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Nice !!! Nice !!! Hope it work for me ! I get tired to restart the museum to get sim settlement holotape and the gang!! Do you think it work with Another Life Mod, an alternative start I use all time to skip the prolog?
I dont know if Another Life sets the correct vault exit trigger stages, do you ?
(2) This works perfectly with SKK Fast Start new game or vault exit savegames. It will not work with other ALT start mods that "forget" to set key new game start triggers for the benefit of others (MQ102.Stage15 specifically, naughty mods). Craft a [ SKK Fast Minutemen Activation Note ] in the utility section of a Chemistry workbench.
I love idea to skip already boring part but this skips alot of stuff that have to use commands to start or complete (Side Quests and many quests) then there is issue I dont know how to get the Deathclaw to open emerge from ground to enter that area.
This doesn't skip any side quests at all, it only skips the quests it is documented to skip.
If you must have a deathclaw in Concord then don't use this solution to skip it. D-UH !
Or, do you actually expect to be able to run a bypass mod from anywhere and still trigger arbitrary actors or objects to appear in unloaded areas ? If so, please explain how and why, because that technology does not exist.
Not sure how to fix this other than hope for a previous save, (or restart for the 1000th time) but somehow ALL my holotapes/notes that dictated settings vanished including the note to activate Preston and crew. No idea why, thankfully many tapes can be recrafted, except the note for this quest. Anybody run into this before or know a suggestion? I really hate doing the whole Concord/Sanctuary bull.
This mod has helped me fix a bug that has plagued me for years. When Freedom calls always glitches out on me, making the Minutemen unplayable for me in and game I start. With this mod I was not only able to play the faction again, but it also somehow fixed whatever was causing the issue on in the first place as every new game I can now finish all the quests without them glitching as well. Great mod overall! And great job fixing a issues I've had for years!
How would I duplicate the effect of this mod up to level 2 (becoming the general) as a batch file?
Also could you make any suggestions on how to acquire the other companions via a similar batch file?
Thus when using Alternate Start for the 100th time I can run the batch files to quickly reassemble my team (by virtue of Amazing Follower Tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976) without having to run all over the damn place just to assemble my SF Ranger team. (NOTE: I have other mods and batch files pre-configured to equipment the team once they are assembled.)
SKK50 i wanted to thank you for this mod, i had a problem for sometime with the preston quest called freedom calls he was always stuck in dialog now with your mod i just skipped that part completly and now my game is back to normal.
SKK50 was wondering after eveything is completed from this mod can you safely deactivate the mod again ?
"The mod can be disabled after either the [ SKK Fast Minutemen is shutting down ] or [ SKK Fast Minutemen has completed ] messages have popped. Only remove mods if you are happy to accept potential conflicts from load order changes in a save game."
thanks but im keeping it my loadorder because i noticed eveytime i remove a mod the loadorder changes and breaks other mods in the process. so it stays in load order.
Hi there, mate. Just a small thing I'm having a problem with. I'm on Xbox, so can't use the console (sadly) and Dogmeat is still called "Dog." I used this soon as I got out of the vault, so it skipped meeting him and he wasn't renamed.
Not a huge issue, as I do actually call him "dog" most of the time. As in "Get out of the bloody way, dog" lol.
Ah, thought it might be the skipping quests that did it. Hmm, so should he have changed now that I have him? I picked him up straight after "finishing" the museum (i.e. using the first option). Did I screw up by getting him afterwards?
Obviously, I don't mind and not blaming the mod. I'm more curious than anything. It's not exactly breaking my game in any way.
It is DogmeatQuest.Stage 2 that sets global variable PlayerKnowsDogmeatName to 1 and changes Dog actors name via DogmeatQuest.Alias_DogNameAlias.
I do not know exactly what triggers DogmeatQuest.Stage 2 probably some trigger box in RedRocket (which thoughtless RR scrapping or overhauls are known to remove) or a dialogue path.
I've run across this, as well. I believe DogmeatQuest.Stage 2 triggers in the museum. When you first speak to Mama Murphy, she mentions his name to you and you ask if it's her dog, ect. I've had it not trigger once in a while without this mod installed, so it can be a vanilla bug. But it's happened every time (maybe 4 times?) with FSM. I just use the console to fix it, but maybe dragging him to the museum at some point will trigger it?
Just tested it and he remains dog. It seems that there are two places his name is revealed. The intro conversation with Mama Murphy at the Museum of Freedom or, if you miss that, you'll find it out during Reunions. So, not a bug of any kind, just skipping over a possible trigger point.
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use the SKK Mods Discord channel? https://discord.gg/tgKNT77DC8
like, speed up her mini quests or maybe pick up the artillery schematics once you "unlock" the castle
anything like that? just wondering out loud, you know me
Since artillery is rubbish as a weapon system and I never use it, not something I would invest time in unpicking.
Do you think it work with Another Life Mod, an alternative start I use all time to skip the prolog?
(2) This works perfectly with SKK Fast Start new game or vault exit savegames. It will not work with other ALT start mods that "forget" to set key new game start triggers for the benefit of others (MQ102.Stage15 specifically, naughty mods). Craft a [ SKK Fast Minutemen Activation Note ] in the utility section of a Chemistry workbench.
can confirm because I do use them
If you must have a deathclaw in Concord then don't use this solution to skip it. D-UH !
Or, do you actually expect to be able to run a bypass mod from anywhere and still trigger arbitrary actors or objects to appear in unloaded areas ? If so, please explain how and why, because that technology does not exist.
Which start option do you use to bypass the problems ?
Also could you make any suggestions on how to acquire the other companions via a similar batch file?
Thus when using Alternate Start for the 100th time I can run the batch files to quickly reassemble my team (by virtue of Amazing Follower Tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976) without having to run all over the damn place just to assemble my SF Ranger team. (NOTE: I have other mods and batch files pre-configured to equipment the team once they are assembled.)
Otherwise I would not have bothered investing the weeks of software engineering and testing to produce this quality solution.
SKK50 was wondering after eveything is completed from this mod can you safely deactivate the mod again ?
anyway thanks for this mod.
Not a huge issue, as I do actually call him "dog" most of the time. As in "Get out of the bloody way, dog" lol.
The player still needs to do the meet and greet red rocket scene for the name change.
Obviously, I don't mind and not blaming the mod. I'm more curious than anything. It's not exactly breaking my game in any way.
I do not know exactly what triggers DogmeatQuest.Stage 2 probably some trigger box in RedRocket (which thoughtless RR scrapping or overhauls are known to remove) or a dialogue path.