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About this mod

Spruce up the Commonwealth with a little voxel painting

Permissions and credits


Blaster is crafted in the Chem Bench under Utility.

What a long, strange trip it's been...  For the past four years, this community has been awesome, especially those who work behind the scenes to keep this place running!  This mod is dedicated to the amazing Nexus Staff!

This mod is called PAINT THE TOWN and it uses the Alien Blaster pistol model to spray about large and small voxels for 3D painting. Current features include:

10 colors, 2 sizes, and 3 types of voxel:

Static: Collision-enabled voxels, you can walk on these, build bridges, barricade doors, etc with them.

Filler: Actors and projectiles can pass through these, but they pack more firmly together so are good for filling in spaces.

Havok: These are physic-enabled, i.e. they fall to the ground. I'm not sure why I included them but they're a little fun. Despite their shape (which is to reduce render processes), they have a spherical collision box, meaning they roll down hills, roads, and ball tracks perfectly.  I'm still not sure what purpose they yet may serve.

To Do in the future:

Longer range brushes - This mod has a set range, about 6-10 feet in front of the player. I'd like to add additional brushes with further range, or figure out some way of controlling how far the projectiles travel.

More colors - The 10 in this mod are: black, white, gray, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. I'd like to add some tertiary and derivative colors.

Some kind of hover device for making large paintings.

Check out my other mods!