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  1. corpseletter
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    I'm getting this when I run CS for Cross_BAL:
    Info: INNR checksum for CROSSinnr_Bal doesn't match instruction set checksum. Skipping instruction set. - INNR checksum: 40,3,4,1 Instruction checksum: 40,1,3
    1. 4estGimp
      • premium
      • 816 kudos
      The INNR CROSSinnr_Bal has to come from the CROSS Break Action Laser mod.  Complex Sorter is seeing that INNR from another mod.  So some other mod is loading after CROSS Break Action Laser and is loading a different INNR.  I assume you have doubled up another Break Action Laser mod mod into your load order.
    2. corpseletter
      • premium
      • 79 kudos
      Thanks for the advice. Remembered that the Lunar Fallout Overhaul patch is a replacer and turned that off. Actually, I just turned everything off except for the ECO INNR override and original Cross_BAL plugin. CS now generated it fine. 
  2. Nesishoot
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Thank you :)