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  1. SpringHeelJon
    • premium
    • 456 kudos
    V2.2 Introduces post pass tone mapping via sweet FX. This has enabled me to fine tune gamma and exposure. I have also disabled detailed shadows and enabled cloud shadows with time of day tweaks to suit. The result is a slight net gain in performance and closer to vanilla colours with more ambient variation from the moving cloud shadow.
  2. Fearagorn
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    This is the ULTIMATE enb for FO4. It's simply the best. Thank you VERY much! 
  3. Mythor
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Why is there Winners Don't Use Drugs and C64 boot screen images in the Textures folder? O_o
    1. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      Ha, ask Crosire. It’s part of the sweetFX add on.
    2. Mythor
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Ahh! Fair enough. ;)
    3. Fearagorn
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I gotta say those 2 images brought back the 1980 nerd kid in me! lol
      Edit: And i just saw that the Dept of field technique is called Marty McFly! hahahaha
      Gotta love it!
  4. Fearagorn
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    FINALLY! no really you don't know....i have been trying out ENB and lighting mod for more than a month. Every day. all day.
    I was just about to quit. But YOUR ENB with the setting just did a MIRACLE. It looks EXACTLY like how i envisioned it SHOULD look. ENB always make either darkness too dark and light too bright, or contrast the color too much. Its like people have no eyes to see. But just the perfect balance. It ADD to the game, without completely changing everything. Id add shadows, that are at the right place, in which YOU CAN SEE. but its darker. I am just flabbergasted. I thought it wasn't possible and was resigned to just go vanilla....and then i found YOUR MOD.
    I'd kiss you but i don't want a lawsuit so i will settle for saying THANK YOU!
  5. Quercia92
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    i use basically vanilla weathers since true storms only alters...storms LOL this is very good!! i use it with the latest enb binary
  6. SuperDaddyD
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Recommended ENB Binary  to use? Just use the latest ver. 0.487?
  7. LuluAshfield
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    M Fallout 4 never looked nicer. Thanks for the ENB.
  8. deleted21699859
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    Nice work! This is one of the only ENBs that I found that actually make the game look clear and keep the frames stable. Other ENBs seem to cut my frames in half on hardware that was released years after the ENB was created!!! Wonderful pictures too.

    : )
  9. Cobocabana
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Is there any thing I can do to make this preset give a more vibrant colorful feeling? Been playing with it for a while and just want a change of pace but havent had as good an experience with other presets. I am using WTP if that matters
    1. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      If you are using WTP download the latest 2.3 file from here and overwrite. See how you get on with that.
    2. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      You can then adjust the saturation under "Postpassshader" if you want more colour.
    3. Cobocabana
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Looks good, thank you!
  10. faun
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I have a question about video memory
    I have a 3090 rtx, should I change that to 24000 to account for my additional memory?
    1. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      No, leave that setting alone. The forcevideomemorysize is set to false so it doesn't affect anything.
  11. felixmeirelles
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Unfortunately I tested 2.2 a lot and really lost stability here.
    Same thing as Subtle ENB(sweet FX too) do here, random crashs to desktop.

    I returned to 1.7 and can play for 12h with no interruptions again.

    I believe that the ENB(v0.461) is currently very stable, a profile solution focused only on its resources(like 1.7) represents a stability gain that not even Besthesda was able to give to the game.

    The vast majority of ENBs profiles in Nexus are old and not explore the new ENB resorces.
    As I suggested earlier that you not forget the 1.7 with ENB AO. Maybe we can even talk to Boris Vorontsov if you find something crispy.

    I believe he has been trying to come up with the definitive answer more than anyone else.

    Thank you!
    1. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      I have played with 2.2 fairly extensively and haven’t had any crashes. Are you running any overlays or anything that could be causing instability? 
    2. felixmeirelles
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Only correctly set Load Accelerator mod , all overlays disable.

      With Borderless Window probably is more stable, but fullscreen has better performance and not crash with enb+your 1.7 profile.

      I have +-88hrs of true fallout 4 gamming in the last 2 weeks:

      Crashes usually happens in moments after a lot of weapons scrap (buy everything and scrap for parts), in long settlement construction runs and combats with Targeting HUD in Power Armor Helmet (berry mentats happens too).
    3. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      Are you using buffout 4? Could you post a crash log.
    4. felixmeirelles
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I dont't have buffout 4, but now I can't play enough to crash because I have an elbow injury. (excess play :-)  )

      The "Detect Live Magic"(T.Hud and B. Mentats) buffer overflow is documented in community
      " I went back into Fallout 4, recreated the situation, then started spawning Human NPC's, and after about 35 - 40 I started consistently CTD'ing. Repeated the tests without the Targetting HUD, no CTD"

      It's a Vanilla issue and semi-random thing, but as I said with the ENB and your olds profiles the game not crash for first time ever, I archived 100 levels in 15 days without only one CTD.
      I'm a Heavy Berry Mentats user for Construction/manufacturing, it's give +5 inteligence boost for extra EXP points.
    5. SpringHeelJon
      • premium
      • 456 kudos
      I would highly recommend you use buffout 4. Even a vanilla setup benefits from it. It is also excellent at detecting memory leaks or potential problems before they occur.
    6. felixmeirelles
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      In my old experiences with it I didn't gain stability with Buffout 4, it's only cool if you already use mods with F4SE dependency.
      As a primary FPS realtime player style (No VATS)(5000hrs CSGO), the good and right settings in Vanilla game are essential. Everything that can cause input lag or random latency bothers me.
      But that's okay with your attempt to help.
      I understand that 99% of the community users does not fit my STABILITY>PERFORMANCE>VISUALS preferences.

      And more one time thanks for sharing your work!