1. You have to look at the dead body and the activator should be visible. 2. You must have any kind of a flip lighter. 3. Use additional usage option "Burn".
Additional requirements for the Standard version of the mod: * At lease one fuel ammo
Also, you can craft a special lighter at any Chemistry Lab under "Burn The Body Tiny" section. It's just a common lighter, which can't be split for resources, see "Misc" section in your inventory. Name's "B. B. Lighter".
To have fun with both "Burn The Body Tiny" and "Grave Digger" mods, you have to: 1) Set the option "Must have shovel equpped" for Grave Digger via MCM or holotape. 2) Equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to bury a body. 3) Un-equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to burn a body. At the moment I have no ideas how this could be done better.
The list below provides characters which can not be burn: * Turrets * Robots * Synths * Liberty Prime * Actors with "NoDesintegrate" keyword (some Silver Shroud's victims, Swan) * Essential actors
Q. Why is the burning effect so short? A. First, I still could not resolve the issue with freezing animations for the burning effect for some dead bodies. When the effect is lasting a few seconds, then there is less possibility to see this crap, sorry. Anyway, the freezing animations can occur, but much rarer, I hope. Secondly, I like how it done now.
Q. You ruin (broke) my game! I can't do anything with the body now! A. Just put away all lighters from your pockets. This way you "turn off" the option to burn. Also, you can still interact with the body in such case by using default activate key or button (the key "E" or "A" button on XBOX Controller) to open body's inventory.
Q. Why the "No Requirements" version still have a requirement for a lighter? A. See the previous question above. Yes, I wanted to implement version without any requirements, but in the end, it became obvious that the mod would be overcomplecated then.
--------------------------------------- Where can I get it? ---------------------
Is there any way to prevent Burn the Body Tiny tokens from being dropped after burning a body? Or do the tokens despawn after a period of time?
Without knowing the reason behind the token, it seems unnecessary and leaves objects that have to be tidied up. Removing object clutter from a save is kinda the purpose of installing the mod.
It's a temporary object for immersion. The token will be cleared up automatically as any other temporary objects, once you leave a location. If you don't like the token, then I would suggest to learn Fo4 modding and do it yourself. Definitely I have no wishes to create yet another version of the mod just for you. Just because this new version should be supported as others too in the future; and there are already 4 versions. Or you may ask around folk to create a fork of the mod for you.
I'm not asking for a custom version of the mod. If it gets cleaned up automatically, that's good, but I'll have a look in FO4Edit to see if it can be removed. Can the Misc Item record for the token safely be deleted?
The token is generated and adding to world via script. You have to modify and recompile scripts. Don't delete any records from .esp until you're sure by 1000% that an item is unused anymore by scripts. -- If I would not paused Fo4 modding, then I would add an option (tunable via tape / mcm) to enable/disable tokens. Too bad that I don't modding Fo4 atm. May be some skillful coder will do this.
is there any workaround for using mods like Horizon , where interaction with corpses already involves options like harvest and scrapping ? Im seeing the burn option overwrites these
These options are from old days of Fo3, aka legacy stuff. The mod needs its own patch to Horizon. Also, there is hard coded limit of maximum options, it's equal to 4. I don't think that I will create such a patch in near future. You should better ask around folks who may and want to make it.
I might be the only person who didn't understand, but for clarification, bad guys do NOT respawn when their body is burned. This means that if you clear out a location and burn all the bodies, that location is cleared FOREVER.
In other words, the logic of the mod is: 1. Use Delete only for UNIQUE (PERSISTENT) actors as official documentation says. Unique actors can't respawn by logic. This is NOT Dark Souls. 2. Most actors which live in "dungeons" are TEMPORARY actors. The mod contains a workaround to distinguish temporary references from unique.
I did not touch the mod long time. May be you are right. So if you really want to help you may: 1. Create a fork of the mod. 2. Create a patch. Make it public. Send a patch to me. 3. Do nothing. Delete the mod and play as you wish.
Yeah I can elaborate. If you delete an object or actor, then it is gone forever. I think you just wanted to Disable them. Disabling looks just like Deleting (i.e. they still turn invisible and can't be interacted with) but they still exist. You can re-enable them at any time. And after the respawn timer is up, then they still reset to default values. Meaning unique actors who are disabled are disabled until re-enabled. Temporary actors who are disabled are disabled until they respawn, at which point they are reset to default (enabled, unlooted, etc). Did that make sense?
I understand the issue, for instance, a 3rd party mod may use spawn points differently or in the vanilla game has "unusual" spawn points. To apply new changes I have to spend sometime on testing. And because there are 4 different versions of the mod in the box, this is tedious and I am a bit lazy atm.
As far as I recall, instead of using Markfordelete, it possible to use set critical stage. But, if my memory is not lying to me, this may lead to respawn of enemies on zone reset. Or they don't spawn, but the invisibility effect (set alpha 0) will be reverted... Clearly I used Markfordelete for a reason. Anyway, only testing may (disa)prove this (again).
these weirdos and the obsession with looting ash piles. smh smh conversely, if you can be bothered I'd love to see this expanded to energy weapons specifically if you shoot a body with an energy weapon it just disappears
>would you consider added energy weapons and flamers to the lite version of the mod. Thanks for suggestion. May be.
>lighers find a way of being consumed as scrap often The idea is that you may create your personal lighter, aka "B.B. Lighter", which is not counted as a scrap, it's a regular item.
>most pre placed "corpse" containers dont' burn for me Looks like a mods conflict. It would be good if you check the load list by LOOT. And ideally, check yourself conflicts by using xEdit.
loot is implemented, but I didn't realize there might a conflict. i'll look into that thx. I also didn't realize there was a custom lighter. very interesting. thx again
Hello i have same problem as MisterKen(Cannot see an extra option at all with the lighter version, in fact the HUD no longer displays anything including the normal vanilla options. Pressing E will open the box, but R is just the weapon. Usually E is Take, R is Transfer and Space is extra functions, but I cannot get that version to work at all) but i dont use Gravedigger and still have this problem
Cannot see an extra option at all with the lighter version, in fact the HUD no longer displays anything including the normal vanilla options. Pressing E will open the box, but R is just the weapon. Usually E is Take, R is Transfer and Space is extra functions, but I cannot get that version to work at all. I found zero conflicts in FO4edit.
Does this in any way alter the .swf for the HUD beyond the normal extended interaction?
Hi there. Can you tell me how many options do you see without the burn the body lighter mod? I mean that it is possible that you have another mod which adds new option. The engine has a limit of displaying 3 options. When the limit is reached then you would see no options at all, as you've encountered.
I have Gravedigger, but I turned off that option in the MCM so it would not display at all/take up a slot. I've used it with other mods in other characters that also used the extended without a problem so long as I adjust the setting to be Shovel Equipped, but no joy with the Burn at all. The flamer version works just fine, of course, requiring no menu dialogue -- even allows the body to burn a little longer if given in short bursts, which is something I feel "extends" the whole scenario. Going to use that version instead, but thought to mention I had no options.
I have uploaded a new version 1.0.4 of BtB Tiny. Now there is a version to support your case. Usage: 1) Set the option "Must have shovel equpped" for Grave Digger via MCM or holotape. 2) Equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to bury a body. 3) Un-equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to burn a body.
Hi there. Thanks for feedback. As far as I remember, the mod prevents burning things which marked by the game with the flag "no disintegrate". You should care only for Silver Shroud's victims because they are buggy (no official patch supplied to the moment). And possible, but I am not sure, all bugs related to disintegration fixed by UFO4P.
As for your request. It is possible, but I can't recall exactly is it still possible or not. In brief, there are 2 functions which creates ash piles: one with attaching the container to loot, last one without this support but more flexible and it used by the mod to resizing ash piles. Anyway, it will took some time and efforts to accomplish this task. No guaranties, but probably, it would be easier to fix bugs than fix this mod.
On the mod page for NPCs Travel, it states, "Please do not delete this mod's NPC (dead body) by the function of other mods. This does not cause a crash. You will no longer encounter deleted NPCs."
Apparently the Tidy Bot mod deletes NPC dead bodies and was creating the above problem with the mod. Does Burn The Body also delete bodies?
Link for NPCs Travel: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16987
Burn The Body deletes only non-unique and persistent NPCs. That's means NPCs which generated randomly and they are considered by the game as temporary will not be deleted. At first glance NPCs Travel generates NPCs in runtime and all of them are temporary. So it must be safe to use Burn The Body mod.
* Small & script-lightweight
* Easy to use
1. You have to look at the dead body and the activator should be visible.
2. You must have any kind of a flip lighter.
3. Use additional usage option "Burn".
Additional requirements for the Standard version of the mod:
* At lease one fuel ammo
Also, you can craft a special lighter at any Chemistry Lab under "Burn The Body Tiny" section. It's just a common lighter, which can't be split for resources, see "Misc" section in your inventory. Name's "B. B. Lighter".
Compatibility: Grave Digger
To have fun with both "Burn The Body Tiny" and "Grave Digger" mods, you have to:
1) Set the option "Must have shovel equpped" for Grave Digger via MCM or holotape.
2) Equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to bury a body.
3) Un-equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to burn a body.
At the moment I have no ideas how this could be done better.
Non-burnable actors
The list below provides characters which can not be burn:
* Turrets
* Robots
* Synths
* Liberty Prime
* Actors with "NoDesintegrate" keyword (some Silver Shroud's victims, Swan)
* Essential actors
Q. Why is the burning effect so short?
A. First, I still could not resolve the issue with freezing animations for the burning effect for some dead bodies. When the effect is lasting a few seconds, then there is less possibility to see this crap, sorry. Anyway, the freezing animations can occur, but much rarer, I hope. Secondly, I like how it done now.
Q. You ruin (broke) my game! I can't do anything with the body now!
A. Just put away all lighters from your pockets. This way you "turn off" the option to burn. Also, you can still interact with the body in such case by using default activate key or button (the key "E" or "A" button on XBOX Controller) to open body's inventory.
Q. Why the "No Requirements" version still have a requirement for a lighter?
A. See the previous question above. Yes, I wanted to implement version without any requirements, but in the end, it became obvious that the mod would be overcomplecated then.
Where can I get it?
Download it under "Optional Files" section.
Without knowing the reason behind the token, it seems unnecessary and leaves objects that have to be tidied up. Removing object clutter from a save is kinda the purpose of installing the mod.
If you don't like the token, then I would suggest to learn Fo4 modding and do it yourself. Definitely I have no wishes to create yet another version of the mod just for you. Just because this new version should be supported as others too in the future; and there are already 4 versions. Or you may ask around folk to create a fork of the mod for you.
Don't delete any records from .esp until you're sure by 1000% that an item is unused anymore by scripts.
If I would not paused Fo4 modding, then I would add an option (tunable via tape / mcm) to enable/disable tokens. Too bad that I don't modding Fo4 atm. May be some skillful coder will do this.
Please, very please, read this first:
MarkForDelete - XWiki (bethesda.net)
Delete - ObjectReference - XWiki (bethesda.net)
In other words, the logic of the mod is:
1. Use Delete only for UNIQUE (PERSISTENT) actors as official documentation says. Unique actors can't respawn by logic. This is NOT Dark Souls.
2. Most actors which live in "dungeons" are TEMPORARY actors. The mod contains a workaround to distinguish temporary references from unique.
I did not touch the mod long time. May be you are right. So if you really want to help you may:
1. Create a fork of the mod.
2. Create a patch. Make it public. Send a patch to me.
3. Do nothing. Delete the mod and play as you wish.
Thank you for your attention.
As far as I recall, instead of using Markfordelete, it possible to use set critical stage. But, if my memory is not lying to me, this may lead to respawn of enemies on zone reset. Or they don't spawn, but the invisibility effect (set alpha 0) will be reverted... Clearly I used Markfordelete for a reason. Anyway, only testing may (disa)prove this (again).
conversely, if you can be bothered I'd love to see this expanded to energy weapons
specifically if you shoot a body with an energy weapon it just disappears
most pre placed "corpse" containers dont' burn for me
Thanks for suggestion. May be.
>lighers find a way of being consumed as scrap often
The idea is that you may create your personal lighter, aka "B.B. Lighter", which is not counted as a scrap, it's a regular item.
>most pre placed "corpse" containers dont' burn for me
Looks like a mods conflict. It would be good if you check the load list by LOOT. And ideally, check yourself conflicts by using xEdit.
I also didn't realize there was a custom lighter. very interesting. thx again
i've no idea how complex that scripting would be tho
I am using Burn The Body Tiny.
Does this in any way alter the .swf for the HUD beyond the normal extended interaction?
1) Set the option "Must have shovel equpped" for Grave Digger via MCM or holotape.
2) Equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to bury a body.
3) Un-equip the " Gravedigger's Shovel" to burn a body.
I am afraid I would break quests by accident.
As for your request. It is possible, but I can't recall exactly is it still possible or not. In brief, there are 2 functions which creates ash piles: one with attaching the container to loot, last one without this support but more flexible and it used by the mod to resizing ash piles. Anyway, it will took some time and efforts to accomplish this task. No guaranties, but probably, it would be easier to fix bugs than fix this mod.
Apparently the Tidy Bot mod deletes NPC dead bodies and was creating the above problem with the mod. Does Burn The Body also delete bodies?
Link for NPCs Travel: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16987
Let me know if you encounter issues.