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Created by

El Ha

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About this mod

Fight bears and the cold. Also three quests, settlement workshops and secrets... and more

Permissions and credits
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I'll leave this up for legacy reasons. It probably works but some people have reported bugs that I can't sort out.
Please use the uncompressed .ba2s version to ensure it works with post TV-Show Fallout 4.

Trees and Go Bags by Tookiejones

Cabin Meshes based on Ethreon's Cabin In The Woods

Gorilla based on M150's abominations

Hunters voice by BDK1976 (Brett Keane)

Snowflakes by Mandragorasprouts (Polluted Climate)

Shooting Target by Bagle

Blue Ice Textures: 1 and 2 by Goodtextures


Lucid Drone by Decembered

Alchemic Dream Drone by Jovica

Drone Space Wind Scifi by Ztitchez

Ambient Wave 41 by Erioka

ROS004 by meta4s

Music Elevator by Jay_You


Windfree by Sagetyrtle

Wind2 by Sagetyrtle

Fire_Small_Loop by PhreaKsAccount

Wind_Howling_04 by Fasolt

Zombie Roar by ArriGD

Beep by Resonant

Ping by Unfa

Motorloop by Soundjoao

Crane Noises by Matrixx

WinterAtmos by Zer0

Splash by InspectorJ

Engine Start by Eponn

Short Swoosh by Miksmusic

If anyone is missing please tell, I write the credits on a smaller piece of paper that gets stains all over it

Added height data for Vertibirds
Changed two scripts that were responsible for looping

Fixed an issue with the Legendary Valley Workshop and the build box

Changed two scripts, one regarding the Mainquest and another one regarding the weather system

Changed the snow texture to a much smoother texture

Added collision markers around the cabins blizzard snow might not pass through at certain angles
Removed the fog visual camera effect from the Fog Weather