LockedStickyAs of version 3.0, I no longer have any plans to rebuild this mod or add new features in the future. I've done everything I can to improve performance and reduce this mod's impact on a player's save file and papyrus VM, and that's the best I can do here. The underlying design for this mod prevents me from adding to it in the way I want to, and so I'm looking into a new design I can use for a new mod that accomplishes a similar goal.
i have WATM and MM and yet the patrols wear army outfit with armor set or even ragged shirts
so i noticed this now says discontinued? not sure i understand, does this mean your going to integrate it into your YAWA 2 so it's merged into one mod?
or am i misunderstanding what discontinued means in this context?-
interesting, what did you want to do exactly? i count myself as one of the many who love this mod.
hmm, well i'm still trying out the second version myself and i have already noticed some changes such as hunter camps dotted in some locations and i'm sure there is more, is it tied to how many settlements i open up like this mod does?
ok so if i upgrade them to the point of the castle and get the artillery setup, is this their peak or is it further in the quest, do i need to destroy the institute to reach their peak?
currently i'm doing a subversion playthrough, i'm going to attempt to unite all factions under the institute, not sure where this will go in your mod though. -
I've left the mod up because I recognize that despite the fact it doesn't do what I wanted, plenty of other people enjoy using it.
i most certainly do love the older mod version, the new one is ok as well, but it runs my game a bit too laggy having them together, so i had to take out yawa 2 because it was simply too fps heavy in some locations, but i didn't mind some of the locations where the landmass was empty, but the locations such as right next to the robots in the ship, that location is heavy enough as it is, so adding this in that location made it far more heavy.
but i do love what yawa 2 does, but i think i like the first one even more. -
ok your kind of correct especially when it comes to the density of NPC's being added by yawa 1, but i found when you put in more built locations in areas that were already heavy on FPS it became dramatically worse because they remain in that area, so my stability instead of being temporary bad it's always bad in that area, now with that said for yawa 2 when i find locations in the less dense parts of the city like in the outskirts it runs very well and i love coming across these locations, look don't get me wrong i do love seeing them, but there are obvious locations to avoid putting these things, however this is also because of my limitations of my old.ass machine and the limitations of Bethesda's optimization, which could be fixed when the next gen update is better fixed for everyone, the update seems to make the game run better for some people, but i delayed it because i knew something like that situation would happen, eventually i'm sure they will fix it to work better for other PC's.
but right now these problem areas are in the city where there is a presence of dense buildings and objects are already, which effects my FPS poorly, the other reason why i stuck with yawa 1 is because i like it's features a bit more, not trying to offend you as i like them both, but i really do like yawa 1 more so.
look, maybe right now is maybe not the time to be worried about this as the next gen update might fix the issues in these problem areas and when every mod updates for that version of the game everything will run smoothly, so maybe you don't have to worry about it too much at this time.
so i have not visited every location in that playthroughs, since i started a new playthrough i only remember the issue areas were in Lexington there was a street of houses and one of the houses was turned into one of these locations which is a already fps heavy location and the robot ship location in the middle of the city, there might have been other areas that i didn't explore in that playthrough, but most of them that i ran into in the outskirts ran very well because there was nothing out there so it makes perfect sense they would run better in these locations. -
holy smokes bro! you really live by that name you chose lol, that's a lot of dedication and detail to fixing the issues.
it's also possible i might have something causing issues with the precombine things, i think at one point i might have disabled them in my INI but later learned that they don't really do anything and tend to make things worse i notice no diff when they are on or off, but the issue is my PC is very old the hardware i'm using could barely run this game in these areas anyway.
this is why i'm hoping the update fixes these areas, but again i knew bethesda's update may not solve the issue for all PC setups so i delayed the update for some later time.
anyway i do think it's great you still want to pursue this to better understand what's happening, but like i said i took it out of my load order for another playthrough currently, so i can't tell you or even show you what that looked like, i probably should have uploaded a video or something for you to see from my perspective, had i known you were this obsessive in fixing your mods, a lot of modders i come across tend to lose their passion because of the issues with this game engine and i don't typically want to bother them too much, but next time i will perhaps make a video and then send it to you with the correct channels instead of just through the comment section.
Will you please continue working on the mod :(
Well, these crazy patrols actually destroyed my Starlight settlement by bombing it with enormous amounts of grenades, they destroyed all turrets, crops and of course, a horde of attacking ghouls as it was planned. After that, they run and stole all legendary items dropped from these ghouls. When I started shooting these crazy minutemen to stop them from running with my legendary loot, they started fighting back. Removed it. Heavy laser turrets are better.
Not sure if it was a crossfire. They just started throwing grenades one after another into the ghouls inside the settlement, destroying turrets, crops and ghouls all together. I was just standing nearby and watching this mess. They were really effective. After that they went looting all the dead ghouls from legendary items and run away. I think their script may be more user-friendly.
wow, i find this interaction so cool lol, i know you viewed it as a negative, but to me, this sounds Hella awesome.
Aurelianis has made the best Spectacle Island bridge set yet, in that his Around The Block mod is a one-and-done wide set of bridges between The Castle, Warwick, and Spectacle Island which doesn't even break previs (Just put it under anything that works on the spots in question for navmeshing victory!)
This should prevent the swimming issue.
As a side note... I did get the Holotape option, but strictly for the sake of radio.
All we hear is radio ka-ka, radio goo-goo, radio gaga! - Queen -
I have a mod that changes Home Sweet Home in Nuka World, so you don't have to take over settlements in the 'Wealth. (The quest ends when you tell the guy that you don't want to hurt anyone). Unfortunately when i came back from NW, the MM patrols are attacking me without any other provocation on my part. I tried fast traveling, no dice. Preston isn't even mad at me as he would be if I had taken over any MM-aligned settlements. I do plan on killing all the raiders during Open Season but I'm not there yet. Is my only recourse to uninstall the mod, or to just run away from the patrols? I also tried using the console to force faction switching on the hostiles, but that didn't seem to work either. I'd appreciate any insight. Thank you! This mod is pretty cool otherwise.-
Thanks for the prompt reply.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find the holotape, or forgot how to craft it? I installed MCM
after the fact and I'm no't sure where to look for those options. Apologies if I've missed something/or this is a dumb question. -
Ah, that did it. I think I probably already had the config tape in my inventory, I was just looking in the wrong place? In any case I downloaded the optional holotape file, and now I have two config tapes. Heh It seems to have worked. Thanks very much.
For some reason there seem to be a lot more patrols than there should be with the settings I'm using. After finding the defaults to be more than I wanted in a previous game I started my current one with the patrol density dialed back to light and size to 3 for all regions. But everywhere I go I run in to 5 person patrols, including places nowhere near any claimed settlements. Is there any reason MCM setting would not be saved or applied?
Yeah, my mistake. Turns out I forgot I have 2 other mods that add also Minutemen. Which explains why the run between Red Rocket and Abernathy looks like a Minutemen soccer game. The 5 person patrols are from W.A.T.M..
Sorry for the false alarm. -
It could be considered a compatibility nightmare, but I prefer to think of it as a compatibility adventure.
Can I add this to an existing save?
I'm using a submod for Militarised that adds Enclave Patches to my MMs to have it work it as an auxiliary force for the main Enclave troops from America Rising 2.
It works perfectly, even add patrols to places outside the normal map like the Enclave Army Depot, so you can see MMs and Enclave patrolling side by side.
Amazing 10/10
Edit: they even defended the Enclave base from a BoS assault! -
Anyway to make them wear the usual armor and weapon i have minuteman npc wear in game? like Militarized minuteman? my patrols wears both MM and also regular clothes with metal leather or combat. I dont want them to wear those regular clothes like leather armor or mixed.