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Voodoo Lion

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  1. TheloneGoon
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Can't thank you enough for this mod. It bothers me so much how Bethesda keeps messing with the lore of Fallout and how they keep shoving Super Mutants and Brotherhood of Steel down our throats when they shouldn't even exist anymore or be almost completely wiped out by the time of FO4.
    1. BUBBLES24
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      How does it ruin lore? The mutants being in the Boston Commonwealth was because the institute was experimenting with the FEV, which was a pre-war discovery by West-Tek. So the FEV is in many labs across America, this explains why they are in F76 too considering a literal west-tek lab is on the map. And while I agree they may be overused, they fit in the lore completely.

      Now the Brotherhood I'm a little foggy on, but isn't the Prydwen, Maxon, and his crew pretty much all that's left for the Brotherhood in the east? besides the small remaining faction of the Brotherhood at HQ in Cali? How does that break lore? Considering in 3 we saw them gain a little bit more power after defeating the Enclave by gaining a ton of resources and supplies, which explains why they have the Prydwen and a ton of other things by the way.

      And while I agree they can be overused, neither break lore at all.
    2. liamnotneeson
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Before Fallout 3, Mariposa Military Base was the only location to have the FEV. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mariposa_Military_Base
  2. Craola
    • member
    • 12 kudos

    This is my solution to getting rid of the ridiculous dumb green Ogre mutants. Their voices will stay the same of course, but it works lmao 
  3. Nolan6969
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    This looks great but I went to trinity just to see and for most raiders had hunting rifles and most were nude Edit: A mod was conflicting and I removed it now the raiders look fine
    1. BloodyVikings
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      What mod? I have the same issue.
    2. Nolan6969
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Why would I know I dont play this s#*! game
    3. BloodyVikings
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      How mature : - )
    4. Nolan6969
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
  4. BeautifulZelda
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    great mod
  5. TheHuntedShinobi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wish this would change voice lines to have no mention of super mutants. also instead of making them raiders you should have made them psychotic cannibals since theres gore bag everywhere
    1. Avith
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      agreed! I'd love to see this expanded to "cannibals replace super mutants" and not just a suicidal raider group -- that harvests flesh for some reason. Could we get a version where the raiders have bloody faces/mouths and are renamed "Cannibals" ??that would be so hype!
    2. adammcbane
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I like this idea. Heck call them Reavers based on Firefly show and Serenity the movie style raiders lol just a thought. Their clothing would be the more ripped up raider gear and more likely to be barefooted items, barefoot for normal raiders kind of bothers me due to such a toxic world full of poison and sharp things on the ground, but a crazy groups seems it may fit.

      Added bonus of screaming sounds could be found and used around their areas to add to creep factor ( yes this part requires more skills)
    3. VoodooLion
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      I don’t know how to do that yet, to be honest lol
    4. SystematicBreakdown
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      All you guys have grand ideas but have no idea the work that needs to go into something like that. Nearly every mod I see has many comments from people that don't make mods that go, "Good idea but can you add etc etc." Its funny, Learn it yourself and make your own ultimate version of Fallout by editing already existing mods and creating new ones ;)
    5. TheHuntedShinobi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im sure theres many skilled modders willing to teach also the creator of start me up should be able to help with the voice line changes since he changed about 800 iirc voice lines for his start me up mod also i think you can make a new faction or a raider subtype called reavers and their gear would be affected by items you added into the leveled lists i also know nothing about modding so if theres something wrong with what i suggested dont do it
    6. hodjo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I do believe it's called feedback. Yeah, cannibals would be much more immersive just because of their spawn points being filled with meat bags and other human body parts, and no, I have zero modding skills, doesn't mean my input is invalid. ;)

      Still, great lore-friendly mod
    7. ivanbqnov
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      xEdit and use this mod as a template!...
      Copy the Raider NPCs to new records (best already patched with mods that you like to use like Better Locational Damage etc., replace ids with equivalent of supermutants
      edit names, edit makeup for character, copy over with Face Ripper - to and from player until you get your results, 
      and the hard part - find all the edits you need and like in all the mods... and test and play... That's Fallout 4 for... 
    8. Legend323232
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      since you're such an expert than make tutorial videos. This is supposed to be fun, so people are making fun comments. Leave them be, just because they aren't experts at modding doesn't mean they aren't more accomplished, successful, and more capable then you are in REAL life. This platform isn't for your ego trip. Some people have more important things to do in life. then spend hours and hours and hours in the ck. 
  6. VaciliNikoMavich
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    If I'm using a mod that turns the Super Mutants into Brutes from Halo, and then use this mod...will the brutes be replaced by the Raiders? 
    That way if the game extremely scripted (so it isn't depending on Level Lists like this mod does) the brutes will appear instead?
  7. Ginny4john
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I am loving this mod damn greenskins if its lore get rid of it imo makes for a much better game aint nothing more dangerous than a human anyway
  8. ivanbqnov
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    if you care about lore, there is one question: Who are are raiding all those raiders?!? The Diamond city population is equal to a small raider gang, who's producing food after 200(rofl) years ?!?
    1. deleted140102933
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      It's a bandage over a bullet wound Bethesda caused. If the choice is between the Super Mutants being turned into orks with guns (funnily enough there's a mod that turns them into orks) or a few out of place dialogue lines? I'll take the latter. Amazing job, VodooLion!
  9. Oddtomato
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Why do the raider suicide still sound like suiciders and blow up like them?
    They're not carrying a rigged nuke, they're carrying a frag grenade.
    1. VoodooLion
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      I never figured out how to change the sound tbh
    2. Oddtomato
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Maybe turn it back into a mini-nuke. Would be more immersive.
    3. Ionutro
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Replace the frag grenade with a nuka grenade maybe? xD
    4. Oddtomato
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      This is the objectively best solution.
  10. purekaos
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    big issue is I'm having random crashes from pre placed NPC's that are supposed to be supermutants. now when attempting to uninstall this mod. regardless of clean saving. my active save will continue to respawn supermutants as raiders. I waited 80+ days in game to 100% respawn al the cells. but regardless the game still refuses to respawn the super mutants. 

    I'm still unsure why my game crashes randomly from specific NPC's. but with buffout 4 I have rooted the issue to NPC's that were supermutants and are now raiders. basically any game instance that would spawn a leveled supermutant will cause crashes after engagement. my guess is the game is trying to do something a supermutant would do but cant because their now a raider, something that only intestates with combat. And for some reason this mod is leaving something behind when uninstalled (which based on the mods simple esp. it shouldn't but is) and is still causing the Spawns to change.