(REDUNDANT) Sim Settlements 2 - Algernon Power Armor Mesh Fix
hard requirement |
4estGimp - Boston Natural Surroundings Tree Trim
Patched, but not Required. |
A New Beginning - Vault Hub 81
A StoryWealth Location - Diamond City
Not needed, but patched for it in mind. |
A StoryWealth-Dundee's City Plans Pack 1
A StoryWealth-Dundee's City Plans Pack 2
A StoryWealth-Dundee's Leader Pack
A StoryWealth-Dundee's Outpost Pack
AAF Sim Settlements 2 and Sim Settlements Chapter 2 Furniture Data
Plus all its requirements. |
Abernathy Farm - The Roof Diner
Abernathy Gardens WSFW Layout
Abernathy Milk of Brahmin Kindness - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest January 2022
Abernathy Stronghold
Agile Playground - Plot-A-Palooza 2 Entry
Anarch's Leaders Almanac (for Sim Settlements 2)
Anom's Sanctuary Redux - SS2 - BNS - Riverfix Patch
Necessary |
Archie Bunker Hill City Plan SS2 Contest 3rd Place Winner Sept 2021
ASAM Maul - The World's First ASAM-Based Weapon
Atom Cats Revival SS2 Nov 21 2nd Place
Atom's Radiance - SS2 City Plan Contest Entry - March 2023
Attack of the lobotplots
B's Couple Retreat - Nov2022 CPC Entry
Bad Neighbors - Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Barstool Games Sim Settlements 2 plots
Required |
Baseline Plots Brotherhood - An SS2 Add-On
Bat special
Not truly a "Requirement" Its so the mod author gets the love he deserves |
Blacklight's Faction Pack Template and Tutorial Modders Resource
Blacklight's Lite Faction Packs for SS2
Blad3K1ll3r's SS2 Mega Expansion Pack
BOS Airport (Boston Airport) - Sim Settlements 2 - City Plan Contest - March 2022
Boston Airport Refugee Camp (Winner Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-03)
Boston Library Outpost
Boston Library Restoration Project - Outpost Edition
Including Extended |
Brahmin Variations for Sim Settlements 2
Brotherhood of Steel Sim Settlements 2 City Outpost The Airport comp entry for January 2024
Bunker Hill Mega City (Winner sim settlements 2 City plan conquest 2021-09)
Bunker Hill Skymall - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan - City Plan Contest Entry September 2021
Cafe 88 (Jamaica Plains) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - April 2021
Captain Cosmos Creation V2 - A Sim Settlements 2 Plot pack
Required |
Castle Restoration Project - March City Plan Contest Entry
CBBE NPC HeadRear Fix Redux Incl. Ghoul Fix
Required only for the SS2 patch |
Charles View Amphitheater Plaza
Need |
Cheat Settler Special Stats
Children of Atom 's Brightness Bluff transfer settlement without ss1 blueprint
There is onlly one sim settlements 2 building in my place ,if you don't want that tower...you can don't use SS 2 |
Choo Corp imports
Choochoo1's Neon Bar Sim Settlements 2 Edition
Required |
Choochoo1's Vault 88 Metro City Plan - October2021 Entry
Required |
City Plan Contest Assistant
City Plan Contest Megapack for Sim Settlements 2
City Plans For SS2 the PACK
CLB Presents Tumbajamba's New Warriors - SS2 Units and Loadouts
Coastal Cottage - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - July 2021
Coastal Cottage city plan buildings
Cool laser revolver
jake's revolver lol |
Covenant Citadel
Plots and assets |
Cozy Covenant - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Finalist September 2021
Cross Dimensional Flags for Sim Settlements 2
Croup Manor - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - March 2021
Obviously gonna need this. |
Croup Manor Basement - CityPlan
Croup Manor Chemlab City Plan for Sim Settlements 2
CSM's Vanilla Leaders (SS2)
Dalton Church - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - April 2022
Dalton Gardens - April 2022 Contest Entry
Required |
Depravity - Sim Settlements 2 Immersion Patch
Division at the Holy Springs of Atom - SS2 City Plan Contest Entry - March 2023
Doplots - A Sim Settlements 2 add on
Dugout Liquors (Croup Manor) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Easy Lockpicks
Echo Lake Lumber Restoration - Sim Settlements 2 CIty Plan - Contest Entry May 2021
Eff's Patches - QuickTrade - Get Out Of My Face - Sim Settlements 2 - Workshop Plus
Egret Roadhouse - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Winner August 2021
Egret Tours Marina Needs More Brick - WINNER - November 2023 Outpost Plan Contest
Not requited, but highly recommended as the settlement is quite large |
Enclave Flag for Sim Settlements 2 (v0.2)
you need this mod in order to make settlements with this flag. |
Enclave Outpost 2165 - Boston Public Library
Erika's Pet Project
Experimental Farm 06 (Coastal Cottage) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan - July 2021 Contest Entry
Extra Receivers for Laser Revolver - Sim Settlements 2
Fairline - Suburbia in the Post-Apocalypse - February 2023 CPC Entry
Fallout 4 VR Compatibility Patch for Sim Settlements 2
Fallout Equestria - Sim Settlement 2 Patch
Far Deep Into The Enclave
Faster Upfront Settler Training SS2
Kind of pointless without it. |
It's an addon pack so... |
Finch Farm The Arms Fair (Finalist Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-02)
Finch Salvage Recovery - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Winner February 2022
Flags Of The New World - Sim Settlements 2 Patch
For the Minutemen - The Rise of Independence - A Sim Settlements 2 Addon
Hard! |
Fort Somerville (Somerville Place) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Fort Tenpines Sim Settlements 2 City plan entry for July2021
Garden and Production Facility (Sim Settlements 2 - City Plan Contest 2022-09)
Garden Maze Strength Training Plot-A-Palooza 2 Entry for SS2
Hard requirement |
GavMan's Buildings - SS2 Add-on
GavMan's Church SS2 Plotapalooza AddOn
GavMan's Milky SS2 Plotapalooza 3 AddOn
Graygarden Theatre
must have |
Greentop Cannery Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Greentop the glass Cathedral (Winner Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-07)
GTN Repair Shop - July 2022 Play Off Contest
Gunners Synthetic Facelift
Hang'em Mall (Hangman's Alley) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Hangman's Alley city plan SS2
Hangman's Alley Outpost- Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Jan 2024 SS2
Hangman's Alley Salvage Yard - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - April 2021
Required |
Hangman's Alley SS2 City Plan by Aurelianis
Required of course |
Hangman's Vault (Hangman's Alley) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - April 2021
Hangmans Needs More Brick - Outpost Edition - January 2024 Outpost Plan Contest Entry
required |
Happy Trails - Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Of course |
Have a Nuka Sim Settlements 2 plot - A Merry Modding Days Mod
Highland Lighthouse
Optional |
Holy Sanctuary
Home Plate - The hub of artificial pleasures
Home Plate Slowcum's Joe
Hooked on Ponics - Plot-A-Palooza 3 Entry
Immersive Animation Framework (IAF) - ESP-less Patches
Optional, if you want the use the patch |
Immersive Animation Framework (IAF) - Slow Time
Required for the 'Sim Settlements 2' patch. |
IT2 4 SS2
IT2 4 SS2 - Version francaise
Jakes Outfits Enhanced
Necessary requirement |
Jamaica Plain - Find a Bargain in the Suburbs - City Plan SS2 Contest Entry April 21
Jamaica Plain Minutemen Base (sim settlements 2 City plan conquest 2021-04)
Jampads 2 - a Sim Settlements 2 Add-on
Kapitel 1 von Sim Settlements 2 - Komplett deutsche Version
Komplett deutsche Version mit vollständig deutscher Sprachausgabe. |
Karvocs Kollections
These are city plans for this mod, you will need it. |
KC's Looted World Patches
(if using patch) |
KC's SICKnasty Patch Pit
patch for Helipads from Hap. |
KezzDaddy's Sanctuary Outpost
Kingsport Lighthouse City Plan SS2 Contest Entry April 2021
Notes? What kind of notes? G major, A minor? |
Lakeside Farm - SS2 City Plan Contest June 2023
Hard requirement |
Lakeside Woods
Leaders and Legends of the new Commonwealth
Leaders of the Commonwealth - SS2 Add-On for Settlers of the Commonwealth
Lightweight Mark I Beacon For SS2
Hard requirement. |
Lightweight Vit-O-Matic For SS2
Hard requirement. |
LK's CityPlan Pack for SS 2 (WIP)
Need this mod to even load the city plan |
LK's Mod Added Settlement City Plans for SS2
must use this mod to even use the city plan |
Longfellow's Floating Islands - City Plan SS2 Contest Winner June 2021
LOST AWKCR VIS-G Patches (Unsupported)
AWKCR and VIS-G patches for multiple mods! |
MadGax's Greentop Heights -City Plan Contest July 2022
Marlowe Safehouse - A Railroad Waystation at Far Harbor - SS2 City Plan Contest April 2023
Hard requirement |
Mechanist Lair Scrap Town - CPC October 2022
Mega Reggae
necessary |
Minerva's Red Rocket
Only required for the SS2 version |
Minute's Notice - a Sim Settlements 2 Minutemen Faction Pack
Minutemen and Manor - Sim Settlements 2 - City Plan Contest Finalist - March 2021
Minutemen Castle Command - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest March 2022
MS Contraptions - Sim Settlements ASAM Builder
Murkburgers (Murkwater Construction) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Murkwater City Plan Entry for May 2021 All praise Atom for it is right to do so.
Murkwater Contest Entry May 2021 SS2
Murkwater Grove - Living up in the Trees - City Plan SS2 Contest Winner May 2021
Murkwater Manor (Murkwater Construction Site) - Sim Settlements 2 - City Plan (Halloween 2023)
Murkwater Observatory (Finalist sim settlements 2 City plan conquest 2021-05)
Mysterious Old Friend
Required for Paul's face to work |
Mystic Rogue's Starlight Metropolis
hard requirement |
Mystic Rogue's Super Duper Quest and Add-On Pack
MysticRogue's Abernathy City Plan and Outpost Plan
MysticRogue's County Crossing City Plan and Outpost
Hard Requirement |
MysticRogue's Finch Farm City Plan
Hard Requirement |
MysticRogue's Oberland Station
Hard Requirement |
MysticRogue's PlotCraft Add-On Pack for SS2
MysticRogue's Red Rocket Rebuilt Home
hard requirement |
MysticRogue's Tenpines Outpost Contest Entry Dec 2023
NAF for Sim Settlements 2
National Park Prison - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Obviously required |
New North Church - Plot-A-Palooza 2 Entry
New Quincy (Sanctuary Hills) - Sim Settlements 2 CIty Plan - June 2021 Contest Entry
Newsie Training - Plot-A-Palooza Entry
No Main Quest - Wasteland Operator and Sim Settlements 2 Patch
Duh |
Nordhagen Fishery - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest April 2022
North Point Apartments - May 2023 CPC Entry
Required |
North Point Circle - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest May 2023
North Point Park Raider Camp
Nuclear Winter Vault-88 and SS2 HQ Compatability
Chapter 2 and 3 are also required |
Nuka Apartments - September 2022 FINALIST City Plan Contest
Including Extended |
Nuka world on tour April 2023 CPC entry
Nuka World Red Rocket Town (CPC September 2022)
required |
Nuka world- Nuka Rocket Fortress and Town (Winner Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-09)
Oberland Outpost - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry November 2021
Oberland Station - The Scavengers' Paradise (Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2021-11)
Oberland Station Planet X - SS2 November City Plan Contest 1st Place Winner
Outcasts and Remnants - Sim Settlements 2 Immersion Patch
Pandemonium Protocol - Enclave Black Ops
(optional if wished to build personalised features) |
Patch Horizon-SS2-RU
Pinkster's Triangles of Death City Plans All-in-One
Pinksters Triangles of Death City Plans NE-Part 2 of 3
Pinksters Triangles of Death City Plans NW-Part 1 of 3
Pinksters Triangles of Death City Plans South Part 3 of 3
Plain Plans by MsB - SS2 Add-On Pack
Along with all the required components |
Plot-a-Palooza 3 Entry Climate Monitoring Center
Plots Extended
Point Lookout Stlmts Pack
And its requirements |
Port Dalton SS2 April 2022 City Plan Contest entry
Poultry Plantation - Plot-A-Palooza 3 Entry
Powerful Plots for Superlative Settlers - A Sim Settlements 2 Add-on Pack.
Obviously |
Pra's Random Addon 2 SimS 2 RU
Project Valkyrie - Sim Settlements 2 Immersion Patch
Provisioner and Supply Line Management System - FR
Non obligatoire mais recommandé |
Publick Occurrences Expanded - An UFO4P Patch
Ravenswift's Oberland Station City Plan (with The Powells)
Hard Requirement |
Rebuild Oberland Station SS2 City Plan
Rebuild Sanctuary SS2 Addon Pack
Rebuild Sanctuary SS2 City Plan
Red Rocket Bastion - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest December 2023
Red Rocket City Plan SS2
Red Rocket Foundry - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - March 2021
Red Rocket Happy City (Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest 2021-03)
Red Rocket Junk Depot City Plan for Sim Settlements 2 March 2021 Contest Entry
Red Rocket Raider Outpost SS2 Plan
Red Rocket Reclamation
It's a city plan, so... |
Red Rocket Revitalized - Outpost - December 2023 Outpost Plan Contest Entry
Reina's Building Fixups (WSFW Layouts)
Used some assets from this, but not 100% necessary |
Reina's Croup Market - City Plan Contest Entry March 2021
Reina's Plotapalooza Plot - Glowfruit Tree (March 2025)
Reina's Plotapalooza Plot - Military Training
Reina's Starlight Zoo - Masters City Plan Contest Entry 2022
required |
Reina's Vault 88 City Plan for Sim Settlements 2
required |
Rise of the Commonwealth for Sim Settlements 2
Rise of the Commonwealth for Sim Settlements 2 -Spanish-
Rivet City transfer settlement blueprint
RobCo - Buffed Settlers (usefull for SS2 etc.)
<- gives you Settlers with better Stats for your HQ etc. |
Rogues Den Karaoke Lounge Plot-A-Palooza Entry
hard requirement |
Ruined Chapel - City Plan Contest Entry April 2023
Hard Requirement |
SAFU - Sanctuary All Fenced Up SS2 City Plan
Suggested |
Sanctuary City (Plan)
Sanctuary City Plan SS2 Contest Entry June 2021
and whatever it requires if anything |
sattyre's Patches for various Mods
Patch for Lux'O'Home- A Vault-Tec Mobile Vault Player Home |
Settlement Blueprint - Sanctuary Docks
More homes and stores for the sims |
Settlement Blueprint Sunshine Tiddings
Make sure to get the latest version |
Shadow Wastelands SS2 World Repopulation Cells Starter Pack
Hard Requirement |
Shago's City Plan Bundle
ShagomyJago's Layouts
Silent Protagonist Patch Compilation
Sim Settlement 2 (2.1.1a) - TRAD FR v1.03 - Chapitre 1 et 2
SIm Settlements - Nuka World Patch
NOT required, but what this is intended for |
Sim Settlements 2 - Captain Croup Bar and Dive Entry for the City Plan Contest for March 2021
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Croup Manor - CroumanVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan National Park Visitors Center - ParksVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 (SS2) Missing Heads with X-Cell Facegen Fix
Technically optional, but this mod is moot without Sim Settlements 2 |
Sim Settlements 2 - 200 PET Names
No Sim Settlements 2, no Pet Shops. No Pets Shops, no Pets. No Pets, no Pets. ;) |
Sim Settlements 2 - Ad Victoriam Settler
This is a city plan for Sim Settlements 2, this will not be possible without this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 - Addon Pack - DZK Concrete Defensible Positions
Sim Settlements 2 - All Chapters Pack - CHS - 3.4.5
(如果你只玩第一章的话) |
Sim Settlements 2 - Apocalyptic Additions Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Blackbelt's Vault 88
This is a city plan for Sim Settlements 2, this will not be possible without this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapitre 1 - Version francaise
Obligatoire |
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapitre 2 - Version francaise
Obligatoire |
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2 - RU
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2 - Ver. Spanish - New version
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2 SC translate Stable version
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 3
Included in main download |
Sim Settlements 2 - CPD have Police Weapons
Sim Settlements 2 - Creative Quarters - an HQ Add-On (And Jampads Extra)
hard requirement |
Sim Settlements 2 - DZK Forts - City Plans
Sim Settlements 2 - eXoPatch
Sim Settlements 2 - FallUI Item Sorter patch
Sim Settlements 2 - Far Harbor Expansion
Sim Settlements 2 - Fort Sanctuary City Plan
Also pretty much every addon for it.. |
Sim Settlements 2 - From Sanctuary to Concord - Building Plans Module
Sim Settlements 2 - German Translation
Sim Settlements 2 - HQ Upper Office Settlement and City Plan
Sim Settlements 2 - HQ Upper Office Settlement and City Plan FR
Sim Settlements 2 - Jake is Killable
Sim Settlements 2 - Junk Town - FENCES 2 Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Junk Town 2 Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - JunkTown - EXTREME2 Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Lexington Underground Bugfix
Hard Requirement |
Sim Settlements 2 - Minuteman HQ Addon Pack
A Requirement for mod to work |
Sim Settlements 2 - Murkwater Industries
Sim Settlements 2 - New Holidays - A Merry Modding Days Mod
Required obviously :) |
Sim Settlements 2 - Nobody's Leaders 2
Sim Settlements 2 - Nuka World Expansion
Sim Settlements 2 - Plotapalooza Building Plan Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Pra's Random Addon 2
Obviously |
Sim Settlements 2 - Previsibines Expansion Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Previsibines Expansion Pack - Chinese
Sim Settlements 2 - PT-BR
Hard |
Sim Settlements 2 - Rad Scrappers Marina August 2021 Contest Entry
Sim Settlements 2 - Rags and Riches
Sim Settlements 2 - Recruitable Settlers Leaders Pack 2
Sim Settlements 2 - Ruined Homes and Gardens 2.0
Sim Settlements 2 - Savegame for City Builders and Designers
Sim Settlements 2 - So I Made Plans Addon Pack
It's an addon pack so yeah... |
Sim Settlements 2 - Spectacle Prison
Sim Settlements 2 - Tech Settlements
Sim Settlements 2 - The Fens Sheriff's Department - Cosmetic Patch
Sim Settlements 2 - The National Park Training Ground
Sim Settlements 2 - Tiny Living
Required |
Sim Settlements 2 - Tiny Living - Version francaise
Obligatoire |
Sim Settlements 2 - Turkish Translation
gerekli |
Sim Settlements 2 - Unique Settlers are Essential Patch
Required |
Sim Settlements 2 -Brick and Clay - A Merry Modding Mod
Mandatory |
Sim Settlements 2 -Spanish-
Sim Settlements 2 1st Tutorial Complete Stranger with Unlocked Settlements LVL1 Save Game
Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack - Rebirth of the Commonwealth
Hard Requirement, obviously. Requires all chapters and their dependencies. |
Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack Caravan Snatex
Sim Settlements 2 Automatron Mod
Sim Settlements 2 Automatron Mod Chinese Translation
Sim Settlements 2 Chapter 2 City Plan - Starlight Drive-in DawnsVil
Additional mod requirements |
Sim Settlements 2 Charity mod patches
Sim Settlements 2 Child Support
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry May 2023 The Tub
note you will need everything for this mods as well. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Echo Lake Lumber - EchoVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Kingsport Lighthouse - KingsVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Murkwater Construction Site - DozerVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Red Rocket - RocketVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Sunshine Tidings Co-op - SummerVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Tenpines Bluff - PinesVil
Add the SS2 Workshop HUD Override if you like also from optional downloads on this mod. |
Sim Settlements 2 Donation Conveyor System
Obviously, because the mod cannot function without it. |
Sim Settlements 2 Excess Resource Manager
Sim Settlements 2 Furrys
Requirement |
Sim Settlements 2 HQ Addon - A simple HQ room
Sim Settlements 2 HQ Addon - New Power Rising - FORMERLY Pesky's Cosy HQ
Hard Requirement, obviously. Requires all chapters and their dependencies. |
Sim Settlements 2 Increased Storage Containers Capacity
Sim Settlements 2 Increased Storage Containers Capacity - FR
Sim Settlements 2 MCM Chinese Translation
本体 |
Sim Settlements 2 New Game v1.0.0F - Laying Foundations - Unlocked with Stranger Save Game
Sim Settlements 2 Nora Spouse Companion Patch
Sim Settlements 2 RU
Sim Settlements 2 SC translation
Sim Settlements 2 Scrappers
Sim Settlements 2 Settlement Management Terminal
Sim Settlements 2 Simple Chinese Translation - All In One
SS2本体,安装请参考简介 |
Sim Settlements 2 Spanish 3.4.5
Necesario |
Sim Settlements 2 Start Me Up Compatibiity Patch - WIP (BETA)
Sim Settlements 2 Tweaks (Cheaper ASAMs)
Sim Settlements 2 Ukrainian translation
Sim Settlements 2 Unique Scavs Patch
Sim Settlements 2 Wasteland Reconstruction Kit - CHS
原模组前置模组 |
Sim Settlements 2 Wasteland Reconstruction Kit - Deutsch
Von Orginalmod benötigt |
Sim Settlements 2 XDI Perk Speech Check patch - Chinese Translation
Required |
Sim Settlements Code
And it's Required mods |
Sim Settlers 2 Go Shopping
SimHomestead 2 - A SimSettlements 2 addon
simple hangman's alley settlement
simple Oberland station settlement
of course |
simple red rocket settlement
yes duh |
Simple Sanctuary - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
simple sanctuary settlement
Of course |
Slightly Less Hostile Raider Children - Mostly Aggro Radius Behavior
Only for the Patches. |
SLOG BOG City Plan SS2 Contest Entry August 2021
Slog Tarberries and Fitness - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan - August 2021 Contest Entry
Somerville Pet Place - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry November 2021
Somerville Place (Sim Settlement 2 City plan contest entry 2021-11)
Essential |
Somerville Place for November 2021 City plan contest
Spectacle Island Beautiful Town - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Required |
Spectacle Island Prison Reclaimed
Terraforming blocks, spacers |
Spiral Garden - Pra's Plot-A-Palooza 3 Entry
SS2 - All Lights Cast Shadows
Required as all light sources my mod modifies are inside SS2 |
SS2 - Beta Lure by Pesky Fox - Plotapalooza 3 Submission
Hard Requirement, obviously. Requires all chapters and their dependencies. |
SS2 - Blue's Minutemen Flag Pack
SS2 - Erika's Plot-A-Palooza Entry
Hard requirement... how else can you build plots? |
SS2 - Erika's Plotapalooza Pack
SS2 Extended is also required!!! |
SS2 - Fort Starlight
Also pretty much every addon for it.. |
SS2 - GwenstheName's Plotapalooza 2024 - Community Center
You will also need Sim Settlements 2 Extended optional file |
SS2 - Plot-a-Palooza Entry - Mess Hall
SS2 - SGO Wasteland Expansion
SS2 - The Ron's Office Map Marker
SS2 - Tinuvia's Plotapalooza Entry
SS2 - Vit-O-Matic Sensors for West Tek Tactical Optics
SS2 - XDI Compatibility Patch
SS2 - XDI Compatibility Patch - Russian Translation
Required |
SS2 - XDI Compatibility Patch SC translate
SS2 - ZJ City Plan - Tenpines Inn
SS2 - ZJ City Plan - The Slog Hotel
SS2 - ZJ City Plans - Red Rocket Player Home
SS2 -Myrmarachne's entry Plotapalooza
SS2 Addon - Nora's Commonwealth Reconstruction Project
Chapter 2 and 3 ARE required as well as all SS2 requirements. |
SS2 Addon - Bare Essentials
SS2 Addon - Shazbot's Cots
SS2 Addon - Unlock Vanilla Recruitable Vendors
SS2 Addon Chinese Translation
SS2 and moreXplore - Powell Family Relocated
SS2 and Tumbajamba's Gunner Minutemen Collection Patch
SS2 Better Outfits
SS2 Blood Moon Raiders - A Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
SS2 Camera Takes Screenshots
SS2 Caravan Supplies Plus
SS2 Chap 3 Save Files - Various Stages - Nora
Alll-in-One version |
SS2 Chapter 2 Spanish 3.4.5
Necesario |
SS2 Charleston Bar City Plan
SS2 City Plan - Abernathy - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Castle Anna
SS2 City Plan - Coastal Cottage Nuka-Cade Vacation Destination
SS2 Add-on packs listed are recommended to obtain the same settlement build. |
SS2 City Plan - Red Rocket - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Sanctuary - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Spectacle Four
SS2 City Plan - Starlight - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Sunshine - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Taffington - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Tenpines - ZJ PerfPlans
SS2 City Plan - Tenpines City 200
version 2.2.4 or newer required |
SS2 City Plan - Zimonja Tower SZB
SS2 City Plan for July 2021 City Plan Contest - ZJ Zimonja
SS2 Dynamic Voice and Gunshots Remover
SS2 FallUI Icons a CIS Plugin
SS2 Floating Mag Fix for Workbench Rework
Needed |
SS2 Franklin Outfit Upscale
SS2 Graygarden - City Plan Contest August 2022
Required |
SS2 Greentop Nursery - City Plan Contest July 2022
Required |
SS2 Industrial Revolution - version francaise
Évident |
SS2 Industrial Revolution of the Wasteland (Add-on Pack)
SS2 Jamaca Plain Garden Town by Skywise v2.1
SS2 Lakeside - City Plan Contest June 2023
Required |
SS2 Neon Flats Base City Plan
SS2 Noir Penthouse Base City Plan
SS2 Nordhagen Beach Seaside Views - City Plan Contest April 2022
Required |
SS2 Nu Cafe Ola Outpost City Plan
SS2 Petstore Doberman
SS2 Radiant Municipal Power
SS2 Rebreather Mask Voice Patch
SS2 Recast - Jake Gyllenhaal as Jake Evans
SS2 Sanctuary Green Hills
SS2 Settlement Management Terminal - Version francaise
Obligatoire |
SS2 Settlers at Play
SS2 Settlers at War
SS2 Settlers UI
SS2 Settlers UI - Version francaise
Obligatoire |
SS2 Shroud Manor Secret Base City Plan
SS2 Starlight University
pra's random |
SS2 Starlight Wasteland Theatre - City Plan Masters 2022 Contest Entry
Required |
SS2 Superstructures - A Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
SS2 Support Structures of the Wasteland (Add-on Pack)
SS2 The Thompsons Outfit Overhaul
SS2 Warwick Outpost - City Plan Contest November 2023
Required, along with it's requirements. |
SS2 X Diamond City Patch
SS2-Boston Airport Demo Vault City
SS2C2 - 3DNPC Patch
Required for SS2 Chapter 2 |
SS2_XDI Compatibility Patch -Spanish-
Starlight - The Ron Tower
Starlight Correctional Facility
Starlight Dome - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Masters Winner Season 3
Starlight Drive-In Arena
Starlight Drive-In City
Only needed for 3 small garden plots. Not required if you don't want it. |
Starlight Hive - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Starlight Trade Hub And Theater
Won't work without it. |
Starlight Woods - Masters 2022 Contest Entry
Stop Shooting Our Ships - UNSC Spaceships Settler Hostility Patch
For optional patch |
Submachine Gun 10mm Receiver Fix
Subways of the Commonwealth (SotC) Sim Settlements 2 patch
Sunshine Hive (Sunshine Tidings Co-Op) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Sunshine it's just a farm I sware Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest January 2022
Sunshine Tiding - The medical center (Winner Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-01)
Sunshine Tidings - Busy Town - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Swan's Bar and Pitstop
Taffington Boathouse BP
SS2 +Add-ons |
Temple on a Hill - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest June 2023
Tenpines Bluff a fortified Village
Tenpines Hive - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
Tenpines TwoHundred WSFW Layout
The Alley Cabaret a Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Finalist - April 2021
The Castle Fortress - A Transfer Settlement Bluprint
The Castle Rebuilt-Minutemen HQ - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan and Layouts-Blueprints
The Circle (Red Rocket) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - March 2021 - Winner
The Crab Shack (Fourville - Tales - SS2)
Required for the 'Sim Settlements 2' patch. |
The Croup SS2 Contest Plan Mar 21
The Failed Gunner Outpost - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - April 2023
The good fight - A SS2 addon pack
All three chapters and extended required! |
The Hanged Man Club
imports with manager desk |
the Joe Rogan Experience broadcast station settlement blueprint
The Mechanist's lair - RobCo's rebirth (Winner Sim Settlements 2 City plan conquest 2022-10)
The Mechanist's Layer - Mecha Town - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest October 2022
The PP City Plan SS2 Contest Entry July 2021
The Redoubt (North Point Park) - Sim Settlements 2 - City Plan Contest Entry - May 2023
The Slog An ingenious pool(Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest 2021-08)
the slogmotel
essential, you can grab the all in one file as well, build with the latter |
The Watching Tower - Pra's Plot-A-Palooza Entry
Throw Money At SS2
Obviously |
Traders' Paradise - SS2 Addon
Traduction FR de SS2 - XDI Compatibility Patch
Traduction FR de Vault-Tec Tools - Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Traduction FR du Chapitre 3 de Sim Settlement 2
Transfer Settlements - Tenpines Bluff (Sims Settlement 2) Blueprint
UNDRCVR FSD Right Field Player Home WSFW Layout
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses Abernathy Outpost
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses Jamaica Plain Outpost
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses Nahant RR Eta Outpost
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses RR Player Home Layout
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses Starlight
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Guns 'N Roses Taffington Homestead
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Midnight Refuge at Hangman's Alley
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Midnight Refuge at Taffington Boathouse
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Midnight Refuge Jamaica Plain
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR MODestly Settled City Plans 2022
UNDRCVR MODestly Settled Plans January '23
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Salute and Settle Egret Tours Outpost
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Salute and Settle Library Outpost.
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons - Sanctuary in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Oberland Outpost in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Red Rocket in the Fall Layout
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Somerville Barts Motel in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Starlight Capital City in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Taffington Outpost in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Seasons Vault 81 Outpost in the Fall
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Castle - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan
UNDRCVR Simply Settled City Plans 2022
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Fairline Outpost - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan City Plan Contest Feb 2023
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Graygarden - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Winner Aug 2022
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Greentop - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Finalist July 2022
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Lakeside Cabin Homestead - SS2 CPC June 2023
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Mech Lair - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest October 2022
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Mystic Parlor - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan City Plan Contest November 2022
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled North Point Park - SS2 City Plan Contest May 2023
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Nuka Rocket Hotel - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan City Plan Contest September 2022
UNDRCVR Simply Settled Ruined Church Phi Outpost - SS2 City Plan Contest April 2023
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR There's No Place Like Home Fiddler's Green
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR There's No Place Like Home Lake Cochituate
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR There's No Place Like Home Rock Island Lighthouse
Hard Requirement |
UNDRCVR There's No Place Like Home The Slog
Hard Requirement |
Valley of the Shadow
Optional |
Vana's Basic Layout City Plan Pack Starter Kit for Sim Settlements 2
Vana's Christmas Town Sanctuary for Sim Settlements 2
Vana's Fort Tenpines Bluff
Vana's Full City Plan Pack for Sim Settlements 2 Part 2
Vana's Full City Plan Pack Part 1 For Sim Settlements 2
Vana's Full City Plan Pack Part 3
And all it's requirements |
Vana's Outpost Egret Tours Marina
Vana's Outpost Fort Oberland Station
Vana's Outpost Starlight Keep
Vana's Outpost Warwick Homestead
Chapter 2 and 3 are required as well |
Vault 81 Trader Encampment - City Plan
Vault 88's Gate way to Hell - Sim Settlement 2 City Plan
Vault-Tec Tools - Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
2.0 or higher required |
Vault-Tec Tools - Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack RU
Без него не будет работать |
Vault-Tec Tools -Chinese-
Vaulted Up Visitor Center
Vaulted Vault 88 - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Winner October 2021
Vee's Plotapalooza Entry (Late) - Power Armory
Volozhaev Vernacular Architecture 2.0
Warwick Correctional Facility SS2 City plan
Warwick Homestead - Concrete Bulwark Outpost - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - November 2023
Required |
Warwick Homestead - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Entry - November 2023
Warwick Outpost SS2 Plan
Wasteland Defense - SS2 Addon
Wasteland Venturers Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Wasteland Venturers Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack SC translate
Wasteland Venturers SS2 Addon Pack - Version francaise
Of course |
Wasteland Wonderglue - FaceGen Edition
FaceGen files available. |
Only required if installing the SS2 City Plans |
Whisky's Lunar Fallout Content Carnival
requires all 3 chapters, and WSFW |
WSFW Layouts Pack (I Like Trains - Oberland and other settlements)
WSFW SS2 Random Layouts
Required |
Yagisan's Better Settlements and Outposts - Super Duper Mega Mart - A 2024 Merry Modding Days Mod
Yagisan's March 2024 Plot-A-Palooza Entry
Yagisan's March 2025 Plot-A-Palooza Entry
Zimonja Cavern - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest Winner July 2021
Zine Weight
Only if you use the associated patch |
ZJ City Plan Pack