Mod articles

  • Recommended Mods

    Here is a (in no way complete) list of mods that I recommend or others have recommended and I intend to use in the future. I'm not going to get into load orders or whether or not some of these have compatibility issues between each other. This list will assume some level of experience modding Bethesda games.

    If you are new to modding or just want to play the game there are a couple of Wabbajack mod lists that use Lunar Fallout Overhaul as a base. You can check them out and see if they look right for you:

    Life in the Ruins

    General Compatibility
    Lunar Fallout Overhaul makes direct edits to a lot of areas of the game. However I kept compatibility in mind. There are a few mod types that are generally safe to use without issu...

  • Patches and Patch Wishlist

    This is a list of commonly used mods that either have patches or people have requested patches for. If you are skilled and make a patch, let me know so I can add a link. Check the authors of these patches as they have likely made other useful patches/mods. You can also click on the "Requirements" tab in the mod description and look through the mods that require Lunar Fallout Overhaul.

    Unoficial Fallout 4 Patch: here

    Creation Club: My patches are included, most workshop patches are compatible.

    Workshop Framework: here

    See through Scopes: here

    Workshop Rearranged: here

    NPCs Travel: here

    Creative Perks: here

    VAFS: here

    Lore Based Power Armor Changes: here

  • Credits and Special Thanks

    Over the years I have asked for permission to include assets and mods into Lunar Fallout Overhaul. Some changes have evolved into something totally different or only small pieces have been used, but I am incredibly grateful for those in the community who have openly shared there work as modders resources.

    Santa Strong                    
    craftable cats                   
    Pre War Fresh Food Crafting       
    Meal Combat Individual (MCI aka MRE) and Meat Jerky 
    brawl bug fix           
    Vault Shirts Pack       
    Glowing Animals Emit Light   
    M's Abominations       

  • Redundant Mods List

    Lunar Fallout Overhaul includes a lot of changes to the game that don't necessarily make it into the documents. Often because they are minor tweaks or fixes within a broad system overhaul. This article will attempt to list mods or types of mods that are not needed as similar changes or fixes are already incorporated. I will try to cover as much as I can, but hopefully others will add what they know in the comments so I can add them to the list. I will also include a few mods that are highly likely to conflict. These aren't specific mods since, in most cases, I didn't directly copy any particular mod. Often there are multiple mods that change a specific area of the game. This should be a good start for seeing what compatibility issues might occur using other mods with Lunar Fallout Overhaul...

  • Contraptions DLC

    As of version 106

    Lunar Fallout Overhaul makes substantial changes to the manufacturing machines available to players to add utility to players. This article should help familiarize you with the changes. Especially since many recipes do not show up until you meet the criteria.

    Shipment Packer:

    This machine takes scrap and converts it to shipments.
    This machine also still crafts the steel ball used for the DLC's ball track.

    Ammunition Plant (and requirements):

    shotgun shell: None
    5mm: None
    5.56:  Engineering 3
    .50 cal: Engineering 4
    Plasma Cartridge: Science 4
    .44: Engineering 3
    .45-70: Engineering 4
    .308: None
    7.62: Engineering 4
    2mm EC: Engineering 4

  • FAQ Freequently Asked Questions and Comments

    Q: The game is too hard/easy with this mod I do/take too much damage.

    A:  I have included several optional files in the install fomod to adjust difficulty settings gameplay settings to be easier or harder than the base mod.

    Q: Is this mod compatible with X?

    A: Check the articles section for Recommended Mods and Redundant Mods. Read the description page of both mods and make an educated guess. Load this mod and the mod you are interested up in f04edit to look for conflicts. There are a lot of mods and I can't really give you an accurate answer without doing the above work for you. And I don't have the time/interest in doing that any more.

    Q: My perk tree is messed up. Perk X is missing it's animated icon or can't be chosen!

  • Weapon Balance and Making Weapon Patches

    Significant changes have been made to weapons in this overhaul. Some weapons have been drastically changed either to balance out progression or add utility to weapons that weren't very appealing/popular in vanilla. Base range damage is increased approximately 20% (with exceptions for balance).

    Weapon perks, such as Rifleman focus primarily on increased damage. I've added a sixth rank to weapon damage perks and changed the levels at which they unlock so that the increased damage output scales properly with health scaling and craftable weapon mods.

    Rifleman and Gunslinger perks now affect semi-automatic and fully-automatic rifles and pistols respectively. Commando is much more of an optional, niche perk.

    Gunslinger no longer affects pistol ran...

  • Perks

    Lunar Fallout Overhaul includes an almost complete overhaul of the perk tree. Many perks have been rebalanced. Either nerfed when too powerful or buffed when previously useless. Some have new functions entirely. The goal was to make perk choices on level up a less clear cut decision and to reinforce the idea of role play and building a character.

    I have also made an effort to change or add effects so that perks are useful outside of VATS. This lets players play without using VATS while not feeling like they are missing out on anything.

    General Changes:
    Perks have been altered so you can no longer completely remove threats from the game such as limb damage, radiation and setting off traps. Removing threats entirely reduces difficulty too much and takes away me...

  • Survival in Lunar Fallout

    Lunar Fallout was initially designed for non-survival game play. However over time more survival players have found they enjoy playing survival with this overhaul so I have tried to make the experience as pleasant as I can and add a few features that compliment Survival. This overhaul will make for a challenging (and hopefully satisfying) survival playthrough, but it is not designed to be "hardcore" or "milsim".

    I have not edited HC_Manager, so this should be compatible with most mods that directly edit survival mode. This means you may want to use other mods to edit things like save restrictions.

    If you want to change damage scaling you can use a mod like:
     SKK Dynamic Damage Manager
    or you can use the included LFO Difficulty Settings.esp file.

  • NPCs Creatures and Companions


    CompanionInspirational has been edited to include several new effects. Fall damage is removed. Companions can't trigger traps (since that was removed from Sneak perks). Companions get a damage buff at level 60 and 80 to help them scale and keep up with the player. Since all companions (including most mod companions) already have this Perk, these changes are highly compatible with other mods.

    Some companions were missing perks or spells, so they were directly edited. Many were missing AbMagLiveLoveCompanionPerks.

    I edited each companion's combat style or gave them a unique one if they had a shared/generic one. Their combat behavior is now at least slightly different from one another. I tried to make this match their personality and role as bes...

  • Melee Weapon Rebalance and Patching

    I edited all of the melee weapons in the game. Including NPC melee attacks and robot melee weapons. The goal was to make melee opponents more of a threat and to make a player melee build more satisfying outside of stealth/Blitz.

    Melee Weapons

    Melee damage was increased about 80% on average. While a few weapons had their damage raised or lowered to balance them against the rest.

    I classified melee weapons into 3 main categories based on the weapon's "melee speed" in the Creation Kit:

    Fast: small, one handed weapons. The combat knife is a good average stat fast speed weapon. Light weight, lower damage, less AP cost to use in VATS.

    Medium: longer one handed weapons. Swords are the average stat medium speed weapon. A solid ideal weap...

  • Legendary System

    Legendary drop system has been overhauled. The most significant difference is that not all legendary opponents drop legendary items. Specifically insects, creatures and ferral ghouls don't drop legendary items. This reduction was much needed as Legendary items feel more special when you aren't swimming in them.

    Overpowered/magical legendary effects have been removed (such as exploding bullets).
    New legendary effects have been added for weapons and armor. Mostly moderate buffs.
    Some of the rules for which mods can go on which weapons or armors have been tweaked.
    Some unique/store bought Legendary items have had their effects changed.
    Legendary items sold in stores are generally much more expensive.

    Overall the goal was to rebalance legendaries...

  • Settlement Changes

    I have rebalanced several aspects of Settlement gameplay in order to make it feel more like part of the game. The ability to build larger and stronger settlements will develop as your character's skills develop. The type of settlements you can build will also depend somewhat on your character build. Changes were also made to make settlement building more convenient.

    Care was taken to make sure all quests can be completed without any specific perks required. You can build basic settlements, provide power to and craft all quest items with no perks.

    All craftable settlement objects that provide a service or tangible player benefit have been rebalanced. Many are now locked behind perk requirements to craft. DLC settlement objects have been rebalanced to fit in with the ...

  • Power Armor

    In vanilla, Power Armor would spawn in the world at a level equal to the player. This meant that at a certain point all Power armor would spawn as X-01 suits and lower qualities would never spawn. Now Power armor has a chance to spawn at a quality level less than or equal to the player level (and there are increased chances to spawn lower level sets). This means that you can find a greater variety of sets in the world and high level sets are much more rare. Unique sets are untouched, so there is still at least one guaranteed set of X-01 for example.

    Prior Fallout franchise games made a big deal of gating access to Power Armor by requiring Power Armor training to use. Since you are required to use Power Armor in a very early quest, this isn't an option. Instead I have created a ...

  • Miscellaneous Changes

    -Some loading screen messages changed to reflect gameplay changes.
    -Encounter Zones tweaked for better level scaling and challenge. Some higher level locations like Gunner headquarters or areas of Nuka World have raised minimum levels, making them much tougher.
    -Map markers show up 75% from vanilla distance.
    -Traps will do more damage.
    -Limbs now take longer to start auto healing.
    -Radiation hazards are more hazardous.
    -DLC04_PerkRaiderOperators increases sneak attack damage with silenced guns instead of a flat damage boost.
    -DLC04_PerkRaiderPack reduced damage resistance from 25% to 15%.
    -Disabled some workbenches in Sanctuary and nearby Red Rocket for early game balance.
    -Disabled Sanctuary bridge "boy and his dog"
    -Disabled hal...

  • Armor and Clothing

    Clothing and Armor have been rebalanced to increase playstyle options and reduce exploits. You are limited to how much you can increase your armor resistance. The changes also increase protection offered to many NPCs.

    There are three primary playstyles accounted for:

    Standard: Underarmor with separate armor pieces you can mix and match. Example: vault suit with leather armor pieces worn over. This is the most common and most versatile. Lots of craftable linings for each piece. Possibility of obtaining legendary armor pieces make this very powerful. Ballistic weave option has been removed from all items in this category.

    Fashionista: Civilian clothing items with ballistic weave lining of increasing quality allows players to dress in style while remaining ...

  • Lunar Logic: Food and Drugs

    Almost every food and drug item has been edited and new items have been added to the game. Consumable items are much more fleshed out and diverse.

    Lead Belly Perk is renamed Wasteland Gourmet. You need to rank up that perk to unlock progressively more powerful food and drink recipes. It also reduces (but does not remove) radiation from foods.
    Cooking food only slightly reduces the total radiation of all ingredients. Very few foods are free of radiation.

    Lower quality foods have a much higher ratio of radiation to healing.
    No foods remove addiction.
    Many new foods and recipes have been added to the game.
    Soda (yes all soda items) have been edited so that they increase AP instead of health. This makes them fill their own role in t...

  • Determining Compatibility with other Mods

    Lunar Fallout Overhaul is a pretty broad overhaul of Fallout 4, so there is understandable concern over whether it will be compatible with other mods. I'll try and cover every scenario where compatibility might be a concern. I'll try and update this as needed.

    General Rule
    Lunar Fallout changes a lot. In general I load Lunar Fallout towards the end of my load order and load patches or mods that I want to override Lunar Fallout after. However, it's perfectly fine to load Lunar Fallout early in your load order and let everything else override it.

    Weapon and Armor Mods
    These are generally not compatible without some work. There are two main reasons for this.

    Lunar Fallout rebalanced all of the vanilla weapons and armor and so any added items...

  • Spoilers - Tips Tricks Challenges and Early Game Optimal Walkthrough

    Tips & Tricks
    Here are a number of little tips and tricks to Lunar Fallout that you might not know or might find interesting. I'll try to add to it if I think of more.

    Lunar Fallout Overhaul is intended to be played with the default reduced leveling speed. V.A.N.S. Perks have been edited to be kind of a built in cheat option for those who don't want that. If you want to level up even faster, collect the ingredients required to make Squirrel Soup For a 2 hour XP boost. And on top of that, pop a Mentats just before completing a quest for an additional XP boost!
    Preston is the least liked companion in the Fallout community. Because of this I've made sure his stats are better than other companions. His aim is decent, he does decent damage, and settlers will often g...

  • Lunar Logic: Level Progression and Balance vs Other Options

    I took a fairly different approach to balancing level progression in Fallout 4 than most. I looked at how Fallout 4 works, and it is closer to a traditional RPG. You level up and get more health, better equipment, do more damage, gain skills to approach obstacles differently. What I think most experienced with the vanilla game is that the pieces didn't match up quite right and so game play felt "off". I will try to explain my approach here and then explain why I think other approaches are harder to get right.

    Working with Bethesda's System

    So my approach was to look at all of the elements of the game that Bethesda created, that affect level progression, and adjust them to work better with each other. I chose to use player/NPC health as the control and balance everyt...