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Shadowliger--CharlieW--F4NV Dev Team

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About this mod

A simple mod that allows players to craft full body replacer meshes of the various canines of Mojave/Capital Wasteland and equip them to Dogmeat. Does NOT require the TransDogifier.

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What is this and what does it do?

A simple mod that allows players to craft fully body replacement meshes of the various canines of the Mojave/Capital Wasteland and equip them to Dogmeat. This mod does not require or use the TransDogifier. The canines can be crafted via the cooking station under: Dogs of New Vegas. 


--I've already released some of these models (Nightstalker and Cyberdog Rex) as straight replacers. If you are using this mod you won't need those, except if you are using a different texture for Rex, in which case you will want to grab the one you want from that page as only Rex textures are included here. 

--These are not just texture replacers, all 8 creatures are mesh replacers as well. Because of this there will likely be clipping with vanilla and/or modded armors or accessories that are meant to fit vanilla Dogmeat.They use slot 33 (body).

***not required but I recommend BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah's mod - Dog Armor Display Rack for displaying the various dogs you aren't currently using. As well as displaying any other dog type armors and accessories you may have.  

Special Thanks to Charlie W. aka bigcman123 for making the base textures for the Coyote, Legion Mongrel and Cheyenne/FO3 Dogmeat. I added my own details to them but he made the base textures.