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Translations available on the Nexus
Author:darkkraken613 --- Translation ProfKnibble
Trust in Research and Development German
Well I'm back with quest mod number 2! Welcome! If you don't know, I'll be making one short quest mod a month until either, I lose my mind, or I get a job that takes up too much of my time. Installment number 1 is Paradise Island. Go check that one out if you haven't. Link down below.
This month is "Trust in Research & Development" Its a quest mod looking into the story of three scientist who were working on something for the US government when the bombs fell. Watch out for the tech they were working on and explore. I spent a good amount of time trying to fill every room with something worth looking at. If you enjoyed please let me know and as always tell me how I could make it better. I am constantly learning and everything helps! Enjoy!
Just a quick plug, I'm a graduate of game design and LevelDesign. I'm looking for a job in the industry. If you like the work I am doing and would like to see more, head over to my Portfolio at Nathanielpollak.com
For those who don't care about all that. The quest pops on startup as long as you are outside Vault 111. Although I recommend being at least level 15 before you start. Plus, bring a good gun, you are going to need it. Lastly...Explore. I filled almost every side room with something worth seeing or reading. Have fun!
Quest for the month of May is Paradise Island. Check it out! Click Here