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Tooun - Kimino - Salted fish

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  1. toounx
    • premium
    • 2,778 kudos
    !!!!!!!!!the fine zoom MOD is Reproduced
    (If you want to switch the sight ratio)
    XM2010 Including  Many styles of scope, detector CPU, switch side aiming, thermal imaging, night vision, pendant and Too many Attachments / functions.

    I've been updating this gun for 3 years, and now it's over


    ..........For more questions and note, please see post below

  2. toounx
    • premium
    • 2,778 kudos
    Summary of some questions:

    3rd Reload BUG(not my mod bug)
    When you play in third person, zoom and shoot, stop zooming, it plays the reload animation at each shot
    This not my mod bug, That is a vanilla bug.
    All  switching speed delays problem
    Please regularly clean up the [weapon modification parts] in your inventory (INV - MODS)

    How to made [.50 receiver special] in weapon workshop
    1. forging .50 reciever
    2. change standard reciever
    3. leave workshop
    4. enter workshop
    5. forging .50 reciever special

    [See Through Scopes] model: scopes do not work in 3rd camera
    if you have [ See Through Scopes] v2.2 mod
    you can find a cassette in your Pipboy - miscellaneous ,, use it to setting SCOPE mode

    Rail red dot sight wont work,or detector no data
    Try to use the game version above 1.10.114. You must use the hotkey in the MCM menu
    You must install the complete f4se, corresponding to your game version.

    make sure :Normally there will be a lot of pex files in [ data/scripts ] Folder :
    Actor.pex \ ActorBase.pex \ Armor.pex \ ArmorAddon.pex \ Cell.pex .......................................UI.pex \ WaterType.pex \ Weapon.pex

    Scope ratio switching(Precise 4X 8X 12X)
    please install :
    Fine zoom 0.3.6 only Support game 1.10.163,1.10.162 (not 1.10.138)
    so Under 1.10.138 scope ratio switching function cannot be used
    FLRI N.T HeadGear has deleted,
    a new of 4-Eye night vision in my USP .45 mod
    but if you want FLRI N.T HeadGear.v1.0 , you can download it :

  3. ElfWaifusAreMyLifu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anybody know how to switch between the top red tots and scopes? i have STS and FTS + side aim all installed correctly yet i cannot for the life of me find out how it works, does it require the zoom mod?
  4. SahdowWolf234
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    anyone know which version has the Marlboro cig pack on the scope, mine has a red Chinese brand pack. really miss the Marlboro one :c
  5. blitzo999
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Possibly my favorite weapon mod yet. Many customizations available. It can function as a sniper rifle, or a marksman rifle, silenced or not. Has a modern military feel but not too polished to where it doesn't break immersion in the fallout world. Nice work
  6. alessander5
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hotkey configuration don't show up in mod config menu. 
    Edit: Forget it, i needed to download the optional file for the menu to appear.
    1. CreedDrangleic
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Which optional file was it?
    2. Ty637
      • member
      • 3 kudos
  7. Deathviper202222
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can someone walk me through exactly how to change the reticle for the scopes. The guide isnt really explicit on the exact way
  8. ubercoincollector
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    wish this was packaged by itself XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle, or that there was an option to not have the m24, i know i know but i'm funny like that
  9. D3D3Y3OOO
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is this Next Gen compatible
  10. powhway
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    sorry, but how can i switch scope zoom ingame?
  11. Worsin
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    Scope does not work!

    What am i doing wrong here?  When i try and aim down the scope i get no scope and instead it aims down the top of the scope.

    1. sdkfz2512
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      For what's it's worth I had the same problem.  Drove me nuts.  Then I installed the FOV 80 and Bold Line optional file and then everything worked just fine.  Might give that a try.
    2. TheCanadianCrook
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      used this mod for years never had this issue until now... mostly just use 3rd person but its bugging me now
    • member
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    We need an immersive US flag :)