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Lina Greyfall

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  1. KittyKittenface
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    These are sooo good! I wish I had them as posters
  2. Outlaw Liberator
    Outlaw Liberator
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    can u add glow element to them
  3. EnclaveOverlord1
    • supporter
    • 51 kudos
    I'd kill to have this as craftable posters i can place in my settlements.
  4. Ordeiberon
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Minor nitpick, but I would like to see the new covers match the original titles. For instance Matrix should be "attack of the metal men" not sure if the titles are visible ingame. Great work in any case, and I hope you add more.
    1. Linaru
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      the comic titles dont show up in game they are just called Astoundingly Awesome Tales. I Tryed to match the textures with the bonuses the comics provide.
    2. Ordeiberon
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Ah that makes more sense, good work.
  5. BiGtom23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When the ck comes out a standalone version of this where you have to go track down all these comics would be awesome. Especially if there where little buffs attached to them. Just a thought, but great job. Also a stand alone version would be cool just for making my magazine collection bigger.
  6. Aegis_13
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Random. Very random. Also, price is wrong.
    1. BlackRoseOfThorns
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      That's how the comics and books were back in 70s. In Fallout unniverse fashion didn't really progress past that era, so you can consider this mod lore friendly. The price steadily grow from ~12c in 60s to ~50c in 70s, but it also varied from tittle to tittle.


    2. Vigilant Warden
      Vigilant Warden
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      In Fallout, most regular magazines before the war (2076-2077 issuing year) net around $30 to $40 dollars an *issue*. Aegis_13 is correct.
  7. deleted7785659
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Its a shame its for something kind of minor, because the art fits with the rest of the comics. Maybe you could find a couple that are similar and put together a stand alone poster/picture mod? sorry it just doesnt seem worth downloading for one comic cover ill prob never really look at again.
    1. BlackRoseOfThorns
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      All the magazines can be displayed, you just have to craft appropriate furniture.


      PS: The download is 609kb. By the time you finished posting it you would already have had it installed.
  8. anothercocabonga
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Go away, dirty thoughts :]