thanks for the upload
Does it work with next gen update?
I use this mod from years now likke 6 years or mor and it always was for me Must Have it
Thank you -
This is pretty cool mod and it's totally realistic. However, if you're attacked by 4 or 5 dogs at once you're dead because you can't actually do anything while the dog is doing the attack animation. If you're a melee character, dogs have a massive advantage over you.
Can you do a combo mod for all your enemy skill mods? It's a ton of esps.
whats mod for the outfit ?
Cool but how can a dog knock me down when I'm wearing power armor D=
Any idea why after installing this mod, "PairedDogmeatHumanGreetPetKneel" and "PairedDogmeatHumanGreetPet" are retuning False when played ?
If a group of dogs manages to run up to the player and surround him, the grab is triggered multiple times in a row, which is really annoying playing with some survival-like mods. Something like immune to grab at least for a few seconds after the dog triggers the grab would be nice. Disregarding that, dope mode, hats off.
what's the difference between the classic and non-classic versions?