Status: OK
    XDI Statu: FAIL
    XDI is not running. Make sure that XDI.dll is in your DATA\F4SE\Plugins directory.
    I've tried everything and it keeps showing that error. I'm using the 1.4.0 beta version.
    1. eternity951
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      TRY 1.3.6
  9. ArcadiusCasari
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I open dialogue it still displays radially, though I do get the full phrases. How do I get the vertical dropdown menu shown in the images?
  10. NiftyPower
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Does anyone know a patch for this and "DEF_SSW Survival Stats widget redone": https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38067
    1. livvyloo
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      • 0 kudos
  11. rienguen
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    1.10.163 working without any issues.
  12. RichieMuscles
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Having a problem currently on pc using an xbox 360 controller. I installed the latest Magnum Opus modlist and when in dialogue I cannot scroll down the dialogue box using the down button on the gamepad. Instead it opens up the weapon/item hotkey wheel as if I am not in dialogue. I can still press A for the first option and that sometimes will progress the dialogue to the next scene where I then am able to scroll down the list with the game pad. However that doesn't always work, currently unable to go to vendors because the first option always asks a question and doesn't advance the dialogue box like in quests. 
    1. El3ktr0Hexe
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I had the same issue with MOFAM (also a modlist). I just deleted the quick wheel mod (personally the favorite buttons are enough for me anyway, the wheel looks nicer though). There could be a better solution for this.

      There is a mod for a different controller layout with better mod support. That has a special version for XDI too. Here, this one. That should work with wheel and XDI together, but that also changes a few other buttons.

      Haven't tried it myself, but maybe this helps :)