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  1. CylonSurfer
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    A note on reddit: I recommend using for discussion of Idle Hands and Fallout 4 VR modding in general, the old
    subreddit has been taken over by a troll moderator named "xMindweaverx" who banned many great FO4 modders and community contributors. 

    We look forward to seeing there!

    As RollingRock draws closer to his release of a VRIK style visible body mod (FRIK) I will no longer be providing support or bug fixes for Idle Hands. Outside of the visible hands themselves I have worked with RollingRock to port most of this mods better features, such as the touch activated Pipboy and the back of hand UI to FRIK. The virtual administraion of Stimpaks is being expanded upon to include all chems which will be equippable via 5 or 6 configurable body slots and will be released as a seperate mod, hopefully work on this mod will be completed around the time that FRIK releases. 

    As always, for news on either of these mods check out - it'll be the first place to report on progress and updates.

    A big thank you to everyone for your support, Idle Hands was a fun ride! I'll be keeping the Idle Hands mod page up for those inderviduals who prefer a visible hands experience over a full body with IK.

    Take care Cy.
  2. mcfarland66666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed as instructed, and all it did was give me the valve index controller skins over my quest 3 controllers ingame, i even reinstalled it and redid the process numerous times and selecting different hand models, any ideas?
    1. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      Look at the FAQ on the main page, if installed correctly the mod will work just fine. I don't provide any support outside of what is in the FAQ at this stage.
  3. attilachief
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I've installed this mod multiple times and read the readme multiple times. Done alle steps and still the game won't boot with Idlehands mod enabled in Vortex. Game just closes itself after 3 seconds when booting this game. Tried booting the game through steam and through Vortex, nothing has worked. Sigh.
    1. LegoLordxHMx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same here, very frustrating as frik is way too buggy to be playable longterm
    2. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      More than likely an issue with your plugin.txt file. If you don't have it working right you'll get a CTD.
    3. gbhghhhfbvvgfv
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      how do i fix it?
  4. surface2550
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After 2 hours of exploring, I finally made it work through MO2, since there are very few instructions about how to make it work on mod manager. ( such as no ini file and plugins.txt in the instructed directory) Thanks for the great mod, game becomes more immersive and fun. Personally I prefer Idle Hands than FRIK, as it's simpler and more practical.

    If you are using MO2 and suffering from the installation, please reply, I will give some assistance as much as I can:)
  5. Raykem
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried to install and i did everything but the last one(because i use projected pipboy not wrist) and the only change was that my oculus controllers were turned into vive controllers, what did i do wrong?
    1. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      From the main pages FAQ:

      I can see a tiny Pipboy and 'Vive Wands' even although I don't use them!
      Enure that '*Fallout4_VR.esm' is listed at the top of your 'plugins.txt' file. If you use MO2 check that you are applying the changes to your profiles version of this file and that your mod manager is not overwriting the change. Alternatively download the 'Plugins.txt fix' from the optional downloads section of this mods files section and follow the instructions in the .txt file.
  6. pwnedbyme
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    can you grap weapons with both hands? i need another mod then FRIK for this. 
    1. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      No, this mod doesn't provide 2 handing weapon support.
  7. TacticalDwarf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    do i still need to download the left hand beta or  is it incorporated into the newest release?
  8. Dman883
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure if anyone has done this yet, but here's a batch file that will add the *Fallout4_VR.esm to the top of the plugin list. I imagine there's a way to have your mod manager execute it when you start the game.

    @echo: off 

    >"%temp%\tmp_file.txt" (

        type "PATH TO YOUR PLUGINS FILE\plugins.txt"|find/v "%:^)"
    ) && move /y "%temp%\tmp_file.txt" "PATH TO YOUR PLUGINS FILE\plugins.txt"
  9. Elektrotubby
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Left FRIK, installed Idle Hands and will not look back. Way too many bugs with FRIK unfortunately. In this case less is more. Would have been nice with finger tracking\animations though. FRIK works as long as you don't crouch..., but sneaking is half the fun in FO! 
  10. biodante1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hello newb question how do you get the vive controler models to go away
  11. tybran02
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone figure out how not to have the left hand disappear after using a settlement workbench?
    1. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      No and at this point I will not be spending time looking for a fix.
    2. katod2
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Very in vain. FRIK does not support left-handed mode. and she doesn't seem to care.
    3. CylonSurfer
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      RollingRock is a him, and sorry but development on this mod has stopped as per the sticky.
    4. weefbellington
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey! I think I may have found a workaround for this issue. Apologies in advance if this has already been posted:

      When looking through Fallout4Prefs.ini at C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4VR\Fallout4Prefs.ini, I noticed the following lines:


      (notice the file path -- there is an identically-named file at steamapps\common\Fallout 4 VR\Fallout4Prefs.ini, you don't need to touch that one)

      Quitting the app and removing those lines fixed it. Entering the workbench seems to add these lines to back to the file, so I have to remove them every time I use a workshop.

      Try this out and see if it works.

      Nevermind, it looks like the Pip-Boy reappears after restarting the game, it's unrelated to this file.
    5. SysKonfig
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That's really too bad because this mod is infinitely better than FRIK.  I uninstalled this for FRIK and I regret it so much since I can't seem to get Idle Hands to reinstall correctly.  In FRIK every single gun is just floating in the air in front of your hands.  The weapon reposition system of FRIK is a joke, the one in Idle Hands is so simple and easy to use.
    6. chasicles
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