About this mod

The most in depth perk overhaul on the nexus.

Permissions and credits
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The core problem with the Vanilla Perks in FO4, is that Bethesda decided to drop the skill system, which means that a lot of the perks end up just doing the job of skills, which makes them boring. A lot of mods out there try to fix this by adding back the skill system. True Perks takes a slightly different approach- what if all the perks were actually worthy of being called "Perks"?

This overhaul is specifically balanced for more difficult playthroughs. I recommend you at least run a mod that restricts loot, my personal recommendation (that I made a patch for) is Lunar Fallout Overhaul, but it should work alongside any mod that reduces loot, and increases difficulty slightly. This isn't a requirement, but a lot of the perk changes are meant to complement a lower loot game.

Better Perks, Better Tree
-Generally, perks that are for specialized builds now have higher special requirements and have been consolidated, but things like Local Leader, Lone Wanderer, and ranged weapon perks have low requirements. Every single perk has been touched, tweaked or moved.
-Perks that are universally useful, but not really required for a build, e.g. fortune finder, scrounger, have generally have higher requirements. Rank 10 perks are generally now niche perks for specific playstyles that utilize having that special maxed out, rather than just good perks that everyone will want (e.g., Sniper).
-Crafting Perks are all rank 4, you won't be crafting off a dump stat
-Perks now require increasing specials for each rank (e.g., gunslinger 1 requires agility 1, gunslinger 2 requires agility 2, etc).
- Special training now maxes out at starting stat + 9, but requires 7 levels per rank to be able to train.

Weapon Proficiency Damage Perks
The first rank of all weapon damage perks now grants you a scaling bonus, based on your level.

Melee Weapons
Bladed weapons (swords, knives, etc) now gain bonus damage from Agility, instead of strength, and you gain proficiency with them from the Backstab perk, instead of Big Leagues. Melee weapon damage scaling decreases at higher levels.

The Perks!


1 Basher
2 Heavy Gunner - Heavy Weapon Proficiency + Bonuses (less weight, faster walk speed)
3 Big Leagues - Blunt Melee Proficiency
4 Blacksmith - Now includes Power Armor crafting
5 Buffness - Health bonus based on your strength
6 Rooted: Bonus strength while standing still
7 Ad Victoriam - Bonus damage with lasers
8 Atom's Strength - Limb Damage/Falling scaling with how many rad's you have
9 Toughness - Take 5/10/15% reduced damage, doubled in PA
10 Pain Train


1 Explorer: Bonux EXP for location discovery, a move speed buff
2 Rifleman: Weapon Proficiency- Rifles and Shotguns: Rank 3/4 use the old concentrated fire mechanic
3 Locksmith - ranks reduce damage bobby pins take
4 Gun Nut
5 Gumshoe: Add a percentage of ER and Rad Resist to Armor, plus Mysterious stranger
6 Eye for a Bargain - Buy price bonus scaling with Perception
7 Steady Aim - Gain bonus accuracy and damage with scopes
8 Bullet to the Knee: Deals extra damage to limbs
9 Penetrator
10 Sniper


1 Lead Belly - also grants +10% per level longer healing from food
2 Chem Resistant
3 Aqua Boy/Girl - swimming speed, rad resistance, and an AP bonus from drinking water
4 Armorer
5 Strong Back - Scales with Endurance
6 Attack Dog - damage and defense now scales with your charisma
7 Wasteland Hunter (vanilla wasteland whisperer)
8 Solar Powered: PA Drains Fusion cores more slowly during the day
9 Ghoulish
10 Ricochet: Lower damage, but more frequent triggers


1 Local Leader 
2 Party Boy
3 Night Person
4 - Dressed for the Apocalypse - Charisma scaling bonuses to defenses while not wearing armor
5 Lady Killer
6 Black Widow - Effect scales with charisma, lvl 3 grants half effects to same sex
7 Animal Friend -  Animals are now commandable/neutral/helpful
8 Inspirational - Companions gain bonuses to defense and damage that scale with your charisma
9 Refractor: New Effect Lasers have a chance to be absorbed, charging your critical meter instead of damaging you
10 Intimidation


1 Medic
2 Demolition Expert Weapon Proficiency- explosives
3 Hacker (now includes robot hacking)
4 Chemist -  Grants chem crafting, recipes improve yields as you take more ranks of the perk
5 Science
6 Overclocked VATS: Reduced Vats costs, vanilla Awareness effect
7 Calculated Critical - Critical banker
8 Fatal Exception - Old Grim Reaper's Sprint (reflavored to make sense in Intelligence)
9 Forced Evolution: Grants buffs to Strength, but penalties to Charisma, and health regeneration below 50%
10 Nuclear Physicist: 


1 Quick hands - Reload speed and hip fire accuracy
2 Gunslinger - Weapon proficiency pistols (including automatics), Ranks 3/4 use the vanilla Gun-Fu mechanic
3 Backstab - Bladed weapon proficiency
4 Sneak
5 Infiltrator - Pickpocket, plus Sneak Attack bonus with silenced weapons.
6 Moving Target - Scaling Dodge with agility
7 Action Boy/Girl - AP Regen based on how fast you're moving
8 Blitz - Spring faster, less AP drain
9 Gun Fu - Bonus damage and defense against melee enemies
10 Ninja- Vanilla blitz effect


1 Beginner's Luck - Rank 1 Chance to recieve 3x exp from any action, rank 2 Gives you a chance to find more ammo on your last shot, Rank 3 your enemies explode in a shower of caps
2 Commando - Weapon proficiency automatic rifles, and gain a chance of extra ammo with automatic weapons
3 Scrapper
4 Four Leaf  Clover - Gain a bonus to SPECIALs while facing 4 or more enemies
5 Lone Wanderer - Gain luck scaling effects, which are increased while you don't have a companion
6 Better Criticals - Now grants critical hits outside vats, and critical banker effects instead of critical damage
7 Bloody Mess - Now grants bonus critical damage, and a weak bleed effect instead of flat damage
8 Scrounger - Gain a chance of 10x ammo stashes and explosive caches
9 Fortune Finder - Gain a chance of 10x caps stashes, and legendaries in safes
10 Life Giver: While at less than 30% health, chance to avoid damage

Mind Wipe
Chem, available as a rare purchase from Vendors that will allow you to respec the perks from this mod. It will respec special training perks, but not allow you to respec your specials.

Note- that this mod is not compatible with any other respec mod.

Thanks to Mindwipe by Kittytail for the outline of respec script and the open permissions.It's been rewritten to work with True Perks, and to fix various shortcomings.

The base mod includes an option to bypass the hacking minigame completely with Mentats ("Use Mentats" activator is available on terminals you have the perk requirements to hack. This option bypasses the minigame, at the expense of 1 Mentats).

I recommend grabbing the Locky Bastard expansion module, for similiar options to bypass the lock picking minigame.

-Anything that modifies perks will probably be incompatible. This also touches a bunch of game settings, a few levelled lists, and some recipes. When in doubt, check for conflicts in fo4edit.
- This overhauls game settings for Sneaking, Lockpicking, and Hacking, you don't need other mods that touch thods, and without a patch they will conflict.

Q: Is this compatible with VAFS
A: No, it needs Patching.

Q: Will you make a VAFS patch?
A: No, I don't use VAFS, but feel free to jump in my discord if you want to try and have questions.

Q: How do I take a special over 10
A: Put points in it, they've been uncapped.

Q: Why are my perk icons white / strength training
A: This is caused by a mod conflict, you have something modifying perks after this mod. That mod is moving the perk back to it's original place, and leaving nothing in the perk poster, which results in a filler icon.

Check out The Alias Project
Check out Immersive Legendary Enemies
check out Whisky's Simple Power Armor Damage Threshold

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