I have recoloured this to black, white and red. though i've only tested the red one in game personally and it looks pretty good to me I think! ToneTigre has given me permission for me to link it here. its a zip with three folders marked "BLACK / RED / WHITE" with a data folder in each pathing to the tone texture provided. Just copy and paste any ONE of the data folders into your fallout 4 directory replace when prompted. I use the shoeless version though so i don't know if it changes the shoes or not. (Just the 8k version, sorry) https://quickfileshare.org/Yuw/RUN_TO_YOU_COLOUR_SWAPS.zip (ignore the "RUN TO YOU COLOUR SWAPS" folder in there its just the same three folders again, my bad)
its really easy to do yourself though, go to "Data/Textures/Tone/Run_to_You" and take the Run_To_You_B_D.dds and open it in Paint.net or any program that lets you edit dds files. in paint.net I just used the recolour (hotkey "R") with my colour of choice at max brush size and click and drag across the whole image and done. click save, don't change any of the config stuff and hit ok. Jobs a good'un
FYI, if you have Tone's Fashion_Victime mod you can swap textures in OS. All you have to do is select the RTY dress in OS , select the materials folder and point it to a different one in the Fashion_Victime. Then export the outfit. Looks alright. Not perfect but very close. I posted up a couple pics so you can see what to do and where. One caveat, though, I haven't figured out how to do multiple colors like this that are changeable at the armor bench.
That's a great outfit! I'm using it on Heather and it looks sweet on her. Where did you find those high heels by the way? I'd love to pair these with the outfit.
With all due respect it looks like a dress made out of a burlap sack that you would see out of something like Mad Max. Good job though! And im not saying it's bad, i'm just saying it looks like a burlap sack dress which I find kind of funny.
Well, that is not very nice, well if you put a soft tissue on a naked Brest I will do this effect. it might look better white bra, but I did not want to do it for now, it is a complex part. And of course I like free bobs =P. but I do understand that it might not be to your taste.
Sorry to say ToneTigre but fabric does not have that effect unless its very skin tight, and if was skin tight you wouldn't be able to see the nipples like that. It looks like 2 ridiculous boob socks were attached to this otherwise cute romper and just ruins it overall imo. If you want something similar that emphasizes the breasts realistically you should look into thin fabric that drapes over them rather than clings to the surface. Also source: am female, have boobs, design actual clothing
Hi, I have to disagree with you there if it has a good mass (a heavy fabric) and drop on something a bit hard, I do agree tits are not that hard, but I can't make them soft when I am modeling. I think the mistake I have made, Is to use a custom body slider Preset on the pictures. whit the way it re arrange the breast it look stang. If you look at how it does in my program (https://imgur.com/gP3U7Kq) there it does not look as stang, the nipples are still visible. I have the dress outfit at home. =D
Oynien....the dress is fully customisable thanks to the modder providing it in a format compatible with CBBE...so we can fit it skin tight, loose, and to just about any body shape under the sun...exactly as with any other outfit shared in this way. The images are of a specific body and fit, but you don't have to use same if you don't want to. Example with my characters body (using jmenaru's outfit body preset) and no 'nipple poke' or 'cleavage creep' after 2 minutes in Bodyslide & Outfit Studio.
I really like the look of this. And I'm going to try it when I get back to Boston. Just thinking - a suggestion if you don't mind- a dress below the knees. Or ankle length. I think the color and texture lend itself well to such a dress. I kind of imagine a chilly day in fall/winter/spring.
Hi, thanks I am doing a dress right now, but it is a bit on top of the ankle you can have a look at my publish pictures. one a dress the brown texture look a bit weird.
Hi, hahah a just made the shoes at the last moment because I found it was missing it lol, you could just go into effect studio and delete the theme (you must delete the Feet, slider to) If you would like i can do a version without theme tomorrow it if you want.
I've been trying to figure out how to remove the shoes from a lot of the outfits. I'm no good at modding. I would love it if you made a version without the shoes.
It's super easy once you get the first attempt under your belt: Build the outfit in Bodyslide....just to be sure there is a mesh created. Open Outfit Studio....button in the corner of the Bodyslide. From first menu do 'Import' ...navigate to your Data/Meshes folder...you can usually see exactly where the outfit is either at the Build stage..Bodyslide tells you where it will save the .nif file, or here in the File section, so this is Data/Meshes/Tone/Run To You for example. Import the outfit. Look in the top right and you'll see how it breaks down into, CBBE Body, and modular parts of outfit. In this case if I recall..from yesterday LOL, the shoes are separate and you can highlight the line for those in top left and Delete. Then just Export and overwrite the original .nif, or replace any other clothing outfit if you wanted to use this as say a version of 'sweater vest and slacks' so that it shows up in game. Same way you can add different footwear, accessories from other outfits, change the body (to fix clipping ).....it's a really cool tool and well worth the trouble of a bit of trial and error. You can always backup files first, or just reinstall an outfit if you find it all goes horribly, so you can't break anything (well not that I know of!)
Alright I followed that step by step perfectly and now my character has no shoes. She also has no toes or any of the other parts of the feet that the shoes covered.
Ok, this is because I remove them look at your body slider to customize your body there is a tick box that says Feet, until this. https://imgur.com/fqNZJFO
Unchecking the box fixed it. The without shoes version still had shoes but I unchecked the feet box and removed the shoes like before and now everything works perfect. Thanks for your time!
I like it! Would it be possible to "join" the normal version with the alternative? that is, that from a workbench, "transform" the normal version into the alternative, so you can change from one to another without having to change the files.
What would commonly be called "swapping", is seen a lot in clothing mods that change appearance, such as from short-sleeved to long-sleeved jacket, changing colors, etc. etc., people would save having to change textures by hand, everything would do from a workbench for armor.
(ignore the "RUN TO YOU COLOUR SWAPS" folder in there its just the same three folders again, my bad)
its really easy to do yourself though, go to "Data/Textures/Tone/Run_to_You" and take the Run_To_You_B_D.dds and open it in Paint.net or any program that lets you edit dds files. in paint.net I just used the recolour (hotkey "R") with my colour of choice at max brush size and click and drag across the whole image and done. click save, don't change any of the config stuff and hit ok. Jobs a good'un
I posted up a couple pics so you can see what to do and where. One caveat, though, I haven't figured out how to do multiple colors like this that are changeable at the armor bench.
Also source: am female, have boobs, design actual clothing
If you look at how it does in my program (https://imgur.com/gP3U7Kq) there it does not look as stang, the nipples are still visible.
I have the dress outfit at home. =D
Hope it clear the problem. Have a nice day !
The images are of a specific body and fit, but you don't have to use same if you don't want to.
Example with my characters body (using jmenaru's outfit body preset) and no 'nipple poke' or 'cleavage creep' after 2 minutes in Bodyslide & Outfit Studio.
Hope That helps
Build the outfit in Bodyslide....just to be sure there is a mesh created.
Open Outfit Studio....button in the corner of the Bodyslide.
From first menu do 'Import' ...navigate to your Data/Meshes folder...you can usually see exactly where the outfit is either at the Build stage..Bodyslide tells you where it will save the .nif file, or here in the File section, so this is Data/Meshes/Tone/Run To You for example.
Import the outfit.
Look in the top right and you'll see how it breaks down into, CBBE Body, and modular parts of outfit.
In this case if I recall..from yesterday LOL, the shoes are separate and you can highlight the line for those in top left and Delete.
Then just Export and overwrite the original .nif, or replace any other clothing outfit if you wanted to use this as say a version of 'sweater vest and slacks' so that it shows up in game.
Same way you can add different footwear, accessories from other outfits, change the body (to fix clipping ).....it's a really cool tool and well worth the trouble of a bit of trial and error.
You can always backup files first, or just reinstall an outfit if you find it all goes horribly, so you can't break anything (well not that I know of!)
Thanks for the help ! =D
have a nice day !
What would commonly be called "swapping", is seen a lot in clothing mods that change appearance, such as from short-sleeved to long-sleeved jacket, changing colors, etc. etc., people would save having to change textures by hand, everything would do from a workbench for armor.