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  1. Spifferino
    • premium
    • 2,537 kudos
    Remember, for winter weathers to be a thing, you MUST download the winter weather mod of your choice. I'm using Vivid Weathers Winters in the screenshots. As a sidenote, you may want to consider downloading the fake puddles remover ( if you find them to be an eyesore.
  2. deadsea2281
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but after generating lods, the ground in the distance doesn't match up and I'm not sure how to fix that
  3. Jingby
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Switched to this from Winter Redone. This just being a texture overhaul makes it so much more compatible with other mods. Thanks Spiff!
  4. morrowindswordsman
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I don't usually comment, but thank you for making this. It's really become a staple in my load order <3
  5. betochas01
    • supporter
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    Icepick overhaul + Frozen Lakes and Rivers = CTD not working on NG (next gen update)
    1. koushkinn
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Frozen Lakes and Rivers cause CTD
  6. SheeeepPhone3000
    • member
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    Do you have to make your own LOD Textures?
  7. iamthebigyeti
    • supporter
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    is their a way to make this mod work with the mod "seasons change"? so it only applies in the winter? 
  8. IntoTheAshes
    • member
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    I'm having trouble with the LOD. I'm switching from A Forest where I had to generate my own LOD, in which I then had to generate LOD for this mod because I was getting the LOD for A Forest. I've played around with all of it every which way I can with LODgen. I went through Luxor's help page. I ended up having to put the texture and mesh files (not BA2 packed) into the Icepick folder just to get most of it to show up. It's still giving me pop-ins and there are trees with some type of small leaves on it. Nuka World is fragmented. I didn't check Far Harbor yet. 

    Anything from anyone? 
    1. Talyna23
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      I just let it load last after all my other environmental mods. works flawless. Just remember, lose files always load last. Maybe you have to uninstall a mod or two. Not only uncheck them in your Load Order.
  9. jrceee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is Icepick overhaul compatible with all the DLCs? cause when Im still playing on a vanilla version this mod works fine and all roads and some landscapes are covered with snow but now when I played with an DLCs (Im using the Icepick overhaul complete edition). All roads are back into vanilla textures and some landscapes are dirt and some are covered with snow. Icepick is the only landscape retexture mod that I installed.
  10. JBianculli
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    Would be so rad if the buildable workshop dirt patches could be free of snow. I want to make a greenhouse and it seems all the ground patches are white. Maybe I can find another mod that has non snowy versions. 
  11. DontH8MeCuzI
    • supporter
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    Does this mod change what time of day it starts getting dark? Or perhaps does it alter the timescale in any way?  I was standing in Sanctuary and it was NIGHT DARK by 3-4pm.  Could it be this mod or would the culprit more likely be Nuclear Winter? Or Vivid Weathers (winter version) ?
    1. Spifferino
      • premium
      • 2,537 kudos