Hm do you have any other mm mods running? I think i ran into this recently, iirc the patch mod was updated and mighta wonked this but id have to check (no time rn)
How do you replace the headgear selection with the ones from the normal selection from Militarized Minutemen? The Crested Barrets look like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the stuff with the super modern look
And also do I really have to get all the other mods from the requirement list? I only have Sim Settlements and I don't really want to make my mod list too heavy
What about a combo patch for both Militarized MM and WATM running together. They work well together outside of conquer together could you patch in both of them?
It wasn't a bad load order, seen as literally nothing was running other than the base game, DLCs, and the exact dependencies necessary to run this. It appears that the exact crash I seem to be experiencing (the rolled up sleeve bug) has been addressed by other interested parties.
Hm i havent experienced it (or maybe i have and misdiagnosed) ill look into it too and see if just having all the sleeves rolled down is a way to go for the next rendition. thanks!
The Crested Barrets look like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the stuff with the super modern look
And also do I really have to get all the other mods from the requirement list? I only have Sim Settlements and I don't really want to make my mod list too heavy