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  1. bionicyardiff
    • premium
    • 289 kudos
    Added a link to PCPO - Power Conduits and Pylons Overhaul to the description. (Not mine.)


    That and an upcoming SimSettlements plot are why I made this mod.
  2. pressure68
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    My transfer settlements likes to randomly not attach wires to my recruitment beacons and population mgmt terminals when importing (surely load order, not blaming the mod), so this is a great find. Thank you!
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      You're welcome.

      I see that CDante hasn't updated Transfer Settlements for NextGen, hmmm! Probably because it was rolled into the Workshop Framework system by Kinggath?
    2. pressure68
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      I tried the WF transfer a while back and preferred TS, but I can’t remember why. I may give it another shot, but aside from the occasional missing wires TS works perfectly for me. I’m still using GOG .163 though so can’t comment on NG compatibility, not that I will use it even when it comes to GOG. 
  3. EricAntiHero
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Would this mod conflict with workshop Frameworks FAUX POWERED setting for Sim Settlements 2?  I like to place extra lights and turrets to make defense missions less tedious, but I dont want to cause a crash mid playthrough. thanks.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      It shouldn’t cause issues - I’ve used it in the past. Not that I’ve played SimSettlements recently.
  4. Discotech
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice mod, generally works fine although I find sometimes wall lights will have powered off so I have to place them again to get the lights back on, presume it's either a game issue or mod conflict ?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      I’ve not run across that one! I will have to pencil it down as a mod conflict of some sort.
    2. Discotech
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Seems it was user error, I'm using sim settlements 2 and have turned it on where stuff can break and needs repair, even though I have multiple generators connected by wires all to the same points, it seems the closest generator to the light and the wireless connector I was using, had broken down and needed repairs, once repaired the light works again.
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Okay, glad that you figured it. I was having bad NextGen vibes feeling LOL
  5. HeroWither
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I uninstall it without creating a new save?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      You do not. Like when you want to remove any other mod, you must revert to an earlier save where the mod was not installed.
  6. DarkArbiter117
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    If I install this mod, can I continue using my Contraptions Workshop DLC machines as I normally use them?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Yes - this adds a section with new items, the base items still work normally.
  7. TerryLennox
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The Wireless Power Armor Displays' lights became purple...I have verified the power and other lights are working properly.   I have stored and redeployed the displays but the problem persists.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Yeah, I've not been able to figure that one. Damanding told me (a long time ago) that it was some very obscure mesh bug.
  8. agnaaiu
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Sounds like an amazing mod and would perfectly suit me, as I'm not a settlements guy and especially hate the wiring stuff. Sadly the mod does not show up in the Power menu. I've tried multiple things with load order, menu repair, completely uninstalled this mod and Settlements Menu Manager. Reinstalled SMM, repaired menus, installed WWI again, nothing works, it just doesn't show up. Makes me sad :(
    I've installed PCPO now and this works like a charm, but still would very much prefer WWI for the wireless turrets and beacon and such. I tried this on a current playthrough, maybe I start a new playthrough to see if this is maybe the problem.
    If anyone has any suggestion let me know. As I said, I've already tried the reinstall, repair option, changed load order, all to no avail.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Yeah that’s odd alright. There shouldn’t be any issues - the mod’s been in its current form for like 9+ months.
    2. agnaaiu
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I just tested a new game, cleared Sanctuary, went to the Workbench - it's not there. That's really weird. I have no mods installed that mess with menus, at least to my knowledge. Only other mods that mess with the workbench is Workshop Framework, Sim Settlement 1 and Faster Workshop.
      I do some more testing if I can find the troublemaker and report back.

      Okay, here we go. I've uninstalled Faster Workshop (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35382) and WWI, then fresh installed WWI and loaded the new game - the menu is now there. Then I re-installed Faster Workshop and loaded the game again, menu is still there! So there seem to be a problem with Faster Workshop when it is installed before WWI. Faster Workshop is not a normal mod, so it does not appear in the load order, it's a F4SE plugin dll. I assume the plugin has to know which menus are there in the workshop upon first launch and mods that change workshop menus after FW was first launched are unknown to the plugin. That's just a guess, because I'm not a modder, but it sounds logical to me.

      Now I'm very happy that it works, because this mod is awesome. Thank you for sharing it with us, thumbs up and endorsed! :)
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Sounds odd since I use Faster Workshop. Good that you got it going though.

      The only other thing that I could think of was to be sure that SMM is installed before this (and other workshop) mods. Especially if you have older ones that direct-edit the menu - those need to be first.
  9. silverluna92
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What point of wireless connector if it can't wireless connect with other connector?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      I’m not certain what you mean.

      The point of connectors is that they transfer power - for the 0-range options, they don’t radiate. This allows a player to put wiring through an area without dropping dozens of power-radiating points in a small area.

      If you are wanting to know why two connectors cannot “join” wirelessly, from memory they can. It appears to be a game bug and is very flaky, so I don’t trust them at all.

      I’m in progress with making pass-through connectors, more testing required. Plus a few more wireless items.
  10. cbrgamer3
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Argh - I found this mod about a week after essentially making a cut down version myself that does the same thing (except by overriding the original versions so when Sim Settlements builds them they are already wireless - I don't use self powering on city plans).

    I found with my version that turrets don't power automatically if you place them and then afterwards supply the power to the area. You need to pick them up in workshop mode and put them down again. Yours seems to do the same. Does that happen on your game as well, or is it just mine?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      It happens in my game as well, yes. It seems to be a game-engine limitation: the original items never expected to be wireless-powered, so they don't auto-start if placed before wireless power is available.
    2. cbrgamer3
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Interestingly, the water pumps don't have the same problem though.
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Water pumps are activators, turrets are NPCs. Funny yet true LMAO


      The same issue occurs with my enhanced turrets mod. A peculiarity of the game.
  11. rayban87
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but I can't find this in my settlement menu at all.
    I've checked the power section in my settlements and there isn't the added wireless workshop section added at the end of the power section.
    The last thing in that menu is still marquees or something.
    I do have SSM installed but idk for some reason I can't find any of the wireless items.
    Am I doing something wrong?

    Okay so I downloaded the other file and I can now find it in the wireless section in the power menu but it doesn't seem to work for me.
    I built a fusion power supply that gives 100 power and then I built the wireless emitter in the settlement section but the power on it remains red even after building a new power supply, deleting my old ones, building new wireless items next to a new power supply etc.
    Again I'm not sure if I'm missing a step and doing something wrong.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      Can you post a screenshot of what you’ve done?
    2. rayban87
      • member
      • 2 kudos

      So I installed SSM and then also installed this mod too.
      I have other mods installed as well but a lot of them are just new weapons and armors and then the big keyword community mod thing, performance enhancing rubble remover mods, sim settlements, better companions mods, scrap everything ultimate edition, looksmenu, some item sorting mod etc.
      Basically what I did was build a fusion core power supply and then head into the wireless power section and then built a light right next to it but it doesn't register any power.
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      I didn't make the power sources radiate wirelessly - you still need to build a power radiator, like a pylon or conduit nearby.

      That's why I linked to PCPO, it has bigger-radius power pylons and conduits.
    4. rayban87
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oh my gosh yeah you did mention that other mod haha super sorry!
      Clearly I don't read properly lol I'll just go and inject myself with some bleach disinfectant now.
      I'll go pick up that other mod now.
      Thank you for taking the time to reply to me, super appreciate it :)
    5. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 289 kudos
      No problems, it happens and no bleach disinfectant needed hahah