About this mod
Extended Dialog Interface compatibility patch for Sim Settlements 2
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
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- Changelogs
This mod adds dialog in Sim Settlements 2 to be compatible with Extended Dialog Interface (XDI)
As of Sim Settlements 2 version 2.3.2, this patch is no longer required to make the quest Where There's Smoke compatible with XDI. I have added a new 'SS2 v2.3.2 and later' version to the installer to patch the quests Grey Matters and Who Can? ASAM! I have left the older versions of this patch in the installer for those who use a version of SS2 older than 2.3.2.
Please be advised that any future patches by Kinggath to SS2 that modifies these quests may cause this patch to no longer work as
intended. Kinggath has hinted that he may add the rest of this patch to SS2 when v3.0.0 (chapter 3) is released. At that point this patch will no longer be required.
This information only applies to the old version of this patch:
The basic version makes it possible to playthrough the radio scene in Where There's Smoke which is impossible to complete without this patch while using XDI.
The normal version adds clarity to the player dialog choices during Grey Matters and Who Can? ASAM!
I wrapped both versions into a FOMOD installer. There is an esl flagged version for both as well.
Version 1.3.0 is updated for SS2 v1.1.0b This patch requires no update as of SS2 v2.1.3.
I added an optional esl flagged esp fix for Magnusson's terminal at Vault Tec Headquarters so it is readable.
Spanish translation of this patch by NexusErnesto
Spanish translation of Sim Settlements 2 by NexusErnesto
Add perk check tags to dialog options with Sim Settlements 2 XDI Perk Speech Check patch by Sranger
Using a mod manager is highly recommended. This should load after both SS2 and XDI.
Recommended Load Order:
Fallout and/or DLC
(optional) UFO4P
HUD Framework
Workshop Framework
(other .esm)
SS2_XDI Patch
(other .esp)
Delete SS2_XDI Patch.esp and SS2_XDI Patch - Main.ba2 from your Fallout 4\Data folder or with a mod manager.
It is not advised to remove mods from a save you are still playing.
Thank you for the support I have received so far! You guys are awesome. :)
I made this mod for personal use and am only sharing it per a request. I do not plan to update this mod any more than required for my personal use.
If you find a dialog issue where XDI does not display the text, display correctly or seems ambiguous, leave a comment and tell me the quest name and the quest stage. I can look at it and possibly add it to this patch.
Special thanks to Kinggath and the entire Sim Settlements crew for this awesome mod.
Big thanks as well to Registrator2000 & Neanka for creating XDI and permanently ridding us of "Hate Newspapers!"