This page was last updated on 29 March 2018, 12:29PM
Version 0.97
- Integrated Neanka's Traits menu. It isn't turned on by default though. This is mostly for those who want to add their own.
- Changed the process in which Skills are affected by Specials, for better compatibility with other mods.
- Removed all unnecessary perk edits from the Skills Only Version. It can now more cleanly be used with another perk mod. However, a balance patch for said mod may or may not be necessary.
- Minor bug fixes
Version 0.95
- Special stats will now affect skills.
- Integrated Tag Skills.
- Fixed small error that made Skill Point gain based on current Intelligence rather than base Intelligence(Being drunk on level up was giving players less skill points).
- Renamed Weaponcraft to Gunsmith.
- Renamed the skill perks to their skill counterparts, so they have the same name in crafting menus.
- Reworked mod to allow people to create their own skills using this system. It is now possible not only to add/remove skills, but edit Skill Point gain, Special modifiers and Tag Skills almost entirely using Globals and FormLists.
Version 0.92a
- Fixed Medicine skill not scaling Stimpaks and Radaway properly. It was running a check on the wrong value.
- Fixed Reverse pickpocket not unlocking at Pickpocket 25. Same cause as above.
Version 0.92
- Split mod up into two versions: Skills&Perk changes and Skills Only - Most vanilla non skill perks unedited.
- Silent Running and Shadow Shape(Disappear when crouching) are now their own perks instead of being part of Ninja.