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The Lost Team

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About this mod

This is not a guide and definitely not a "collection"...
Considering there are no ultimate definitions for modding these are my preferences. Search, try and enjoy your time in the wasteland!

Permissions and credits

An enhanced alternative for a journey that works well in first players or the ones exploring the wasteland once again keeping the dramatic and comical feeling this world always offered. Long time fan of the series, I intend to not totally dismiss the actual game mechanics keeping a lore friendly content by achieving a more interesting and challenging experience.

☆ Improved experience!
☆ Balance and lore friendly focus!
☆ Designed for a stable gameplay!
☆ Equilibrium between performance and quality!
☆ Lots of immeerrrrrrrssssion!

“Like Tears in Rain...”

Requirements and other concerns!
- Legit copy of Fallout 4 with all DLCs (except HD Texture Pack).
- A new game installation outside of any Windows UAC directories like Program Files or other default Windows folders.
- The latest VC++ Redistributable: VC++ AIO2015-2022 X64 and 2015-2022 X86.
- Basic notion of modding and the used tools. 

- Disable Automatic Steam Updates by setting it to "Only update this game when I launch it".
- Before proceeding run the game from the official launcher. This will generate necessary files and detect folder paths for important tools.

This mod list doesn't support the Bethesda "Next-Gen" update, instead uses a downgrader for a previous version. Please consider it when selecting files suggested as some mods may offer both options. Also a few links will lead you to older files on purpose. 

I strongly recommend to check The Midnight Ride guide for its great explanations and considered choices to create the best core for your modded game. Its the only reason I got back to update my mod list and it is obviously a inspiration. Kudos to the team!


--- Tools & Utilities ---
"I don’t mind the dirt. I do mind unannounced visits."

Mod Organizer 2 - Choose an instance. Follow instructions and when MO2 opens click yes when asked to register. You may need to login with Nexus account. Define then your settings and get ready for the madness!
F04Edit - Extract files in your favorite work place and make sure to add both FO4Edit and FO4EditQuickAutoClean executables to MO2 system. Take the chance to clean DLCs plugins.
Bethini Pie - Extract files in your favorite work place and then add executable to MO2. Run the tool and select Fallout 4. My suggestions are:

Basic Tab:
- Select a Preset depending on your system but never the Ultra option.
- Select Apply Recommended Tweaks.
- Make sure Load Loose Files and Enable Files Selection are ticked.
- Make sure you have the intended resolution.

General Tab:
- Set if you want to see intro or S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos when you start a game session.
- Make sure Sprint Fix is ticked.
- In gameplay you can pick the intended Difficulty.

Interface Tab:
- Set the subtitles, quest markers and compass to your preference.
- Check Auto size Quick Containers if you prefer.
- Uncheck Pip-boy FX and and check Pip-boy Flashlight Color Fix.
- In Pip-boy Resolution select 1752x1400 from the scroll menu.

Go in file and press Save. You can then exit the application.

Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) - Extract contents into your Fallout 4 root directory.
xSE PluginPreloader F4 - Extract contents into your Fallout 4 root directory.
Simple Fallout 4 Downgrader - Extract contents into your Fallout 4 root directory. Run the fo4downgrader executable.
Address Library for F4SE Plugins 
Backporter Archive2 Support System 

Baka Framework 
Base Object Swapper 
RobCo Patcher 
Lighthouse Papyrus Extender 
Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender 
Papyrus Common Library 
Better Console 
Console Autocomplete 
High FPS Physics Fix - Main file only.
- Shadow BoostWttL ShadowBoostFO4 ini 
Buffout 4 NG with PDB Support 

--- Bug Fixes ---
"You look lonely. I can fix that."

--- Gameplay Tweaks ---
“An angel. Made again. For you.”

--- User Interface ---
“If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes...”

Mod Configuration Menu 
MCM Settings Manager + MCM Categorizer + MCM Booster 
Dynamic Activation KeyAlternative Activation Prompts 
Melee And Throw 
Simple FOV Slider 
No Lockpick Activate 
FallUI - Icon Library 
FallUI - Inventory - During installer just uncheck Disable PipboyFX and then select Yes!
FallUI - HUD 
FallUI - Workbench 
FallUI - Confirm Boxes - During installer pick your preferred design.
FallUI - Map - During installer just pick one design type.
FallUI - Sleep and Wait 
- FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter - During installer pick Pro (Complex Sorter Plugin).
4estGimp - M8r98a4f2's Complex Item Sorter Enhancements 
Extra Icons for FISColored Extra Icons for FIS - During installer pick Complex Item Sorter and All in One.
Angel's Ingestible Sorting Enhancements - First Main file.
Reaper's Smokeables Sorting Enhancements 
Icon Expansion Pack for FIS - Main and Optional Reapers Smokables patch. During installer pick ItemSorter and a prefer color type.

--- Characters Resources ---
“More human than human is our motto.”

Enhanced Vanilla Bodies + EVB with Dismemberment - Pick the related versions of your like.
Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement 
Hair Specular Map Removal Thingy 
The Bearded One - Pick one version.
WX Face Paints and Dirt - Main and Optional Less Cracked. Set data on "Both Dirt and Face Paint" folder.
The Eyes Of Beauty - Dashboarderian's Edition 
Ghastly - Ghoul Eyes Textures - AIO Pack.

--- Animations & Visuals ---
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.”

--- Weaponry ---
“Wake up, time to die!”

- Pipe Weapons Refined - Machined 
Dak's Assault Rifle Replacer REDUX (remesh) - First Main version.
The Handmade Pistol (Metro Lolife) 
Those Guns - PKD Blasters - Main Munitions version and Update.
A Bundle of Tape + Unofficial Update 
10mm SMG 
The Riot Shotgun - First Main file. 
Rifles Rebirth + Unofficial Update 
20mm Anti Power Armor Rifle (PTRD-41) 
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle + Unofficial Update 
CROSS_Cryolance + Uses Cryo Ammo 
Institute Pulse Carbine 
Machineguns Rebirth 
Grenade APW (25mm Grenade Launcher) 
Remote Explosives - C4 with Detonators and More - Pick one Main file.
The Attachment Pack - Main and Optional Implementation Patch.
Attachment Pack Unofficial Expansion and Refinement - During installer I suggest Full Mod Install BSA and then pick what you want.
MA Optics Pack - Main and Optional Implementation file.

Munitions - Official Patch Repository + (Lore Friendly) Weapons Project - Check what you need and prefer!

--- Apparel ---
"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"

Pip Boy Retextured 
Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing - EVAC - Main 2K version.
Crimsomrider's Accessories + No AWKCR and AE 
Upgradable Vault Suit - Main Vanilla EVB.
CROSS Courser Strigidae -  Main file and Optional VanillaFemaleMeshes.
Altyn Assault Helmet + Fiddler's Altyn Textures + 4estGimp Compacted - Main and Optional Fiddler's Altyn Textures Patch.
Metro Gas Masks + 4estGimp Compacted for ESL 
West Tek Tactical Optics + Night Vision Phosphors + Patch - MCM Options 
Julbo Vermont Classic Sunglasses 
Backpacks of the Commonwealth - During installer I suggest Alternative Start.
Dog Armor Additions 
K9 Harness - Tactical Body Armor and Backpack + REVAMPED 
The Mercenary Pack - Reinvention - Read page description for requirements! If using the optional file during installer pick what you want.
T-47R Power Armor - Both Main and Hotfix.
SE-01 Power Armor - Pick one of the Main files.

--- Settlements & Quests ---
"I'm not in the business. I am the business."

--- Companions & Factions---
“My friends are toys. I make them.”

Valentine Reborn - One Main of your choice. I suggest Blue.
Sexy Hancock - During installer pick a version. Remove Textures\Actors\Character\Eyes\Eye_s.dds and EyeBrown_n.dds files.
Blatnoy Strong - Main and I suggest Optional Pale version.
RobCo - Smarter Companions 
Companion Thoughts Overhaul 
4estGimp - Immersive Companion Inventories 

You and What Army 2 
Diamond City Guards REDUX - Main and Optional Accessories Patch.
Improved Hostile Factions 
Improved Minutemen 
Improved Guards 
Improved Railroad 
Improved Brotherhood of Steel 
Improved Institute 
Improved Nuka Raiders 

For any Improved series, during installer I suggest to keep all default options.

--- Audio FX ---
“I dreamt music.”

LOST Audio Tweaks 
Persistent Volume Sliders 
Cut SFX Restored - Main and Optional No Focus Sound Patch.
Grenade Sound Options 
Not Great Not Terrible - Scarier Geiger Counter Sounds 
Very Zen Impacts - Also first Main file.
Project Reality Footsteps + Expansion - Loose files version. Clean master from Expansion plugin with xEdit and remove original's mod plugin.
ZP's Feral Sounds 
Monsterum - DeathClaw Sounds Rework 
Prydwen Flyover with Metallic Monks 
Inner City Ambience - An Urban Soundscape 
Ambient Tunnels of Boston - Main and Optional files.
Radium - A Music Mod 
Edmond's Rad Radio Revolution - The Ultimate Radio Mod 

LAT Optional Patches - During installer pick what you need for overhaul consistency (shameless self-promotion).

--- Lightning & Environment ---
“I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate."

--- Last Improvements & Procedures ---
"Bishop to King Seven"

Previsibines Repair Pack + LAT - PRP Patch - Main PRP Plugins NG and PRP Resources files . During installer keep all default.
Simple Puddle Reflection Flicker Fix (Water and Blood) 
TMR LOD Guide - Check on this guide to learn tools and settings. You can use the Pre-Generated LOD suggested together with WttL but you can get better results according to the mod choices if you generate LOD yourself.

WttL Loadorder Profile - Within MO2, at the Show Open Folders Menu, click Open Profile folder and extract content.
- WttL MCM Configuration Preset - In game load the preset with MCM Settings Manager. You should then review and adjust edits your way.
M8r98a4f2's Complex Item Sorter + Complex Patchers - Check page description for installation and use of this tool. Adjust settings and run this tool!


Review your system potential for advantages and\or limitations. Logically it will depend on you the final configurations for your needs.
The way to understand any mod is by the modder’s page information and not by me or any other mod list compilation author.

Respect the community! My desires to play this game would never be fulfilled without it.
Take a moment to endorse the mods you like and kudo authors as they definitely deserve love and feedback.

Credits and acknowledgements!
"Do you like our owl?"

- Authors from mods merged in the LOST Plus Tweaks. All credits to them (check sticky for details)!
- Romeo1408 for all support and solutions! I can't thank him enough for all what he have done to my modding knowledge. Cheers! 
- Reaper0666 for creating a extended texture mod list and letting me upload it's work. Help on settings and mods integration. Big kudos!
- HeliX2K for all suggestions and in-game testing on mods and tweaks. It's easy to be lost in all the good mods out there. Thanks!
- To all mod authors and their collaborators presented on this list and the modding community. I could never play this game without them!
- Blade Runner movies for all the quotes and inspiration of this page! R.I.P. Rutger Hauer. Your words are immortal!
- And thank you for endorsing and your feedback!

Have a look and find support for multiple questions on the Collective Modding discord. I have my section at Mod Author HUB -Mortercotic-mods.
All work in Way to the Lost is licensed under Creative Commons with the conditions presented here: