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About this mod

Lets the player craft a simple sleeping bag that can be placed at your feet to sleep anywhere you like provided the cell is not locked for sleeping.

Permissions and credits
A Simple Sleeping Bag 1.0
Craft a portable sleeping bag to use from your inventory allowing you to sleep for as long as you like whenever and wherever you like assuming the cell allows it.

  • Craft the sleeping bag at a Chemical Workbench under Utilities > My Sleeping Bag
  • A new item named "My Sleeping Bag" will appear under the PipBoy AID tab near the top of the list. I added a space in the front of the name to sort it near the top.
  • Select it and a sleeping bag will appear at your feet. Sleep and when you wake, the bag will be moved back into your inventory.

  • The mod is flagged as an esl.
  • Some cells will not allow sleep. For instance, Vault 111 will not allow sleep. That is an attribute of the cell data and this mod will not alter that.
  • No vanilla records were altered. 
  • The sleeping bag model is the base model in the game. Any retextures of that model will work on this mod.
  • The sleeping bag is tagged as a clean bed so you can sleep as long as you like. However you can still catch an illness in some cells due to the way the cell is set up. 
  • You can change the name of My Sleeping Bag using xEdit.

Use a mod manager. 

Use a mod manager.

I like Mod Organizer 2 but use which ever mod manager you like.

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