Is this an ESL-flagged ESP?
For EVERYONE relating to the "SAVE-ISSUES" posts...
Its well know Issue, that HudCaps broke the Save-System (and sometimes load system)
Inside this Comments Section there is a Fix from the user Unsanging
So, take the Solution here:
1. Download, After this MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE YOU CHANGE ANYTHING! (No Backup, no pity)
2. Go into your HudCaps Mod an REMOVE the Whole "Scripts" Folder
3. If you find there a "Source" Folder... Remove it also
4. Move the Downloaded "Scripts" Folder (including the Script of course) into HudCaps Main Folder
5. If u use MO2 ... Refresh
6. Have Fun playing without Save Issues(i play now in this playtrough ~ 40 Hrs without any Problems)
Hope this Helps u Guys out,
Thank you! This should be fixed!
But what about for Vortex Mod Manager?
I'm confused because when I look at the mod files on Nexus, there is no Source or Scripts folder. There is just a ba file, an esp and an MCM folder.
To answer Grifman's question, the folder seems to be in within the .ba2 file. You have to extract the .ba2 file using Archive2, swap the scrips folder and re-pack it using Archive2 again.
here's a already edited version of CapsWidget - Main.ba2. -
Thanks fix!
Bump for those who scream for fixes but don't spend enough time reading comments :)
This script keeps resetting the color to green whenever cells change.
The link it's out me guy
Could you update the link? Thank you!
google drive link don't work
Please update the link
Thank you!!! Worked perfectly after downloading manually this mod then the fixed .ba2, re-packed, and added to Vortex. Kudos Lunaspec72!! Running GoG version (1.10.163)
Yo, the Drive link doesn't work anymore.
ToasterStrudeI :: use the file in the Lucaspec72 comment, and kudos to him
Shame the link to the the fix file is broken.
Update: Scroll down to the reply section of this comment and you will find a real "working" fix for this mod. Big thanks to Unsanging for the fix!
Note: HUD76 - Fallout 76 inspired HUD replacer has built-in HUDCaps so maybe you should give it a try too-
Thanks you. Can you recommend what HUDCaps version should I use with your fix?
I use the version in the update section but my guess is that it should work with other versions too. And please tell me if it works or not since I don't have anyone to test it other than myself ?
nope, sadly the fix did not help me. save bug still happens on a fresh playthrough. removing the mod fixes it. installing the fix unfortunately not :-/
Thank you so much, I lost 3 hours of gameplay but i'm glad I didn't have to delete the mod your fix did work.
It would be good if you could post the source as well, maybe someone can get this mod fully working with your help.
Wouldn't the mod just overwrite this?
Unfortunately this doesn't work for me. The save options are ok when i load after launching the game but if i try to load it again from within the game the save options grey out.
Thanks so much!! this works perfectly :) I really missed having this mod on my list.
Edit, sadly the fix only worked until I loaded the next day. I really wish this mod could be fixed, I wish I knew how haha -
so this fix..... sorta works in my case it won't let me save one minute then let me save again the next
New Fix for the save bug
Install as mentioned abovedrop the file into your Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts
@Unsanging Holy s#*!, this actually fixed it. I stress tested it, making multiple loads from different areas and time intervals, and savingand quick loading like a mad man just to see if i could break it. Nope. I can actually save, play the game, reload a save, and still have the save functionality.
EDIT: Even after a week or 2 of playing, and pumping in hours and hours. This fix STILL works, even with all my UI mods and utilities. I highly recommend this fix. -
It Works.
year 2024 Hud Caps versión
works.year 2024
Hud Caps MCM version
The truth is that HudCaps worked normally for me before but when I started using Loverslabs mods it was at that moment that I experienced the (saved game locked) error.
I think it is the UAP mod, or maybe another one but I am 100% sure that it is from loverslab that causes this error along with HudCaps.
This new script solved the problem. -
Giving this a bump because it still works
any fix to quicksave and load save??this mod disable it :(
Hey ! Your mod work for Fallout london ! if you canjust change the caps icone with a ticket it would be awesome !
There's a patch for it here
how come this same mod for fallout new vegas works flawlessly?
You should make one for Fallout London, HUDTickets
Can anyone help me to get this mod working on my Fallout 4 if I can get some help, it would be greatly appreciated.
A real shame its broken, such an awesome feature from 76...
Does this mod even brokes ability to save in survival? For example saving on beds?