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  1. LeahTheUnknown
    • premium
    • 717 kudos
    It's a known issue with my ammo-switcher that sometimes it refuses to load the menu with a zoom-in.  Until I can fix this, it has an easy solution. Just equip a different (non-scripted) weapon and zoom in, then switch back to the Paint Gun.

  2. Nahthisplace
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hi, I'd really like to use this mod to mark where I've been in cities so that I don't get lost but I don't understand how to obtain the gun?

    I tried searching "help alienblaster 4" to get the ID but that didn't work, or at least I got the blaster but I couldn't figure out how to make it shoot voxels.
    1. LeahTheUnknown
      • premium
      • 717 kudos
      The Paint the Town blaster is made in the chem bench, under Utility.

      I will change the description to mention this.
    2. Nahthisplace
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you so much! It works perfectly.
  3. p4th
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    1. LeahTheUnknown
      • premium
      • 717 kudos
  4. ElsnerMichael
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Well I was indeed able to use the paint gun to help me access the "Free Fall" armor at the top of Mass Fusion. It was sweet. But the gun has stopped working. Is it intended to be a "one use" thing? When I craft a new one, it works once (say in the testing to see if it works); but then it doesn't work after that.
  5. ElsnerMichael
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Ah, another esl mod. Can't use it. My old game won't load them. You know, not everyone had a million mods in their plugins. My game's an old version. Not going to trash a game build that's 5 years old... and start all over again with v1.10 for a mod. I've merged mods to keep my plugins file at around 200. That works well; but I have only ever gotten one esl mod to convert backwards and run successfully.

    What a cool looking toy though.
    1. LeahTheUnknown
      • premium
      • 717 kudos
      See, I didn't even know there was an "older" version of the game...  I'll start uploading ESPs again
    2. ElsnerMichael
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Thank you. Looking forward to trying it.
      One good use for this... using it to go after those pesky "free fall" boots at Mass Fusion.
      Damn, I wish I knew how to make even one mod. I'm a woodworker (cabinet and furniture maker) by profession. Making 100 of anything is a real accomplishment. I have, however, made tons and tons of evening meals and breakfasts. I have been a "house daddy"... also. Super hard job. My kids a both grown now... and I am old now. But I loved being home with them.
  6. PenelopeJenga
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Congrats on reaching 100 mods!
  7. villings
    • BANNED
    • 48 kudos
    congratulations on the 100th mod!!
    1. LeahTheUnknown
      • premium
      • 717 kudos