I just learned how to do some simple re-texturing mods using the Bethesda Archive Extractor tool. I`m trying to find " Military Cap " & 'Flag" in the Textures ba2 files but i`m having a hard time locating them. Can some tell me what ba2 texture file & what sub folder (s) there are in.. I would like to put a cap badge on the Beret ( Military Cap ).. CHEERS
can you make a foxhound logo on the cap http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://wallpapercave.com/wp/3f5inIe.png&imgrefurl=http://wallpapercave.com/fox-hound-wallpaper&h=1024&w=1024&tbnid=0he2LaH6bDOo8M:&docid=JqlflI1VAob37M&ei=6O9YVpObLeHhmAWUxK7YCA&tbm=isch
Good job, though.
I want to download this, but I imagine Gunners would wear them.
**** Ronnie_Uniform_Cap " IS the " Military Cap " **** that appears in my Inventory !!!
Ronnie ` cap is found in Textures4.ba2 under Clothes\Ronnie