I have released a new version of Far West Minutemen designed for those who do not want carry the prerrequisites from the main version, this is Armorsmith Extendes, Cross Cybernetics, Crimsomrider's Accessories and West Tek Tactical Optics, you only need Armor and Weapons Keywords Community Resources (AWKCR). Obviously this version presents a "vanillized minutemen" without the strong touch of Steampunk, but still being a far west style, so the minutemen no longer wear cyber prosthesis, tactical visors or high tech eyepieces and the accessories like ropes, eyepieces, visors and other pieces from Crimsomrider. however, Tumbajamba's armors, hats and equipment in general still present and still being the "big thing" in this version :). As always I hope you like and enjoy the mod.
Update 2.1 release, a few fixes and more equipment for the Minutemen, Check it out!
if you are an Horizon user check the new backpack patch to remove the bonuses and balance again your gameplay :).