About this mod
Replaces a variety of vanilla weapons with Fadingsignal's Beretta M9-FS weapon mod
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod uses the ESP version of the Beretta M9-FS mod. You must install the main file of the original mod as well as the optional ESP plugin.
Replaced weapons will spawn with the following modifications:
- All replaced weapons will be named "Beretta M9-FS" and will follow instance naming conventions
- Replaced weapons will spawn with a random low-tier receiver
- Replaced weapons will spawn with a random magazine
- Replaced weapons will spawn with a random muzzle attachment
- Replaced weapons will spawn with a random material color
This mod is compatible with mods that replace Deliverer animations, such as Deliverer Animation Replacer Pack by WarfightersWorkshop and Fiddler's Deliverer Animation Replacer by FiddlerGreen
2. Make sure the both the ESL and ESP files for that mod are activated and all the assets from it are in your Fallout 4 data folder
3. Install this mod. Select the replacers you want in the installer and click finish
4. Done
2. If an NPC/Companion weapon is broken, you can individually update them by entering the console, selecting the NPC, and entering the "Resurrect" console command. You will have to do this one-by-one for each NPC. If the NPC/Companion isn't equipping their replaced weapon after the resurrect command, open the console, select them, then enter the "openactorcontainer 1" console command. You can use this console command to view their inventory and force them to equip their replaced weapon and ammo or force them to equip another weapon altogether
3. Take the replaced weapon to a weapon workbench and re-craft the weapon parts. Crafting a new receiver usually opens up the parent slots for the weapon
(Not required, highly recommended) Deliverer Animation Replacer Pack by WarfightersWorkshop - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46568
(Not required, highly recommended) Fiddler's Deliverer Animation Replacer by FiddlerGreen - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27609
fadingsignal: Streamlight Flashlight/Lasers, compensators, tac rails, and extended magazine models
yaloken: Base Beretta 92FS Model
fadingsignal: heavy remesh/fixes
eNse7en (GameBanana): Leupold DeltaPoint Pro Reflex sight model
DrSpritz (CGTrader): YHM Phantom Silencer model
Magmacow (GameBanana): Base sounds modified by fadingsignal