LockedStickyIf you are new to modding Fallout 4, follow The Midnight Ride first as it covers installation of this mod and other well known bugfixes to make your game work as it should.
Additional install instructions:Spoiler:Show
"Where's all the patches for the mods I use?"
An update on this, for 74, I'm only supporting Point Lookout building myself. Those using Nuka Word Reborn/Viva Nuka World and the Galac Tac series should migrate to Emiral's patches for support. Nuka World Plus is dropped for compat reasons with the other two nuka mods. Another patch builder will likely take it up.
"What's in Misc?"
CAF 1.2 CR is for use with Cooking Adventures, which I used in testing at one point, but have moved on to another cooking mod. I forget what it did.
The separate PPF installation package is intended for inclusion in collections to pick up if they are otherwise avoiding the main PRP package or for development purposes.
Recent patch notes:Spoiler:Show
74.15 Notes
Translation updates (French, Russian, Spanish)
74.14 Notes
(Both, NG initially as an English hotfix) Forwarded location fixes for E07B and E467 from UFO4P 2.1.7, which also obsoletes the related clearable patch from Glitchfinder's patch mod.
74.13, 69.7 Notes
(Both) Updated default material file for the Red Rocket pump meters, contributed by CrunchyBiscuit007, they mentioned that the defaults (the one that ships with the game) aren't good and haven't figured out a good replacement, and the one presented was taken from a nearby object. An additional mesh was added with this fix pack and will take effect on next stable as I don't ship mesh updates on minor patches. For the userbase, only PPF - Main.ba2 will be updated to account for this and existing built patches won't be affected.
(Both) DoubleYou also sent me a fixed CopperPanels material file that corrects the specular assignment for that texture that I hotfixed in with this update.
(Both) Updated FOMOD title to display NG/OG Version for Branch 74, and backported all material updates to Branch 69.
74.12 Notes
(OG) Resynced header adjustments to be in line with UFO4P 2.1.6 (mostly location and water related)
(Both) Finally rebuilt the FOMOD.
(OG, 082724) Resynced the missing XWEM in the Commonwealth entry. This was already fixed in NG, but I'm now just getting around to it.
74.11 Notes (Previously 74.9 and 74.10)Removed XWEM entries for Commonwealth/DiamondCity/FarHarbor (this matches the puddle fix from fadingsignal intentionally to deal with wackyness from the previous 74.8 release relying on partial forms which was causing patching issues)Reverted to vanilla records as per DoubleYou, and ENB users. The puddlefix isn't a panacea, and I shouldn't have made this sort of change, honestly, but it was 2am and I was tired.
Also did conflict checks to make sure NG CC locations were in the cell headers where required. (Surprise, they are, since 74.8)
74.8b Notes
Fixed the description on PRP.esp so that it doesn't show '74.8Previsibines' in Loot and instead '74.8' like it's supposed to.
74.6b (OG), 74.8a (NG) Notes
Removed default cubemap in Commonwealth, a leftover from what I was attempting to resolve last night to assist in TMR load order, this matches the puddle fix mod (which makes the order between PRP.esp and the Puddle fix mod now irrelevant). Apologies for the sudden amount of updates.
74.7, 74.8 Notes
Did conflict resolution with the Next Gen master files and synced header updates, also adding the requirement of a pair of newly added CC items to minimize requirements for PPF/PRP (HeavyFlamer and Remnants are now required as of this patch due to header location updates, but also frees up a slot taken by a CR plugin that's now pointless)
74.6 Notes
Updated SCOL meshes with the patched versions DoubleYou sent to resolve conflicts with the Flutter Flicker Fixer for Foilage mod which will be fully fixed in the next branch, and added a patched mesh to fix a model seam, contributed by Glitchfinder. Patches generated after upgrading to 74.6 will pick up this fix, it's not important enough to merit a full branch rebuild.
74.6a: QAC'd and PartialForm'd PRP.esp at request, english only due to time constraints. Future updates will do this for next gen users and translated versions.
74.5 Notes
Purged some ITPO remnants from the build process that weren't cleaned previously.
74.4 Notes
Additional work to make CC related changes seamless where possible. The affected records were marked initially disable when branch 74 was generated, they just need to be hooked up to an enable parent instead, so generated patches should be unaffected. Associated interiors do need checked, though. Next up is the FOMOD overhaul, which is long overdue, those waiting on translations, 74.5 should have them, provided nothing else needs patching.
74.4a: I'm an idiot, forgot to do the ESL renumber with PRP.esp loaded. Fixed the new record links to PRP.esp (two new records should not have been renumbered), and finally cleared out the reference group deletion entries.
74.3 Notes
Fixed incorrect enable/disable state for a specific set of CC related references for the Vault Suit CC and implemented the missing walls in MassPikeTunnel01 if you do not have the X02 CC installed. Both patches do not require any patch rebuilding, but the Vault Suit related references (just locker statics in vaults, only the VaultCryo111 locker with loot in it would be missed) are not retroactive. The objects are there, just disabled.
The archives were repacked to better match Build 69 (minus translations, that'll be later), if you are a MO2 user and did a merge, just install PPF's update, as only PPF.esm was updated in this upload. Vortex users and MO2 users should redownload both parts unless they are tech savvy enough to move PRP.esp to the PPF mod installation folder. These instructions only apply to build 74 users, build 69 has not changed.
74.2 Notes
Rebuilt MDHT again for Nuka World, I swear to the office gods, I need to setup a trello or something.
74.1 Notes
Disabled Previs in RelayTowerInt12. Again. I really need to blacklist that cell.
74.0 Notes
Initial upload of new branch.
69.6 Notes
Resaved PPF.esm in xEdit 4.1.5b to correct ONAM records as per the patch notes. This may or may not shore up issues that were present in the stable build. No changes otherwise were made to the plugin.
69.6a was an archive recompress, no changes were made since 69.6. If you previously downloaded that version, there's no need to update.
69.5 Notes
Disabled Previs in RelayTowerInt12 (This was in the 69.4 hotfix)
Updated LCTN entries to match FATE, including the one in SS2 Ch3, also adding
default music and cubemap as per FATE for NukaWorld.Too far in to notice that I didn't rebuild the translator caches. PL, JA, ZHTW
and ES have untranslated entries as a result and I was too far in to
notice. I'm leaving the 69.3 FOMOD up till I fix this for existing
Fixed as of 69.5.1.
65.6 Notes
Updated PPF.esm in FalloutVR to inject the missing worldspace references that already exist in Fallout (Flat version, the one most of us use). This fix hasn't been ported to branch 69 yet, trying to decide on the how.
Fixed FOMOD versioning scheme. (Leftover from the versioning switch, example: 0.65.5 -> 65.5)
69.0 Notes
Build 69 has had the new records renumbered to better support VR, as there's a whopping 30ish or so in PPF. Existing saves may crash as a result of this change on release, but limited testing did not show this. The upside is that there will only be a single set of plugins per language, which should simplify patch building depending on the mod.
So, if you experience crashes after upgrading to this release, see if a new save fixes it or fast travel to an interior that's not Fallon's or DBHighSchool and upgrade. My apologies for the pain and suffering this will likely cause a few people.
69.1 Notes
Forgot NW MDHT records again.69.2 Notes
Foreign language players that migrate to the 69 branch should wait for this version, as 69.0 has placeholder english language files in the usual spots. I'm waiting on the stable release of the UF4OP update to see if translation updates need to be made or not. Migrating from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 strings for French, for example had slight name adjustments, too soon to say.
Did a bunch of conflict resolution with the compat patches which should now be 100% in sync with the main PRP plugin.
69.3 Notes (Optional if the below fixes aren't applicable to your load order.)
Translation updates (French, Russian)
PRP-Compat-RegionNames.esp had an incomplete copy of the generated MDHT data, this has been manually corrected to be in line with the main PRP.esp plugin.
Known issues:Spoiler:ShowF4VR specific notes: Branch 69 and newer expects the Flat version of Fallout4.esm, not the VR version. If you don't have access to that (you can safely copy it over from Flat), three cells will be missing a small amount of references which will break precombines for that cell block.
In addition, this mod doesn't carry over any fixes from the DLCVR project, as I don't have any earthly idea what they even are. For all I know, it might be an issue of missing assets or something that I don't have the time to investigate.
Mod Changelog (live updated as I work) is here.
As always, bug reports welcome. -
LockedStickyProps: This was a tremendous undertaking, and I absolutely respect the work you put into this. But...
PSA: Users should be aware that blanket Precombine / Previs mods like this one WILL CONFLICT with other mods, such as my settlement cleanups, that regenerate their own Precombines / Previs.
Compatibility: To minimize conflicts, PRP should load BEFORE any cell editing mods that generate their own Precombines / Previs. BOTH PRP + these cell editing mods should be at/near the end of your load order, as stated in the image below. Or...something like this:
All other mods
Cell edits with BROKEN precombines / previs
Cell edits with REGENERATED precombines / previs
Caveats:Spoiler:ShowThis STILL is not a 100% guarantee that you won't have occasional flickering or disappearing near cell borders where the Previs / Precombine data may have a conflict or two. But it should at least minimize it. This is a limitation of the engine and the way it optimizes cell geometry.
Prevention:Spoiler:ShowYou won't NEED mods like PRP if you DO NOT use mods that disable previs / precombines to begin with. This includes a lot of OLD green mods like Regrowth Overhaul, which asked users to disable bUsePrecombines. Some mods even turn it off without telling the user, or accidentally break it. You can check this in game with a console command: TPC (Toggle Pre-Culling) If you can toggle it between disable and enable without errors, your cell has working precombines. If you get an error, they are broken.
For modders who want to edit a cell, there are 2 rules you must follow: ( 1 ) If you are going to TOUCH ANYTHING VANILLA in a cell, assume you will break precombines, and need to regenerate precombines + previs. Just CLICKING on a vanilla cell object flags the cell as edited and breaks precombines. This can be fixed using xEdit / FO4Edit to remove any unintended vanilla cell edits. ( 2 ) If you don't want to touch vanilla, and just want to ADD CONTENT to a cell, create a layer and do ALL work on that layer.
Why does this even matter? Performance! Many of the "Fallout 4 is not optimized" complaints were coming from users who broke their precombines with mods. Even Bethesda themselves broke precombines in the General Atomics cell with the Automatron DLC. This has a HUGE impact. Here is a video I made comparing on -vs- off:
Hope this helps.-
thanks for making this sticky! most important in my opinion is the prevention paragraph! you can add objects and you can change dynamic objects. if you try to change or delete any static object (potentially part of a precombine) including clutter in settlement areas with previs/precombines set to disabled you are definitely taking the risk to raise draw calls dramatically and to cripple your performance as shown in the videos! everybody should know this before manipulating any object in exterior areas or installing mods doing exactly this!
LockedStickyCurrent version recommendations:
Old Gen/GOG (1.10.163): UFO4P 2.1.5 (old files), PRP 74.18
New Gen/Best of Both patches (1.10.9801.10.984 or 1.10.163 EXE with 1.10.980+ plugins/data files and BASS installed): UFO4P 2.1.7, PRP 74.18
Is PRP compatible with the recently released Fallout London?
Yes, but there's no need to have it installed, as PRP covers the vanilla game, and London makes a tiny amount of changes to the vanilla worldspace to have the game correctly start you off in London. I personally helped one of the developers getting the equivalent of PRP implemented in their mod, so if you are playing London, you don't need this mod, unless someone manages to get a London to Commonwealth setup proper.
I'm crashing after a fresh download of the mod! HALP!!
I've noticed a string of people complaining about crashes and not downloading the resources (Part 1 or the 2GB package) file. Make sure you have that and installed as a separate mod in your mod manager. You will crash your game without it as the game won't find the updated meshes or occlusion tables as expected. If you have both plugins and resources, read just below.
I have the Microsoft Store version of the game, is it PRP compatible?
Yes, ... technically. I only purchased that edition of the game last night, and I'm looking over the differences between the versions, there's notable changes in the DLC that I currently don't account for.
LockedStickyRecent changelog since 74.13 in the spoiler.Spoiler:ShowFuture pending changes:
- From scratch rebuilt MDHT for Commonwealth, SanctuaryHills(Intro), DLC03FarHarbor (adds new file intended for patch development for blocks not covered by PRP that includes the MDHT updates and is optional named prp-mdht-extra.esp), delayed for a future patch to be implemented, originally planned for 74.17.
Changes in 74.19: (Plugins)
- Improvements to MassPikeTunnel01's dynamic disables to make the interior seamless if XO2 isn't installed or is, thanks to Exoclyps!
Changes in 74.18: (OG/NG Plugins, optional for non-Chinese players.)
- Vozhou sent a pull request just recently, updating Chinese Simplified and adding Chinese Traditional languages, this is implemented as of this version. Many thanks!
Changes in 74.17: (The usual, plugins only actually updated, optional for non-Japanese players.)
- Language updates: Japanese
Changes in 74.16: (Only NG Plugins was changed in this update, all other packages were version bumped nexus side, no other changes.)
- Restored dynamic disables for Saugus Ironworks (related to the Heavy Incinerator CC, this is what was stopping quest progression there)
Changes in 74.15: (This update is optional if you don't play in the below listed languages.)
- Translation updates (French, Russian, Spanish)
- Special note for the French player base, a bug was filed against your unofficial patch translation as some mismatches were observed in comparing strings vs the string file updates that ship with the mod.
- Renamed PRP Plugins to PRP Plugins OG and PRP Plugins NG nexus side, nothing has changed otherwise since last night's upload.
Changes in 74.14:
- Forwarded location fixes for E07B and E467 from UFO4P 2.1.7 (This also obsoletes the ClearableUSSRiptide_PRP_Patch.esp plugin if you have it)
- Renamed all filenames in the project to be lower case to be in line with the unofficial patch changes. (Reference bug 34096), this requires a reupload of the resources package. Previous users on windows don't have to redownload the updated package, as only the filenames have changed, nothing content level.
- Minor note, forgot to remove the unused images from the OG FOMOD, that's why it's slightly larger than the NG one.
Changes in 74.13 and 69.7:
- fomod config (adds OG or NG Version in title, Branch 74 only)
- Updated RedRPumps01.BGSM (Material file attached to Red Rocket Pump Meter mesh, thanks to CrunchyBiscuit007 for the contribution)
- Added updated CopperPanels01.BGSM (Material file attached to CopperPanels used in some yellower buildings, this fixes specular assignment to them as per DoubleYou)
Edit: 74.13 plugins need autocleaned because I'm dumb and forgot. PPF: 1 ITM, PRP: 93 ITM
Edit: Mod Permissions updated to clarify the no translate upload (translating PRP's main plugins is fine, but send me the xml files or else you'll find yourself updating them on every release) stance. This doesn't apply to compatibility patches, as I don't have a framework in place to auto translate those yet. -
im on old gen gog version of the game and i have mod my game to the point it never crash even after testing for 12hr straight BUT i cant avoid the frame drop in boston area especially near goodneighbour where gunners/raiders/mutants set up base very closely and some water on the street i dont know what that place call. i have latest prp resource/plugin and all the bugfix mods i need. 58-60 fps everywhere but 40 fps in that area no matter what i do . reducing graphic not helping at all. enb show normal drawcall in that area but it lag like i popped 30 mininuke at the same time whenever i turn around camera. also i dont have any mod that conflit with prp. any idea or suggestion pls. i use vulkan render and free vsync from amd btw
a little confused on what do to theres just so many things on the midnight ride page im new can someone help me out and tell me what to do
Could this mod work as a replacement for Boston FPS Fix?
never mind.
I have been having trouble using this mod with mechanists lair deep clean. The robco basement has visual bugs. It seems well known but I have been unable to find a solution. Apparently it used to work in 65 but doesn't work now. Is there any way to make this work together?
Mechanist Lair Deep Clean at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community -
How does this mod work with Boston FPS Fix? First time Fallout modding here
Greetings, dear Nexus people, members and visitors AND author(s) of this mod!
I would know if I can use PRP Branch 69 patches even, so I have Branch 74?
It's because, as an example, I used PRP 69 patch for Highway Runner mod. I can't find PRP 74 for that mod.
Do I need to install Branch 69 too (that I used 'till weeks ago). Now I began to use 74. Branch 74 has no built-in patches anymore (except the 2 CC crap).
I still have PRP 69 (Resources and Plugins) in Mod Organizer 2 (they are just 'hidden'). By the way, I use STILL Fallout 4 *.163.-
After I did what I wanted, it failed - completely! I had activated both PRP 69 AND 74.
COncorde streets (the way to the Museum) dis-appeared.
1 of the 2 long orange containers in Bedford Station dis-appeared and appeared when moved around. That container had many 'holes'.
Some parts of the highways way too blurred and disappeared and re-appeared (I think because of Highway RUnner mod's PRP 69 patch) when moved around.
Some environments (mostly trees, grass, plants) invisible then visible. 'Ground holes' in many areas. And many, many glitches/disappearing objects Here and There.
So, I started new game with PRP 74 and related patches only. No PRP 69 (and related patches) anymore. Now, every-thing is fine.
Played some hours non-stop, 'visited' many far away environments. No glitches, disappearing (objects) noticed.
Game: .*163 (GOTY)
SOME Creation Club mods
Within MO2 used executables:
Wrye Bash
Mod Organizer 2 (MO2)
AWKCR/AE/VIS-G/VIS-G Patches/FallUI Series/Weaponsmith Extended2/AAF/UFO4P/F4SE/Scrap Everything (Ultimate)
Total plugins 476 (at the moment)
I don't know if it's Vanilla's mistake or if after installing your mod, the vertibirds can land through the walls of the building, as if the game doesn't determine the landing spot for the vertibird. I would appreciate a reply.