Icon/tags for custom mods Custom items added by mods are probably not covered by the pre-built packages and missing tags (and so have no icon). The simplest solution is to add a tag in the workbench by renaming. (Even simpler with the FallUI - Workbench mod, which provide a tag picker.) A permanent solution would be to add these tags in the item records in FO4Edit. If you know how to use FO4Edit, you can check out Complex Sorter, which allows you to automatically tag all your mods at once in a single ESP file. (All files on this page created with Complex Sorter). A detailed How-To to migrate from this mod to Complex Sorter can be found here: How-To Upgrade FallUI Item Sorter Pre-Built To Custom-Built
I have been playing Fallout 4 in VR and am having a strange issue. Whenever I open the armor workbench, plus whenever I find a piece of legendary armor (it does not effect guns), it crashes to desktop. If I disable the item sorter I am able to proceed as usual. I have so far disabled every other mod besides the FallUI stuff and it still crashes, so I don't think it's a conflict with any other mods. I am not using AWKCR either, which I have read will cause this same issue. I am stumped, does anyone have any clue what it could be? Thank you in advance!
Got a bit of an odd bug? Everything is working but the icons for resources. Instead of being say, the icon for steel and then the word "Steel", it''s the tag between brackets and then the word steel. I'll take a screenshot and then post it here.
'Vanilla NO DLCs' - Version auch als deutsche Übersetzung irgendwo zu finden ist?
Wäre super, danke :)
EDIT: Nevermind, hätte es beinah' selber übersetzt, hab' aber gerade den 'Complex Sorter' Mod von m8r98a4f2 entdeckt und meinen eigenen Sorter aufgesetzt. WIRKLICH cooles Tool!!
Danke für die Spitzen Tools und die Arbeit, die Du da 'rein gesteckt hast Mate.... äh M8 :))
Hi, I mix and matched .swf (playing VR with Horizon and want to use particular files) and everything works right except I have the warning plastered over my pipboy because it doesn't detect one of the pieces. Is it possible to remove this warning? Or perhaps release a version without the file detection warning so people can use alternate pieces? I am using a custom DEF UI VR inventory .swf
Also thankyou so much for leaving this up for VR players!
A cool thing is to can use various icons for mods. By example using clothes icon to change color of outfit. I think a sort of extension for mods. Like [Mod-Clothes] by example. To say it's a mod but must show the clothes icons. Also with more icons. Another example for glove mods using unarmed icon [Mod-Unarmed].
You can do that even simpler with the new addon feature in the newer FIS. Also that sounds like a perfect case for a Complex Sorter rule (like if not vanilla esp, then tag with Mod-Tag)
Has anyone managed to successfully add Shotgun Shell under a [Ammo] tag ?
@m8r98a4f2 do NOT link me your FAQ, I read it back and forth. I cannot add it for the life of me. If I rename the item with Rename Anything mod, I renames a single shell, not the whole group.
That are no default FIS categories. Probably you have 4est enhancements or another mod installed. Check those for updates and install to the latest version
First of loving all the Fall Ui mods tremendous work here - that being said im having some trouble getting everything setup to work correctly.
I've managed to get almost everything to work and all item icons are showing after running the M8r Complex Sorter through FO4Edit, the only problem im having now is the weapon and armor extra properties (ie. Light, Shortened etc.) are now showing in the item name whereas before they would show in the item subtitle like intended.
Something is overwriting your armor INNR. Search which mod does that in fo4edit and reorder it in your modlist (or adjust/merge the mod). Probably just putting your R88innr lower in your LO will fix it
See Frequently Asked Questions
Item tagging and Item Sorter mods
List of all FallUI Item Sorter tags
Howto: Add Your Own Item Tag With Icon
Icon/tags for custom mods
Custom items added by mods are probably not covered by the pre-built packages and missing tags (and so have no icon).
The simplest solution is to add a tag in the workbench by renaming. (Even simpler with the FallUI - Workbench mod, which provide a tag picker.)
A permanent solution would be to add these tags in the item records in FO4Edit.
If you know how to use FO4Edit, you can check out Complex Sorter, which allows you to automatically tag all your mods at once in a single ESP file. (All files on this page created with Complex Sorter). A detailed How-To to migrate from this mod to Complex Sorter can be found here: How-To Upgrade FallUI Item Sorter Pre-Built To Custom-Built
^ Fix for workbench crash
weiss irgend jemand, ob die
'Vanilla NO DLCs' - Version auch als deutsche Übersetzung irgendwo zu finden ist?
Wäre super, danke :)
Nevermind, hätte es beinah' selber übersetzt, hab' aber gerade den 'Complex Sorter' Mod von m8r98a4f2 entdeckt und meinen eigenen Sorter aufgesetzt.
WIRKLICH cooles Tool!!
Danke für die Spitzen Tools und die Arbeit, die Du da 'rein gesteckt hast Mate.... äh M8 :))
Alles endorsed, was ich von Dir finden konnte
Also thankyou so much for leaving this up for VR players!
@m8r98a4f2 do NOT link me your FAQ, I read it back and forth. I cannot add it for the life of me. If I rename the item with Rename Anything mod, I renames a single shell, not the whole group.
I've managed to get almost everything to work and all item icons are showing after running the M8r Complex Sorter through FO4Edit, the only problem im having now is the weapon and armor extra properties (ie. Light, Shortened etc.) are now showing in the item name whereas before they would show in the item subtitle like intended.
Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.