About this mod
A tweak that may double the performance in the most demanding parts of Boston.
- Permissions and credits
Add these in your Fallout4Custom.ini:
1. Go to your Fallout4Custom.ini in C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My games\Fallout4
2. Add these under the [General] section:
What does this setting do?
1 = precombined meshes is globally enabled.
0 = precombined meshes is globally disabled.
This setting is hidden and default set to = 1 in Fallout4.ini.
Mods like Commonwealth Conifers Redux need precombined meshes to be disabled (=0) to make lush trees. A huge side effect of disabling precombinded meshs is massively increased draw calls which leads to lower performance.
Commonwealth Conifers Redux requires you to disable precomined meshes in the Fallout.ini file. If bUseCombinedObjects=0 exists in your Fallout4.ini, they will be overridden by the lines you just added in Fallout4Custom.ini.
Setting bUseCombinedObjects=1 enables precomined meshes and will improve performance, but will make the trees in Commonwealth Conifers Redux less appealing. Take a look at the 3 pictures at the top:
Picture 2 have precombined disabled and lush trees.
Picture 3 have precombined enabled and "normal" trees.
The FPS improvements speak for themselves...
Cleanup mods like Spring Cleaning will not work with bUseCombinedObjects=1 as Spring Cleaning needs precombined meshes disabled in order to work.
A mod can override Fallout4.ini files with their own ini files
Mods can add their own .ini files along the with the .esp/.esl/.esm files with overrides the settings in Fallout4.ini
I've included a tutorial in the .zip file with an easy way to find mod ini files that overrides bUseCombinedObjects in Fallout4.ini.
By Valyn81:
Example: Rustbelt Flora has 'Rustbelt Flora.esp' and 'Rustbelt Flora.ini' with the following setting:
Improvements in demanding locations
Example 1: bUseCombinedObjects=0
Example 1: bUseCombinedObjects=1
Additional tweak:
Memory speed can improve the frame rate significantly:
Learn about precombined meshes:
Valyn81 has made a great mod that also may help you when other mods breaks precombined meshes: Boston FPS Fix mod description is detailed and will help you understand thy precombined meshes and mods that break them.
ANDREWCX has made a nice article explaining why precombines is so important.
I also highly recommend you to watch Red Rocket TV's videos:
Fallout 4 Let's Play Prologue 2: Performance and Optimization
Fallout 4 Creation Kit Tutorial: Regenerating precombined meshes and previs data