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El Ha

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  1. Falloutfanerersers
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Definetly gonna use this for making drugs
  2. Taylor3006
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I always like to make a trailer park at Starlight Drive in and this mod works perfectly for that. No issues whatsoever. 

    When wiring Sanctuary for power, I kept running into a problem with the vanilla power pylon where they would float above the rooftops where I string wires. It wasn't game breaking but it was very annoying. Then I realized that I had a power pylon "tv antenna" with this mod. I started using it and it is wonderful. It sinks into the roof just enough that everything looks great and of course, works well. 

    Like all of Zorkaz's mods, it is just fantastic. Such a great modder and his work makes Fallout 4 a great game. Thanks Zorkaz! 
  3. fgambler
    • supporter
    • 125 kudos
    Is there a way to use the wooden RV textures as replacer for the vanilla RV textures?

    EDIT: I think I found out, I renamed the and dropped it into DiamondCity\DiamondRVPanel02_d.DDS

    Just need to figure out how to remove the rusty metal reflection over the wood, probably related to normal and specular...
  4. iriemk
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    All the semantics about what they is called discussed below aside, these campers/RVs/caravanz are really nice, and the mod works flawlessly.

    In any case, this is another essential piece to perfect my beach hippie commune at Nordhagen. So thank you very much, Zorkaz. Now got a half dozen of your workshop mods installed, and they iz all awesome! Endorsed, saved to my mod archive & bookmarked your user files page for good measure. I'll be watching you, dude^^!

    Now I'm just waiting for an old-school Volkswagen Bulli as a doc/food vendor (or maybe even driveable to tow that trailer) and my hippie build dreams might actually become reality^^.
  5. RVs are not campers.
    Campers are not RVs.
    But both are trailers.
    This is a camper, and a camper only, as an RV would be its own vehicle as well, but a camper is dragged around be a vehicle, more over a truck.

    Its not a caravan anything I believe but on that one I cannot say for sure.
    1. streetyson
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      Wrong, wrong and wrong. An RV doesn't have to be self-propelled, it can be a camper trailer - it's just these days most people shorten "self-motorized RV" to "RV". Recreational vehicle is just a vehicle used for recreation. A vehicle is anything that can be used to convey people or things from one place to another, they don't have to be self-propelled - for example: towable campers/trailers, barges, hand-pulled carts, dog-pulled sleds, and horse-drawn wagons are all vehicles.

      And you initially claim a camper and RV are both trailers, then contradict yourself by saying an RV is "its own vehicle but a camper is dragged around". However, a self-motored RV is by definition NOT a trailer - a trailer is so called because it is trailed (i.e. towed).

      And depending on where you speak English, caravan (in this context) is just another name for a camper trailer, and camper (if and where shortened from campervan) is just another name for RV. Basically it boils down to the way English is used in different parts of the world, and the modder's title was just trying to helpfully cover various such usages.

      Now, good day to you.
  6. Kiwihine
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Awesome idea of a mod, easy placement and clicky all works like you said it would:)  If short of land or this mod is the answer to most problems, the NPC seem to love them too:) lol thanks again and kudos and thanks El Ha. 
  7. serg23169
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to adapt your mod for Sim Settlements? as a basis for interiors.
    There is already an add-on where Trailer Park Dreams - Sim Settlements are used, but they are very Gramos in terms of placement and require flat areas of the surface.
    your mod would allow you to build small houses and place them anywhere as a base for interiors. As an example, there is a similar mod (Shackin 'Up - A Sim Settlements Prefab Shack Mod), but the author created a huge number of models, without the possibility of their interaction with vanilla building blocks, it is very difficult to fit them into most of the building, and only a third of them are suitable for use with interiors ... I think, with a little revision, and 2 - 3 additional models (for a store and a bar, in other things, this is not necessary, since I plan to use them only for residential interiors from the Sim Settlements AddOn Pack-Junk Town mod, they will ideally fit as for me.) I would ideally complement the game.
    Regards, and thanks for your work.
    1. Zorkaz
      • premium
      • 2,149 kudos
      I don't know how Sim Settlement works and I don't care to find out. But you can always make a patch
    2. serg23169
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I would be glad if only knew how.
      I am not asking you to create a mod for Sim Settlement, but simply add anchor points to place the interior (a zone for auto-adjustment from the above-mentioned mod, which has the size and anchor points to vanilla blocks, to place inside your own buildings), place an interior area without anchor points inside the trailer without additional mods is not possible, but it will be difficult to deliver exactly. All I ask is to add the ability to attach the interior area to the anchor points inside the trailer so that it is located exactly in the middle. Sim Settlement already initially allows you to place small zones with auto-adjustment inside vanilla buildings (they themselves are glued to the floor with edges, and walls can be attached to them), but it will not work to place such a zone in the trailer because of the goborites of the inner space of the trailer (there is simply nowhere to stand inside so as not to intersect with the interior area, and outside the trailer itself will interfere). Therefore, it is impossible to place the interior area from the Sim Settlement mod inside the trailer, it is either pushed outward, interfering with the object's collision, or is not placed due to the intersection with the character, if there was a point to which the interior itself would stick, this problem would not exist.
  8. Kroosade
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fantastic mod, thank you so much for this!

    Does anyone know of a mod to build those green caravans that are all over? You see them in RV parks, construction sites, etc, but haven't found the mod to build them yet.
    1. Zorkaz
      • premium
      • 2,149 kudos
      Can you upload a picture, I can't think of any green ones
    2. HRoss78
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Are you talking about the green capsules with the orange stripe running across the side?

      This mods adds them, if that's what you're talking about.
    3. Kroosade
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      About nine months late, but thank you for the mod link!
    4. kestrelhawk
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      I can't either Zorkaz. I have Snap&Build, but the ones in that aren't green.

      Edit: And yes, I'm late too, lol.
  9. modus666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    just a bit of feedback. the material costs for the caravans, while not ridiculous, do seem to be a bit on the high side, compared to similarly sized structures crafted from say, standard pieces.
  10. Spetz069
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Have an issue with them showing up as blank spaces in workshop mode, both versions. They work, but aren’t visible until selected And on screen. Any ideas? Using Valdicils sorting mod if that helps..
    1. Zorkaz
      • premium
      • 2,149 kudos
      Some people have this issue for some reason. But as long as it works in the end...