About this mod

Transfer Settlement Blueprint for Graygarden using only main game and DLC items.

Permissions and credits
Vanilla blueprint for Graygarden using only main game and DLC items.  Since the robots are doing all the farming, this is a small settlement with six beds.  There is a clinic, bar, weapon shop, and general goods store (all Tier 2) as well as three defense posts for a guard.  The remaining bed is intended for a provisioner.

Just scrap any debris laying about.  Keep the existing water pump.  NOTE:  The robots will auto assign themselves to the beds even though they are not using them, leaving the settlers standing around at night.  It may resolve itself eventually but to avoid this, before importing the settlement, I suggest placing six sleeping bags in the greenhouse which the robots will then immediately assign to.

This uses Slot #21 of Transfer Settlements.  Please download manually if you already have a blueprint in that slot or wish to assign it to a different slot.

Setup and Stability:  If you're new to this or have stability issues, PLEASE READ.

To avoid seeing ugly brush sprouting up through some the floors, you can try MDFs Grass Mod Fixes for Graygarden.

12/9/24 - Added alternative blueprint that removes Addictol and other loose items as decoration to avoid potential issues with the latest game update.