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  1. Brunazo777
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to move the markers?
  2. elos666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry I am confused as usual.

    In the description it says you cannot delete or move markers but then it says there is a craft able holotape to disable - enable … hide / show etc.

    before I download the mod I want to know if I can use this to stop the sanctuary hammering or do I need another mod to remove them? I am on Xbox 
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      This mod can stop the Sanctuary hammering, yes. You will need to craft the holotape to do that.

      The visible markers are placed in the locations where the invisible markers are. Deleting or moving the visible markers does nothing to the invisible markers.

      The disable/enable/hide/show options in the holotape should make sense once you do some testing.
    2. elos666
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry for all the questions I think I understand, so if I remove farming plots etc markers would disappear? And if I put down new planters would new idles show up? Would it show idle animations for the mode busy settler rugs which adds idle animations? 
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Farming markers (on plants) only appear when a settler is assigned to the plant. For huge farms you can toggle the farming markers to off.

      New idles will only appear if you exit workshop mode, wait a few seconds (say, 30), and then reenter workshop mode.

      No idea regarding the Busy Settlers mod - you’ll have to test.
  3. jwoods3054
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Hi - Have 2 "stuck" visible markers reading newpaper in front of the bar. Your NG file. Am using NG/no SS2/option to turn off in holotape does not help. No real heavy script mods except IVY. Other markers do not turn on / off either.  Disabling mod gets rid of them but not sure if safe.

    On a different note oddity in your Institute build kit. I had this issue both in OG couple years ago and same now in new game. If I build  a 100% Institute settlement (ceiling/walls/ floors)I can place Institute vendors no problem If I use ceilings from any other  mod the vendors will not slide under it. If I place the vendors before the ceiling then the ceiling will not snap. Pretty strange as it does NOT happen all the time only at beginning a settlement build.  
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Disabling the mod is not safe at all.

      Like the other poster, you must have one heck of a script load for it to get stuck like that.
  4. Kirel
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    I'm having an issue at the Castle where the old visible idle marker statics aren't being deleted when I exit workshop mode but new ones are created every time I enter it, resulting in hundreds of visible statics in the same spot that remain even outside workshop mode. I "solved" the problem by toggling off idle markers via the holotape and creating a patch in fo4edit with a scrap recipe for the idle marker statics and then went around the Castle manually scrapping them, but toggling idle markers back on just starts the cycle of creating multiple copies of the statics over again. As far as I'm aware it's only the Castle that has this issue.

    edit: I owe you an apology, I did a bit more poking around and discovered that I'd screwed up with Transfer Settlements and duplicated all the invisible guard posts in the Castle about 10 times each meaning there were -actually- hundreds of real idle markers in the area, which I assume just overwhelmed the script to add/remove the visible idle marker statics. After going through and manually scrapping all the duplicates that I accidentally created your mod is working as expected again and the visible idle marker statics are appearing/disappearing normally.

    My bad, I'm sorry. :)

    edit 2: I may have spoken too soon about the problem being gone, despite my deleting the duplicated guard markers I'm still having issues with visible idle marker statics remaining visible outside of workshop mode and self-stacking. I assume this has something to do with script lag. Is there some way to attach a script to the statics themselves that cause them to self-delete when the cell is loaded, so fast travelling/entering an interior and returning would cause all excess statics to self-delete?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      You must have a massively overloaded system for the idle marker statics to be sticking around like that. I suggest that you try to delete them all and then leave the mod permanently turned off (in the holotape).

      (Removing the mod is not supported, thanks to Bethesda etc.)
  5. 4estGimp
    • premium
    • 731 kudos
    NG format is a 1-bit change in a flag from 1 to 8.  Wouldn't it make more sense to just release updates with V1 BA2?  Then both FOOG and FONG can use the same download.

    DoubleYou's BA2 Archive Version Patcher could toggle these BA2 back to V1 in few seconds.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Interesting to know, thanks. Players are free to do that.

      Since a lot of these are uploaded to BethNet for XB and PS, it’s easier for me to stick with going full NextGen.
    2. 4estGimp
      • premium
      • 731 kudos
      Ah yes, I was not thinking about BethNet.
    3. GSDFan
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      For those who do not want to upgrade we can use Backported Archive2 Support System.

      • F4SE (0.6.23)
      • Address Library for F4SE Plugins (1.10.163)
      • Pre-existing downgraded 1.10.163 versions of Fallout4.exe and steam_api64.dll. All other files (ESP, ESL, ESM, BA2, etc) may be safely upgraded to the
        latest game version. GOG Galaxy users need Galaxy64.dll in place of steam_api64.dll.

    4. ErockSmiles
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Buffout 4 NG also already has BA2 support built in. At the time I didn't even realize it. I was playing a couple of hours with some new mods I had just installed. After I quit the game, I noticed my mod manager had showed a warning that I did not see prior about incompatible archives loaded with my version of the game!?!... Yet they worked just fine. Then I finally got around to reading the changelog for the newest version of Buffout 4 NG.
  6. Maebalzurakin
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Can you move or add new idle markers, or do you just use this mod to plan around them?
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Only to plan around them.
  7. Kwakhals
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Incompatible mod archives notification on Vortex.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Has Vortex been updated to handle the NextGen archive files?
  8. AngeRTV
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I disabled hammering in sancuary through Visible Idle Markers holotape, but I still see settlers doing their animation and hammering markers. Do i have to do it inside the sancuary because i tried to disabled it very early in another place and is it normal to see markers because as i understand the settings is about animation not the markers but I also want to disable hammer npc markers. Can anybody help me with it thank you.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      This hasn’t yet been updated for NextGen games.

      And yes, you need to be in the Settlement to disable markers reliably.
    2. AngeRTV
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm using the older version of the game.Thanks to you settlers stoped hamering animation but I can still see their markers on the building mode, is there any way I can turn this off?
    3. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      You know, I never thought of that. It could be done - however it would be for NextGen only.

      The process of moving forward to NextGen updated to the NextGen Creation Kit - I cannot go backwards.
  9. dosonhai
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Strange, can't see the markers even though I saw them sitting on air. Maybe the new update affected this mod?
    Edit: It works now. Probably because I installed Workshop Framework. Unfortunately, Workshop Framework doesn't work right now so I deleted it after installing. But your mod is still working despite that.
    1. bionicyardiff
      • premium
      • 278 kudos
      Yah, Workshop Framework is optional though highly recommended. Mostly because the workshop detection code is newer than what is in this mod.

      Workshop Framework is one of those mods which needs to be installed from game-start, is probably why it didn’t work right for you.
  10. sdu2018
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    This site is F@$%¨8....

    I already searched for "idle markers" and your mod didn't appear in the searches.
    I found your mod amazing, because by showing the markers I can build better and avoid collisions.
    Thanks for the awesome mod.
    For those who are in doubt about compatibility with mods that completely modify the settlement, I bring images that show that it works well with "clean and Flat".
    Here showing the bookmarks that the author of Clean and Flat himself added:

    Here showing markers that a planting mod adds, showing me the placement error, with this wonderful mod allowing me to correct it.

    Here showing markers that a bar mod adds.

    Here I see a crop marker, another mistake I have to correct, thanks to this mod I could see where the marker is.

    Thanks for the amazing mod, now with it you can build a whole new level of experience.