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About this mod

This preset gives the lighting a dreamy blueish glow. Update: I added a preset with more natural colors.

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I love tweaking ENBs and this time I managed to create this kind of glow which I missed from the early versions of my ENB preset for Oblivion. It brings a summer feeling to Fallout 4, especially if you have additional landscape overhauls like "Fallout 4 Seasons" installed making the game greener.

The preset was created with the NAC weather overhaul in mind but I also tested it with the Vanilla look of the game. The interiors can look slightly darker, if NAC and this ENB are active. But they can be lightened up via the NAC settings holotape. Just go to "Nights & Interiors Settings" and click on "Brighter Interiors"; by clicking several times on this option the brightness increases even more. There's a darker interiors option as well.

Newer versions of the ENB binaries (0.420 and onward) come with specular parameters controlling the shinyness of surfaces. This feature is quite handy when the surface is very reflective like chrome. I already turned the shinyness down a little in this preset. I modified SpecularAmountMultiplierDay and SpecularPowerMultiplierDay. Reflective surfaces can be really shiny at this time. If it's still too shiny, open the ENB in game GUI via SHIFT + Return key, go to the Environment section and play around with the specular parameters. The shinyness can also be reduced by tweaking the bloom parameters (bloom section). When you are done with tweaking, hit the Save Configuration button.

Recommended mods:

NAC - Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth
Fallout 4 Seasons - Grass - Trees - Plants - Snow (I'm using the summer editon)
Real Water HD for ENB
BlurKiller - Visual Pollution Remover and Performance Enhancer

How to install:

After you have downloaded the ENB binaries, extract d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll to your Fallout 4 main directory (where the Fallout4.exe is located). 
Open the archive of Summer Glow ENB and extract all included files to the Fallout 4 main directory as well.

Regarding enblocal.ini, please edit it to match your graphics card's video memory (VRAM) to a limit of 10240MB. My personal one includes Load Accelerator as a proxy library; I can't play the game without it. The mod description of Load Accelerator explains how to edit the enblocal.ini accordingly.


Do you experience sudden bright flashes of light flickering in certain areas?
This can happen when the timescale is set too low. It took me some time to figure this out. I'm always playing with a timescale of 1 and never thought that this setting could cause this issue. The final clue brought comment #310 in the Subtle ENB thread. The timescale can be changed via console (e. g. "set timescale to 10"; without quotes when typing this into the console) or via NAC Settings holotape. The default timescale is 20 after exiting Vault 111.
Turning off NAC's sunlight variation option (Misc. Options) can also help.