No mention of the mods you do here, on the official Firehusky Studios website. ( If you decide to make your own games eventually, please don't sell it to EA GAMES for 1 mil USD then have it shut down by them or Activision.) This blueprint looks nice but it may not be for everyone's taste. I like it more immersively and minimalist style but what you did looks ok i guess. Too bad I can't try this out as I just finished building my own.
I will be adding it into my website this week. I do plan on making games, but need to get new hard drives first as my current ones cant read/write at 6gb/s. I already have one game in the works. As for the ea thing, I don't plan on it lol. All my games will be 40 max for new releases, and 25 normally. I want everyone to be able to play them. This may not be as minimalist or immersive as you may prefer , however, if you ever get the chance to test it I would love feedback.
It's part of another mod I use called Modern Firearms (Tactical Edition) which is one of my favorite weapon mods. It doesnt replace the original weapons, just adds some modern ones across the wasteland.
Please do yourself a favor and don't use the version of modern firearms from the download: it's hugely outdated, their newest version can be found on their website which you'll find by simply looking up "modern firearms fallout 4". There have been huge improvements to the mod in the past few versions and you'd be missing out on a lot of them
if i remember correctly, a couple of hours, a few retakes, and a few anger outbursts (cuz im ocd, and had trouble getting the elevators to line up with the screen lol) and i try a lot of different mods, and always having to restart a new game to load everything properly. So i decided to convert it to a BP for others to use as well.
I know you just added this today but since you're using something from the BoS (my favorite faction) and the Sanctuary Estates is one of my favorite settlement mods by the one you have in your settlement I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing some pics :) Tracking for now
As for the ea thing, I don't plan on it lol. All my games will be 40 max for new releases, and 25 normally. I want everyone to be able to play them.
This may not be as minimalist or immersive as you may prefer , however, if you ever get the chance to test it I would love feedback.